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Interest rates on consumer and commercial loans: Why the difference?
This paper, using the period from May 1982 to May 1983 as a case study, will examine the reasons for the inflexibility of rates charged by banks on consumer loans relative to rates charged by banks on business loans. The first half of the paper will attempt to establish the differences, and the reasons for such differences, in changes between consumer loan rates and commercial loan charges. The second half of the paper will analyze the reasons for these differences in light of bank yields on outstanding loans to consumers and businesses from 1966 through 1983. Finally, current data will be examined from the point of view of the conclusions reached in the report.
Comparison of the Departments of Energy and Health and Human Services weatherization assistance programs
The Federal Government administers two weatherization programs designed to assist low-income households reduce the cost of home energy consumption: (1) the Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization Assistance program and (2) the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program (LIHEAP), Weatherization Assistance Component. This paper summarizes the purpose, eligibility criteria, and relevant data and expenditures of these two weatherization programs.
Banking deregulation: Major forms and arguments "pro and con"
Banking deregulation may be defined as the loosening of regulatory constraints on these institutions. Since the late 1970s, and as part of a broader trend toward deregulation, banking organizations have experienced many important changes in their regulatory environment. This report identifies the different kinds of deregulation that are under way. It then presents some "pro and con" arguments applicable both to financial deregulation generally and to specific kinds of banking deregulation under consideration in the Congress at the present time. Additional references are provided.
Laws implicated by shipments of military materials to Iran
Laws Implicated By Shipments of Military Materials to Iran, Raymond J. Celada, Senior Specialist. November 20, 1986, revised November 24, 1986. Covert shipments of war materials to Iran raise issues concerning the wisdom of Administration policies and the legality of the shipments and the procedures followed in making them. This report deals with the legal issues and highlights the following authorities as being immediately implicated: the Arms Export Control Act, the Foreign Assistance Act, the Export Administration Act, the National Security Act, the Hostage Act, and potentially various funding and expenditure regulations.
Sheltered workshops for the handicapped: Background information and pending legislation
Sheltered workshops serve the dual functions of rehabilitation training facility and employment opportunity for handicapped individuals. The Federal Government certifies sheltered workshops to pay subminimum wages and purchases commodities and services from workshops under a special procurement program. This paper discusses these Federal programs and pending legislation regarding sheltered workshops.
State and local assistance for narcotics control: The Anti-Drug Act of 1986
The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-570) established a program of grants to State and local agencies for drug law enforcement. Under that statute, the Bureau of Justice Assistance is authorized, under the State and Local Assistance for Narcotics Control Formula Grant Program, to make grants to States, for use by States and local units of government. These grants are awarded to State and local governments to enforce laws that establish offenses similar to offenses established in the Controlled Substances Act. These funds may be used to support programs which improve the apprehension, prosecution, adjudication, detention, and rehabilitation of drug offenders. Eradication programs, treatment programs, and programs which concentrate on major drug offenders are also eligible for funding.
Housing requirements in rural areas
Federal housing policy for rural areas is now at a crossroads. Since 1949 more than two million rural families have received benefits through housing programs of the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) and about 700,000 through the deep-subsidy programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Early in 1985 the Reagan Administration proposed that additional aid under these programs be suspended for two years, after which all subsidized housing in rural areas would be provided by HUD. While Congress has not yet concurred in these proposed changes, deep cutbacks in proggram levels are expected in the process of reducing the Federal budget deficit. In this transition period, legislators and community groups are going back to the drawing board and asking basic questions about rural housing needs and programs. The questions include the following: (1) What kinds of housing difficulties face low and moderate income families in rural areas? (2) Is there a chronic credit gap for housing in rural areas? (3) What is the connection between the problems of the farm economy and housing problems in rural areas? (4) Are the Federal and State programs now in place able to deal effectively with these problems? (5) Are additional or alternative measures--private as well as public--called for?
U.S. military satellites and survivability
This paper describes satellite survivability measures in general. It then provides separate write-ups on each generic type of U.S. military satellite system, including national security. Each write-up states the current situation, with regard to satellites in orbit, and future plans, emphasizing survivability measures.
Implementation of medicare's hospice benefit
This document provides (1) background information on hospice care and a summary of current law provisions authorizing coverage for hospice care under Medicare; (2) information on the National Hospice Study; (3) information on the implementation of the hospice benefit; and (4) a discussion of hospice issues.