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Sheltered workshops for persons with handicaps: Background information and recent legislative changes
The Federal Government certifies sheltered workshops to pay wages below the statutory minimum wage to handicapped persons with impaired earning capacity. The 99th Congress amended the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to simplify the provisions related to certification of sheltered workshops and to provide procedures to help assure fair remuneration for these handicapped workers.
Comparison of the Departments of Energy and Health and Human Services weatherization assistance programs
The Federal Government administers two weatherization programs designed to assist low-income households reduce the cost of home energy consumption: (1) the Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization Assistance program and (2) the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program (LIHEAP), Weatherization Assistance Component. This paper summarizes the purpose, eligibility criteria, and relevant data and expenditures of these two weatherization programs.
Banking deregulation: Major forms and arguments "pro and con"
Banking deregulation may be defined as the loosening of regulatory constraints on these institutions. Since the late 1970s, and as part of a broader trend toward deregulation, banking organizations have experienced many important changes in their regulatory environment. This report identifies the different kinds of deregulation that are under way. It then presents some "pro and con" arguments applicable both to financial deregulation generally and to specific kinds of banking deregulation under consideration in the Congress at the present time. Additional references are provided.
Comparison of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (PL 89-329), as amended and H.R. 3700, the Higher Education Amendments of 1985, as.. ...: passed by the House (December 4, 1985); and S. 1965, the Higher Education Amendments of 1986, as passed by the Senate (June 3, 1986)
This paper provides a title-by-title comparison and contrast of major current law provisions of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (PL 89-329), as amended, with thos of the reauthorizing legislation as passed by the House on December 4, 1985 and by the Senate on June 3, 1986: HR 3700, the Higher Education Amendments of 1985 and S. 1965, the Higher Education Amendments of 1986. After the Senate passed S. 1965, the House passed S. 1965 amended with the language of H.R. 3700 as passed by the House. Those who have contributed to this report want to express their appreciation to Nan Hill for her exceptional editorial skills and perseverance in preparing this report.
Ground water protection: Editorial commentary (September 3, 1984 - April 10, 1985)
This Editorial Commentary includes articles and editorials which focus on the concern over the quality and future availability of ground water. It is arranged in two sections. The first contains articles on the topic including one reproduced from the CRS Review. Editorials selected from the files maintained by the Congressional Research Service are included in the second section arranged chronologically.
Hazardous waste issues: Selected references, 1983-1984
This three-part bibliography deals with Superfund, including evaluations of the program and discussions of its reauthorization; management of hazardous waste, including methods of disposal or detoxification as well as management of existing dumps; and the aspects of liability.
Sheltered workshops for the handicapped: Background information and pending legislation
Sheltered workshops serve the dual functions of rehabilitation training facility and employment opportunity for handicapped individuals. The Federal Government certifies sheltered workshops to pay subminimum wages and purchases commodities and services from workshops under a special procurement program. This paper discusses these Federal programs and pending legislation regarding sheltered workshops.
State and local assistance for narcotics control: The Anti-Drug Act of 1986
The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-570) established a program of grants to State and local agencies for drug law enforcement. Under that statute, the Bureau of Justice Assistance is authorized, under the State and Local Assistance for Narcotics Control Formula Grant Program, to make grants to States, for use by States and local units of government. These grants are awarded to State and local governments to enforce laws that establish offenses similar to offenses established in the Controlled Substances Act. These funds may be used to support programs which improve the apprehension, prosecution, adjudication, detention, and rehabilitation of drug offenders. Eradication programs, treatment programs, and programs which concentrate on major drug offenders are also eligible for funding.
U.S. military satellites and survivability
This paper describes satellite survivability measures in general. It then provides separate write-ups on each generic type of U.S. military satellite system, including national security. Each write-up states the current situation, with regard to satellites in orbit, and future plans, emphasizing survivability measures.