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Gramm-Rudman-Hollings legislation: Editorial commentary
Balanced Budget and Deficit Reduction Act (commonly known as Gramm-Rudman) calls for a balanced Federal budget by 1991. This Editorial Commentary looks at how Federal spending reductions may be achieved. It also includes comments on how the process for providing automatic budget reductions will effect the balance of power between the executive and legislative branches in the years when Congress cannot agree. The Editorial Commentary is divided into two sections. The first contains newspaper articles focusing on the passage of Gramm-Rudman and its impact. The second includes editorials selected from the editorial collection maintained by Library Services Division. Both sections are arranged in reverse chronological order.
Acid rain: Editorial commentary
This Editorial Commentary focuses on national concerns with acid rain. It also contains materials on the recent joint report of the Special Envoys on Acid Rain -- Drew Lewis representing the United States and William Davis, Canada. It includes an overview article and selected newspaper editorials from U.S. regional newspapers. It covers the period from September 1, 1985 through January 18, 1986.
Household accounting document.
Alcala de Henares, Spain. Isabel I, Queen of Spain. Document on paper, in Spanish, signed "Yo la Reyna." Alcalá de Henares, 12 July 1503. Folio (29.3 cm). On the first two and a half pages the queen orders Sancho de Paredes, her chamberlain, to turn a large number of things over to Juan de Tabira, her under-chamberlain. The items to be given are listed: woolens and linens, including hangings and bedding linens, all itemized and minutely described. The top half of the last page is a receipt signed by Tabira. The document has the usual slash of cancellation (visible above) indicating that it has been entered into the account books.
The homeless: Editorial commentary
Homelessness is sometimes the condition of the deinstitutionalized mentally ill, the aged, the voluntarily idle, and the temporarily unemployed; and of runaway youth, destitute families, drug addicts, street beggars and alcoholics--in urban and rural areas. There appears to be no single set of characteristics shared by the homeless except being poor and without housing, and often lacking food and medical care as well. This Editorial Commentary looks at the "problems" of the homeless and those who search for remedies using selected editorials. It also covers actions taken by local and State governments to address the problems. The Editorial Commentary includes an introductory section of newspaper articles on the homeless. It is divided into sections - one focusing on the problem; the other on actions that have been taken to deal with the problem. Both sections are arranged in reverse chronological order. The editorials were selected from the editorial collection maintained by the Library Services Division.
Grant of weekly market and two annual fairs...
Document signed ('Marye the quene'). 17 lines in a neat secretary hand, on paper, countersigned by Sir John., A grant of a weekly Friday market and two annual fairs to Lyme Regis. Mary gives a warrant to an unidentified official to draw up the grant for the town of ’Kings Lyme’ [Lyme Regis] of a weekly Friday market and two annual three-day fairs in February and September: the grants to include all stallage, piccage [a fee for breaking ground at a fair], tollage and customs with the court of piepowder [a special tribunal for actions during the market or fair], as well as the right of correcting weights and measures; those attending the fairs may not be ’suyd arrested or molested in any suyte ... except it be for acc[i]ons and suyts onely rysyng... w[i]t[h]in the seid Fayers’. ’Where at the humble suyte and peticion of the Burgesses of our Towne of Kings Lyme in our Countie of Dorsett, we are right welle contented and pleaced ... to give and graunte unto the Burgesses of our seid Towne and to their Successours forev[er] one m[ar]kett to be kepte weekely w[ith]in our seid Towne on the Friday forev[er], And also t[w]o Fayres yerely there to be holden and kept, that is to say thone Fayre to begynne the firste day of February yerely forev[er], And there to conynue three dayes then next folowyng, And thother Fayre to begynne the xx [20th] day of September yerely and there to continue for three days then next folowyng’. The grant for Lyme Regis was formally issued on 14 June. This charter falls at a lull in the turbulent first year of Mary's reign, between the quelling of Wyatt's Rebellion in February and the preparations for her marriage to Philip of Spain in July.
Savitar, 1914. Volume 20
to the piano they would feel as though they were inlaid. -I03 /l\\.Q.--\\A( ‘ “I 'w0z1.ld'l00/e (1mcm.H.d for a mirror bu! I/zen? ‘was nearer one to be fomzzl larger 2‘/Ian an 1905’ Bryzlrz Im1‘t01z.” I would make for my girl, but the floor was filled with other fellows who had also thought of the same thing. The place was cluttered with men who had good girl judgment——and who had got there just