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Sheltered workshops for the handicapped: Background information and pending legislation
Sheltered workshops serve the dual functions of rehabilitation training facility and employment opportunity for handicapped individuals. The Federal Government certifies sheltered workshops to pay subminimum wages and purchases commodities and services from workshops under a special procurement program. This paper discusses these Federal programs and pending legislation regarding sheltered workshops.
Special supplemental food program for women, infants and children (WIC): Description, history and data
The special supplemental food program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides monthly food supplements to low-income pregnant and postpartum women, and infants and children who are determined to be at health risk because of nutrition-related problems. Created in 1972, this food program was designed to blend the nutritious benefits of food with health care during critical times of growth and development. This report describes the program and its history and evolution. It also provides current and historical data on funding and participation.
Potential implications of funding reductions for programs administered by the department of education
This paper presents the potential implications funding reductions might have for selected programs administered by the Department of Education. Also included is data on program funding levels since FY 1980 adjusted for inflation, the estimated number of recipients, the estimated Federal share of financing the program, and the types of services provided and activities supported by these programs.
Rural areas and clean water: Impacts of the Water Quality Act of 1987
Cities throughout the country face capital shortfalls for wastewater treatment construction. Yet, rural communities face special problems in financing needed capital improvements such as sewage treatment facilities. This report reviews the impact of waste-water treatment funding provisions of the Water Quality Act of 1987 on rural communities.
State and local assistance for narcotics control: The Anti-Drug Act of 1986
The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-570) established a program of grants to State and local agencies for drug law enforcement. Under that statute, the Bureau of Justice Assistance is authorized, under the State and Local Assistance for Narcotics Control Formula Grant Program, to make grants to States, for use by States and local units of government. These grants are awarded to State and local governments to enforce laws that establish offenses similar to offenses established in the Controlled Substances Act. These funds may be used to support programs which improve the apprehension, prosecution, adjudication, detention, and rehabilitation of drug offenders. Eradication programs, treatment programs, and programs which concentrate on major drug offenders are also eligible for funding.
Historical federal budget data, 1965-1982
The tables and graphs in this report are meant as background for the FY 1985 budget documents. The tables and graphs contain budget data that are consistent with the data in the FY 1985 budget. The FY 1985 budget documents contain actual data for FY 1983, estimated budget data for FY 1984, and the requested budget for FY 1985 (and beyond). Thus, the tables in this report can be extended beyond 1982 by adding data from the tables in the back of the budget document, Budget of the United States Government, FY 1985.
Interest deductibility after the Tax Reform Act of 1986
This report briefly describes the limits placed by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on the deductibility of interest by individuals. It includes the categories of business interest, consumer interest, home mortgage interest, investment interest, interest on activities subject to the passive loss limits, and interest on rental real estate in which the taxpayer actively participates.
Housing requirements in rural areas
Federal housing policy for rural areas is now at a crossroads. Since 1949 more than two million rural families have received benefits through housing programs of the Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) and about 700,000 through the deep-subsidy programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Early in 1985 the Reagan Administration proposed that additional aid under these programs be suspended for two years, after which all subsidized housing in rural areas would be provided by HUD. While Congress has not yet concurred in these proposed changes, deep cutbacks in proggram levels are expected in the process of reducing the Federal budget deficit. In this transition period, legislators and community groups are going back to the drawing board and asking basic questions about rural housing needs and programs. The questions include the following: (1) What kinds of housing difficulties face low and moderate income families in rural areas? (2) Is there a chronic credit gap for housing in rural areas? (3) What is the connection between the problems of the farm economy and housing problems in rural areas? (4) Are the Federal and State programs now in place able to deal effectively with these problems? (5) Are additional or alternative measures--private as well as public--called for?
U.S. military satellites and survivability
This paper describes satellite survivability measures in general. It then provides separate write-ups on each generic type of U.S. military satellite system, including national security. Each write-up states the current situation, with regard to satellites in orbit, and future plans, emphasizing survivability measures.
Work incentives in the SSI program
Before 1980, when a disabled person's counted income exceeded the substantial gainful activity (SGA) level, his Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits were ended. This caused the loss of Medicaid benefits too in many States. Critics argued that the low SGA amount created a disincentive to work. The Social Security Disability Amendments of 1980, P.L. 96-265, allowed disabled SSI recipients who worked and earned more than the SGA amount to receive a special SSI benefit and thereby remain eligible for Medicaid. The 1980 amendments included a number of provisions designed to encourage disabled recipients to attempt to return to work. This paper analyzes the current rules on work-related earnings and also examines past policies.
Acid rain: Editorial commentary
This Editorial Commentary focuses on national concerns with acid rain. It also contains materials on the recent joint report of the Special Envoys on Acid Rain -- Drew Lewis representing the United States and William Davis, Canada. It includes an overview article and selected newspaper editorials from U.S. regional newspapers. It covers the period from September 1, 1985 through January 18, 1986.
Treatment of state-local taxes and tax-exempt bonds under tax reform proposals: Effects on the state-local sector
This report compares the potential economic effects of several tax reform and deficit reduction proposals on the State-local sector, through their treatment of deductibility of State-local taxes from Federal taxable income and the exemption of interest on State-local bonds. The proposals considered are the Treasury, Kemp-Kasten, Bradley-Gephardt, DeConcini, and Quayle tax reform plans, and the floor and ceiling deductibility proposals for deficit reduction. Among the more important conclusions are that these proposals would differ in their potential effects on the State-local sector's own tax revenues and the distribution of the sector's revenue losses across States. Also, the effect on the State-local bond market from the Treasury, Bradley-Gephardt, and Kemp-Kasten proposals would differ from the effect of the DeConcini and Quayle proposals.