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Africa (1860)
Steel engraved map of the whole African Continent. The map gives several geographic details on place names, rivers, mountains, and bays. The map is adorned with decorative borders. Countries shown: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Cities of many of these countries as well as Bays and Rivers in these Countries are present including Aden and Mocha Yemen, Brava (Barawa), Torra, Jillip (Jilib), Magadoxo (Mogadishu), Barboni, Auxa, Hurrur, Zeyla (Zeila), and Somauli, Somalia, Angot, Antalo (Hintalo), Genater, Axum, Gondar, Sokota (Soqota), Tegulet, Bure, Moumi, Bosham, and Ankober, Ethiopia, Massowa (Massawa), Eritrea, Sennar, Teawa (Al Qadarif), Takala, Halfay, Shendy, Atbara (Atbarah), Melcheir, Berber, El Obeid (Al-Ubayyid), Suakin, Amour, Cobbe, Meroe (Merowe), Old Dongola (Dunqulah al-Ajuz), New Dongola (Dongola), Hannek, Leghea, Kouke, Kolbe, Sebma,and Khartoum, Sudan, Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia, Ipsambol (Abu Simbel), Assouan (Aswan), Edfou (Edfu), Thebes, Wah el Khargeh, El danan, Siout (Asyut), Minyeh, Abu Firgeh, Snez (Suez), Cairo, Cohizeh, Wah el Daleel, Farafreh (Farafra), Al Kasar, Sywah, Dresieh, Tifah, Damietta, Rosetta, Alexandria, Port Mahadda, and Derr (el-derr), Egypt, Akaba (Aqaba), Jordan, Jerusalem, Israel, Tarffanah, Jedid, Aujilah, Febabo, Zellah (Zella), Bureigah, Taukruo, Tolmeita (Tolmeitha), Boussaida, Ghirzah, Misratah (Misrata), Beniolid, Lebdah, Tripoli, Sokna, Sebba, Omlaraneb, Mafen, Gertrone, Tejert, Legkrir, El Baab, Monrzouk, Ghraat, Winega, Tadera, Labbiyed Gadamis (Ghadames),Grennat, Marajeh, Hanieh, and Dernah (Derna), Libya, Tierel, Mobadia, Sousah, and Tunis, Tunisia, and Bonah, Boujayah, Deltyz, Setif (Sétif), Constantina (Constantina), Tuggurt (Touggourt), Engousah, Algiers, Tenez (Ténès), Hamisa, Oran, Arzaw, Al Aghouath, Gardeia, Grara, Farsile, Ain Salah (In Salah), Agabli, Temadran, Armaghi, Al Walen, Tlemezen (Tlemcen), Fighig, and Al Galah, Algeria, Madroma, Tétouan, Tangier, Mequinez (Mekne), Fez (Fes), Segdmesa (Sijilmasa), Tabelhat, Tafilet (Tafilalt), Gourtand, Mansoriah, Azamor (Azemmour), Saffi (Safi), Al Kala, Magador, Agadir, Talent, Al Harib, Tatta, Nun, Saleco, Alekah, Al Guedea, and Marabooti, Morocco, Melilla, and Ceuta, Spain, Teneriffe (Tenerife), Canary Islands, St. Louis (Saint-Louis), Bakel, Hyenne, Sedo, Joal (Joal Fadiout), and Casamanza, Senegal, Kahede (Kaedi), Mauritania, Bangassi, Mali, Bathurst (Banjul), Gambia, Timbo, Guinea, Falaba, Sierra Leone, Monrovia, Tradetown, Settra Kroo, Sesters, Harper, and Bassa, Liberia, Tabou (Dabou), Bardy, King George Town, Lahou (Grand Lahou), Ivoery Town, Assineco, Ivory Coast, Apoflonia, Cape Three Points, Cape Coast Castle, Coomassie (Kumasi), Winabah (Winneba), Accra, and Adda (Ada Foah), Ghana, Badagry, Jenna, Engua, Koussou, Brass, Ibou, Beran, Iddah (Idah), Funda, Jacoba, Yola, Yakoba, Koji, Dikoa, Kuka (Kukawa), Boari, Kano, Bebeji, Zaria, Womba, Tabra, Egga, Eyeo, Boussa (New Bussa), Yaouri (Bin Yauri), and Dukes Town (Akwa Akpa or Calabar), Nigeria, Abomey, Benin, Boos, Niger, Williamstown, Cameroon, Adjumba, Gabon, Kabenda (Cabinda), Caconga (Cacongo), Sonho (Soyo), Batta, S. Salvador (M'banza-Kongo), Oando, Oaculo, Mani, Ambria, Casaba, Cassange, Tanza, Cambambe, Lutato, Old Benguela (Porto Amboim), Tamba, Bomba, Balhinda, Quisongi, Novo Redondo (Sumbe), Cabuto, Philip de