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A New general collection of voyages and travels ; consisting of the most esteemed relations, which have been hitherto published in any language ; comprehending every thing remarkable in its kind, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America: with respect to the several empires, kingdoms, and provinces ; their situation, extent, bounds and division, climate, soil and produce ; their lakes, rivers, mountains, cities, principal towns, harbours, buildings, &c. and the gradual alterations that from time to time have happened in each ; also the manners and customs of the several inhabitants ; their religion and government, arts and sciences, trades and manufactures ; so as to form a compleat system of modern geography and history, exhibiting the present state of all nations .... Volume 1
Foure bookes of husbandrie, collected by M. Conradus Heresbachius, councellour to the high and mightie prince, the Duke of Cleue : [pages 95-96]: containing the whole art and trade of husbandry, gardening, graffing, and planting, with the antiquitie, and commendation thereof. Newly Englished, and increased by Barnabe Googe, Esquire.
How the government borrows: A primer
The United States Government is the world's largest debtor. It owes nearly $2 trillion and is borrowing more at a rate of approximately $200 billion a year. This report explains the basics of how the Government goes about borrowing these sums.