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Comparison of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (PL 89-329), as amended and H.R. 3700, the Higher Education Amendments of 1985, as.. ...: passed by the House (December 4, 1985); and S. 1965, the Higher Education Amendments of 1986, as passed by the Senate (June 3, 1986)
This paper provides a title-by-title comparison and contrast of major current law provisions of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (PL 89-329), as amended, with thos of the reauthorizing legislation as passed by the House on December 4, 1985 and by the Senate on June 3, 1986: HR 3700, the Higher Education Amendments of 1985 and S. 1965, the Higher Education Amendments of 1986. After the Senate passed S. 1965, the House passed S. 1965 amended with the language of H.R. 3700 as passed by the House. Those who have contributed to this report want to express their appreciation to Nan Hill for her exceptional editorial skills and perseverance in preparing this report.
Federal executive, legislative, and judicial compensation: The situation and choices as the 100th Congress convenes
This report discusses compensation for high-level Federal officials including the Vice President, Cabinet and sub-cabinet officers, agency heads, Members of Congress, and the Federal judiciary. It sets forth arguments for and against the substantial increases recommended by the special 1986 Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries as well as the President's pay recommendations submitted in his FY88 Budget Message (see Appendix for these) and presents factors that enter into determining an appropriate and adequate pay for these officers of the Government.
Title III of the Higher Education Act: Provisions and funding
Title III of the Higher Education Act authorizes a number of programs to strengthen institutions of higher education, particularly those serving needy and minority students. The FY 1987 appropriation for these programs was $144.208 million. This paper reviews the current provisions of title III, the title's recent appropriatios history, and the FY 1988 Budget Request for its programs.
Ethylene dibromide: Regulatory background
Since the Fall of 1983, there has been heightened public concern about the possible health effects of ethylene dibromide (EDB), a chemical which has caused cancer in laboratory animals. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned the pesticidal use of EDB for oil fumigation in September 1983 after discovering that EDB could migrate into groundwater supplies. In December 1983 that State of Florida stopped the sale of food products which contained any detectable levels of EDB, since no Federally approved safe levels had ever been established. In February and March of 1984 EPA banned most other pesticidal uses of EDB, and recommended certain residue levels as a guide to state actions. Since that time, some of the controversy has quieted. This paper addresses the background of EDB, its uses, and EPA's regulatory proposals and actions.
The educational attainment of select groups of "at risk" children and youth
This paper focuses on three select groups of children and youth who appear to be "at risk" for depressed educational attainment - those from single-parent families, those from persistently poor families, and those who give birth during their teenage years. It addresses three basic questions: (1) Are these groups of children and youth at risk of depressed educational attainment? (2) How might these characteristics lead to depressed educational attainment? (3) What implications does the current research have for examining Federal responses to the educational needs of these children and youth?