Benguela (Benguela), Angaruca, Bihe, Caconda, Quilamata, Dumbo (Mandume), Quimbianba, and S. Paul de Loando (Luanda), Angola, Ondonga, Oyando, Orajo, Okavara, Burmen, Niaxs, Wesley Vale, Betni, Bethany (Bethanie), Africaners Kraal, and Rehoboth, Namibia, Kolobeng (Kolobeng Mission), Botswana, Pella, Lady Fn, Camel Mouth, Tulbagh, Stellenbosch, Clanwilliam, Cape Town, George, Uitenhage, Bathurst, Beaufort (Beaufort West), Cradock, Grahams Town, (Grahamstown), Fredericksburg, London (East London), Butterworth, Palmerston, Matuana Kraal, Phillipolis (Philippolis), Moriah, Griania, Kruman (Kuruman), Lattakoo (Dithakong), Moshow, Port Natal & D'Urban (Durban), Pietermaritzburg, Lakalabaldi, Potchefstroem (Potchefstroom), and Warm Bed, South Africa, Inhambane, Buok, Sofala (Nova Sofala), Luabo, Quillimane (Quelimane), Zumbo, Tete, Mesuril (Mossuril), Querimba (Quirimba), and Sena (Vila de Sena), Mozambique, Masapa (Massapa), Zumbo, Chicova, and Luanza (Luanze, Ruhanje), Zimbabwe, Sekeletu, Sesheke, and Sekhos, Zambia, Amboule, Tullear (Toliara), Fort Dauphin (Tôlanaro), Manamvatoo, Mananzari (Mananjary), Oiube, Voubai, Menabe, Mouron dava (Morondava), Enboudiaro, Andevorande (Andevoranto), Befaxona, Tananarivo (Antananarivo), Inaoja, Tamatave (Toamasina), Ifontsy, Vouipafie, Bembatooka, Tanzou, Narinda, Moringa, Angonta or Ngoncy, Ifonty, Passandava, and Mananbatou (Manambato), Madagascar, Saint-Denis, Réunion, Port Louis, Mauritius, and Quiloa (Kilwa Kisiwani), Tanzania, and the unknown locations of Argian, Hoden, Tisbeet, Shingaria, Kemmoo, Bambouk, Koena, Medina, Pisania, S. Domingo, Kakundy, Simera, Couseca, Aladah, Yandi, Bombom, Farfar, Korongo, Mombum, Doka, Salang, Raby Buba, Sette, Buka Meala, Monsol, Mayaimba, Loango, Sonho, S. Salvador, Batta, Oando, Oaculo, Ambria, Cabasa, Nariele, Setaabee, Kuissee, Nchokotsa, Maila, Tounobis, Makcto, Mashinga, Macanda, Mazayamba, Lukelingo, Marora, Dayua, Atumba, Oha, Ogomba, Lucenda, Mouvo, Chipaca, Henui, Gunaneh, Runga, Sebbo, Ketmede, Boushashem, Wara, Harrunek, Donas, Mangard, Day, Yogda, Mittu, Masena, Showy, Korbe, Birkel Fatima, Metmi, Birri, Mora, and Gider.
Loutre de Mer (1785): Sea Otter
First French edition Copper engraved plate showing a Sea Otter. Source publication: James Cook Troisieme Voyage de Cook, ou Voyage a l'Ocean Pacifique, Ordonne par le Roi d'Angleterre, pour Faire des Decouvertes dans l'Hémisphère Nord, pour déterminer la position & l'étendue de la Cote Ouest de l'Amérique Septentrionale, da distance de l'Asie, & résoudre la question du passage au Nord, translater as: James Cook: Third Cook travel, or travel to the Pacific Ocean, Ordered by the King of England, for Making Discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere, to Determine the Location & Extent of the West Coast of North America, the Distance of Asia, and the Transition to the North. The mapmaker James Cook (1728-1779) is a seminal figure in the history of cartography. In 1766, Cook was commissioned to explore the Pacific and given a Captaincy with command of the Endeavour. Three voyages of discovery followed, the highlights of which include the first European contact with Eastern Australia, the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands (and many other Polynesian Islands), the first circumnavigation of New Zealand, some of the first sightings of Antarctica, the first mapping of the Pacific Northwest, and his death at the hands of the Hawaiians in 1779.