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Regional and local impacts of commercial airport relocation: A summary analysis of some factors
Economic impacts of relocating a commercial airport from one area to another within a metropolitan region may be felt by the locality being left, by the locality receiving the activity, and by the larger metropolitan region containing the two locations. This paper provides a brief analysis of factors associated with economic impacts for the affected areas. The analysis is based on generalized assumptions for economic conditions in the respective areas prior to the hypothetical relocation.
P.L. 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act: Its development, implementation, and current issues
P.L. 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, is generally regarded as a landmark in the establishment of educational equality for school-age handicapped children in the United States. This paper, written upon the 10th anniversary of the enactment of P.L. 94-142, examines the law's background, development, and implementation, and discusses issues before Congress on its future.
Comparison of 98th Congress bills proposing enterprise zones, revitalization areas, or job expansion areas
This comparison shows the main features of the Administration's enterprise zone bills, and of the several bills that have been introduced in the 98th Congress as alternatives. These are the bills that have been the subject of hearings. H.R. 1735 (Mitchell) and S. 634 (Hart et al.) are companion bills emphasizing participation by residents and community organizations in Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP's) and General Stock Ownership Corporations (GSOC's). H.R. 2375 (Nowak) includes provisions for extension of the Economic Development Administration programs and increased activity by the Small Business Administration, in addition to the tax incentives featured in the other bills.
Comparison of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (PL 89-329), as amended and H.R. 3700, the Higher Education Amendments of 1985, as.. ...: passed by the House (December 4, 1985); and S. 1965, the Higher Education Amendments of 1986, as passed by the Senate (June 3, 1986)
This paper provides a title-by-title comparison and contrast of major current law provisions of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (PL 89-329), as amended, with thos of the reauthorizing legislation as passed by the House on December 4, 1985 and by the Senate on June 3, 1986: HR 3700, the Higher Education Amendments of 1985 and S. 1965, the Higher Education Amendments of 1986. After the Senate passed S. 1965, the House passed S. 1965 amended with the language of H.R. 3700 as passed by the House. Those who have contributed to this report want to express their appreciation to Nan Hill for her exceptional editorial skills and perseverance in preparing this report.