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Plat Book of Boone County, Missouri: . ., Plat Book of Boone County, Missouri: . .
-, -, -, 1930, ,
Map of Boone County, Missouri -- T.46N. Part of Cedar R.11W -- T.47N. Part of Cedar R.11W -- T.48N. Part of Columbia R.11W -- T.49N. Part of Columbia R.11W -- T.49 and 50N. Part of Rocky Fork R.11W -- T.51N. Centralia R.11W -- T.45N. Part of Cedar R.11, 12 and 13W -- T.46N. Part of Cedar R.12W -- T.47N. Part of Cedar R.12W -- T.48N. Part of Columbia R.12 and 13W -- T.49N. Part of Columbia R.12 and 13W -- T.49 and 50N. Part of Rocky Fork R.12 and 13W -- T.51N. Part of Bourbon R.12W -- T.46N. Part of Cedar R.13W -- T.49N. Part of Missouri R.13W -- T.48N. Part of Missouri R.13W -- T.49N. Part of Perche R.13W -- T.50N. Part of Perche R.13W -- T.47N. Part of Cedar R.13 and 14W -- T.51N. Part of Bourbon R.13 and 14W -- T.49N. Part of Perche R.14W -- T.50N. Part of Perche R.14W -- T.48N. Part of Missouri R.14 and 15W -- T.49N. Part of Missouri R.14W.
The airport improvement program
The Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 provided for reinstitution of a Federal airport improvement program. This report discusses the major features of this program and experience with it to date. The report also discusses major issues that may affect the program in the future.