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; July, Kit; (‘orn--.\'o. *'ept. 77‘oc. . 0ats——.\'o. 2 whiti. 4.34-; .\'o. :' tlt‘. ~l4'4t‘. .\'0. l white. 433.; Jaly. ~l3\c. Wheat future.-‘)——July. 81.00%; >‘ept.. 8l.07\ Wheat iredl—.\'o. 3. 8l.2.‘i£il.20’»; .\'o. 4. 3t.20@l.22. \\'heat (hard)--No. A. $1.13, 2. 3l.l2@l.l'.'; .\'o. 3, 81.11. If you want to buy or sell some- thing
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A rut/E1e’5 FIELD. 145 He’ ‘Ill; her hand, her counsel all had wrought About them 2 here was one that, summer- V blaiich’d, “ as P?1}‘Cel-bearded with the travellei"s- J0)’ Autumn, parcel ivy-clad ; and here 19 warm-blue breathings of a hidden B hearth roke from a bower of vine and honey- suckle : Oxne look‘d all rosetree, and another wore I close—set robe of jasmine sown with _ stars: :/l
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PREFACE. Through the medium of the Territorial Board of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Managers of New Mexico, the publication of this volume on New Mexico Mines and Minerals was made possible. The Board of Managers fully recognized, in the beginning, the importance of presenting in a proper and concise manner such matters of interest, at the Great Exposition in the City of St. Louis, concerning New Mexico, as would redound to the general welfare of the commonwealth and at the same time tend to reflect credit on itself in the performance of its manifold duties, has in accordance with such views, sanctioned the publication of this brief historical Memoir descriptive of the Mines and Minerals of New Mexico. It is sincerely hoped by the Commission that the matter herein contained will be cordially received by a generous public and may prove both interesting and valuable to all from a scientific, as well as from a historical standpoint. Technical terms and phrases have been avoided as much as was consistent in elucidating intelli- gently the various topics discussed. E Should any criticism be offered as to the manner, character and style of presenting the subjects contained in “New Mexico Mines and Minerals,” the author desires the other members of the board exonerated from such rebuke, and will himself shoulder the full responsibility; since the whole volume was entirely written by him and was left in his hands, absolutely. . Moreover, the author wishes to say that he gratuitously prepared the whole of the manuscript and bore the entire burden and expense of collation, correspondence and stenog- raphy- , Every effort was exerted to secure and include only that which is authentic, and whenever possible, verified by liying representatives of the “early days,” who were on the ground in person. It should be observed. then, that the source of
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'1’!-IE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, OCT, 4, 1913.—sz9 _.i—j—é‘ ’ ' " ''—‘''’''_‘’Q‘‘—‘_” 7 ‘ You can learn to play the Pianola Piano in half-an-hour Just think what this means—thirty minutes only separate you from the life-long gift of music. Simple as they are to manipulate, the expression devices of the Pianola Piano are intensely susceptible
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°"""- ’. i ' ‘ sauce: ililflldid 10‘? cl“? *0‘ _FOR RENT"‘R°°m f°" 1 °’ 2 placed second in Valley baseball.’ In 1918-'20 the cup was won byi A""""""m" M" 5”” ma‘? MHAIAERS 1; I _ pus: 88250. Also 6-room mod-‘kids. Phone 790 red- 1322 Anti» 5,5,,‘ no,“ out by ‘me, 1.“ ye“; The 9.‘ °————_-—— ;¢._fl-3,0“ Gig‘, in 1921 by Sedfln: for two polo games
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Ashamed of Jesus. For Je - - sus, my Sav - ior, is not ashamed of me. For Je-sns,IIy Sav- ior, for Jo-sus, my_ Sav-lor, /\ ‘No. 95. I Nearer,, Still Nearer. OOPVRIGNT 1808 BY H. I. GILMOUR WENONAH I J. c. H. M. ' 3,5, ,, ,;E,,_,,,,o '_ - ' Mrs. c. H. Mon-Is. A L! I I I .4lL4 V h,A A I 1 I I I I L I ‘W h _K‘t I I 1 I Q I J I . 1' . A I I I l I e l , I 1. Near-er, still near- er
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MoB1.1'1‘T, GRACE, SMITH, S1-IULL, COPE, i\’I11.'r1«:N13URoER, ZINN, U’I"I‘I£1{l3ACK, BARNl£'I"I‘, RYAN, VV()R'I‘1\IANN, C1111.1)s COCKRELL, SCo'1‘T, Ht:L1., lC1)wAR1)s, NOAH, M.ooR1~;, L1-zwis, l"1NK1aL, P1-:cK, 'l'u1<N1«:1< MARTIN, VVI{I’l‘I..OCK, W'1«:1.Ls, CleIALKI.1'1Y, 'l‘Ho.\41>soN, 'l‘ALBo'r, SULLICNS, li1
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95 A A sromz on “Well,” Wheaton said, “make out your bill and order refreshments at once; two years’ secrecy goes.” It is not necessary to say that he saw the mines. p I went to work at once, engaged the town hall and a string band, ordered supper to be prepared by the two hotels of the place for two hundred guests and selected two well-known business men of the camp to send out invitations for the miners and their wives to attend a ball and supper on the coming Saturday night. 4 This somewhat elaborate programme was duly carried out and I got the credit for giving one of the most enjoyable affairs they had had there for a long time. During the course of the evening I became acquainted with miners and prospectors who had come in from the surrounding country and with whom I had not before come l in contact. A t . t ‘_ Among the number was an interesting indi- vidual by the name of Campbell, who gave me la. A cordial invitations to visit his place, somethirty rnilesdistant. A He‘ gave me full directions as to the route, stating that Itwould pass a number tor mines, would go through a beautiful forest of yellow and sugar pines, 7a saw-mill where
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cm. Volume 2, no. 13 (Jan. 1, 1829)—vo|ume 2, no. 36 (Dec. 15, 1829). Semimonthly. Continues: Farrier and naturalist. Continued by: Hippiatrist and veterinaryjournal. Horseman's chronicle. The farrier and naturalist, or, Horseman's chronicle. Horseman's chronicle. 9253579 Ajournal that came into existence to expose, humiliate, and bait Prof. Coleman until he would seek legal
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Arch Watson goes high for a rebound while teammates Lynn Bedford, No. 16, and Loren Mills watch. WASHINGTON U. FIELDHOUSE, St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 13--Rushed off their feet by a smooth- working, clever ball-handling Tiger five in the first half, Washington University’s Bears fought back in the last twenty minutes to pull ahead and win the game, 35-27. Watson, Nash, and Mills paced the Tiger five
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Quantrill, 104; worked at the ferry where Quantrill loafed; associates of Quantrill described by, 105; more about Quantrill, 113; knew him as Charley Hart; put a negro over the river; Quantrill and McGees took negro, 114 ; returned negro to owner and got reward; gave Herd $100 of reward, 115; went with Quantrill to race against Mulkey’s Colt; account of trace, 116; statement of concerning Stewart
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Hutchison, Sandy Smith, Linda Marshall, Carol Mallnian, Angela Dormeyer. HiXS0Iis Virginia White- “. « “V an l Row 1: Ann Olclham, Patsy Mathew, Miss Louise Gerwin, Judy GIOVBT, C2‘-F0iYI1 T0iiiV€I3 Sandra PHUCTSOIL NHHCY Hunts Ginny ', 147