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Housing requirements in rural areas
Federal housing policy for rural areas is now at a crossroads. Since 1949 more than two million rural families have received benefits through housing programs of the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) and about 700,000 through the deep-subsidy programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Early in 1985 the Reagan Administration proposed that additional aid under these programs be suspended for two years, after which all subsidized housing in rural areas would be provided by HUD. While Congress has not yet concurred in these proposed changes, deep cutbacks in proggram levels are expected in the process of reducing the Federal budget deficit. In this transition period, legislators and community groups are going back to the drawing board and asking basic questions about rural housing needs and programs. The questions include the following: (1) What kinds of housing difficulties face low and moderate income families in rural areas? (2) Is there a chronic credit gap for housing in rural areas? (3) What is the connection between the problems of the farm economy and housing problems in rural areas? (4) Are the Federal and State programs now in place able to deal effectively with these problems? (5) Are additional or alternative measures--private as well as public--called for?
Ethylene dibromide: Regulatory background
Since the Fall of 1983, there has been heightened public concern about the possible health effects of ethylene dibromide (EDB), a chemical which has caused cancer in laboratory animals. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned the pesticidal use of EDB for oil fumigation in September 1983 after discovering that EDB could migrate into groundwater supplies. In December 1983 that State of Florida stopped the sale of food products which contained any detectable levels of EDB, since no Federally approved safe levels had ever been established. In February and March of 1984 EPA banned most other pesticidal uses of EDB, and recommended certain residue levels as a guide to state actions. Since that time, some of the controversy has quieted. This paper addresses the background of EDB, its uses, and EPA's regulatory proposals and actions.
Implementation of medicare's hospice benefit
This document provides (1) background information on hospice care and a summary of current law provisions authorizing coverage for hospice care under Medicare; (2) information on the National Hospice Study; (3) information on the implementation of the hospice benefit; and (4) a discussion of hospice issues.
Labor standards: Statistics concerning staffing and compliance activity by the United States Department of Labor, 1976-1986
This report presents a statistical review of the pattern of staffing and enforcement/compliance activity within the United States Department of Labor through fiscal years 1976 to 1986. It notes the work hours required to administer the following statutes: the Fair Labor Standards Act; the several Federal procurement labor standards statutues -- the Davis-Bacon Act, the Walsh-Healy Act, and the McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act; and the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act and its successor, after 1983, the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Workers Protection Act. It also notes the number of violations of the several acts and the dollar amounts of back wages involved, where applicable. All tables have been developed from data provided by the Wage and Hour Division, United States Department of Labor.
The educational attainment of select groups of "at risk" children and youth
This paper focuses on three select groups of children and youth who appear to be "at risk" for depressed educational attainment - those from single-parent families, those from persistently poor families, and those who give birth during their teenage years. It addresses three basic questions: (1) Are these groups of children and youth at risk of depressed educational attainment? (2) How might these characteristics lead to depressed educational attainment? (3) What implications does the current research have for examining Federal responses to the educational needs of these children and youth?
The subsidization of natural resources in the United States
The objective of this report is to review the various ways or forms in which the Federal Government affects the costs of mining and natural resource-based products of the United States. The report describes how current Federal laws and polices affect the market costs of livestock, timber, food and fiber, fisheries, water, hardrock mining, fuel minerals, oil and gas, hydroelectric power, and petroleum substitutes. The analysis is not restricted to any particular definition of subsidy, but rather attempts to identify any domestic circumstances where it would be possible to suggest that natural resource-based products marketed by the United States are not paying the full, immediate cost of producing or consuming that resource. The report also identifies some of the broader forms of assistance provided to U.S. industry that affect all industry, not just natural resources, or are applicable to more than one resource industry category.