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Playing out of the deep woods: stories
A collection of stories on subjects ranging from golf to the Vietnam War. One story, Peeper, is on voyeurism, another, Mutiny, is on an exhibition of courage by an old man.
Plat Book of Platte County, Missouri: . ., Plat Book of Platte County, Missouri: . .
-, -, -, 1930, ,
Map of Platte County -- T.50 and 51N. part of Pettis R.33W -- T.50 and 51N. parts of Waldron and Pettis R.34W -- T.51 and 52N. May R.33 and 34W -- T.52 and 53N. part of Carroll R.33 and 34W -- t.53N. part of Preston R.33 and 34W -- T.54 and 55N. part of Preston R.33 and 34W -- T.51N. part of Waldron R.35W -- t.52N. part of Pettis R.34 and 35W -- T.52 and 53N. part of Carroll R.34 and 35.W -- T.53N. part of Fair R.34W -- T.53, 54, and 55N. part of Green R.33 and 34W. -- T.52N. Lee R.35 and 36W -- T.53N. part of Fair R.35 and 36W. -- T.54 and 55N. part of Green R.35W -- T.53 and 54N. Weston R.35 and 36W -- T.54 and 55N. part of Marshall R.37W -- T.54 and 55N. part of Marshall R.35 and 36W.
Plat Book of Lafayette County, Missouri: . ., Plat Book of Lafayette County, Missouri: . .
-, -, -, 1930, ,
Map of Lafayette County, Missouri -- T.49N. Part of Clay R.28W -- T50 and 51N. Part of Clay R.28W -- T.50N. Part of Clay R.29W -- T.49N. Part of Clay R.29W -- T.49N. Parts of Davis and Freedom R.24W -- T.49N. Parts of Davis and Freedom R.25W -- T.51N. Part of Dover R.25W -- T.50N. Part of Dover R.25W -- T.48N. Part of Freedom R.24W -- T.48N. Part of Freedom R.25W -- T.51N. Part of Lexington R.27W -- T.50N. Part of Lexington R.27W -- T.51N. Parts of Lexington and Dover R.26W -- T.50N. Parts of Lexington and Dover R.26W. -- T.50N. Part of Middleton R.24W -- T.51 and 52N. Part of Middleton R.24W -- T.48N. Part of Sni-A-Bar R.28W -- T.48N. Part of Sni-A-Bar R.29W -- T.48N. Part of WAshington R.27W -- T.49N. Part of Washington R.27W -- T.49N. Parts of Washington and Davis R.26W -- T.48N. Parts of Washington, Davis, and Freedom R.26W.
Federal funding for education services for undocumented alien children
This paper describes the program under which funds were made available in the 98th Congress for the education of immigrant children, including the undocumented, as well as other federally funded education programs for alien children. Concerns in the area of education of aliens, including the availability of data on the undocumented, are discussed.