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Patterns in selected data on U.S. agricultural exports
This paper provides a series of tables on U.S. agricultural exports in terms of both value and volume since 1977. By covering a nine-year period, the tables demonstrate export growth and decline. U.S. agricultural exports in 1986 are just above 1977's, and the 1986 trade balance is the lowest in the nine-year period covered in this paper.
Research into "psi" phenomena: Current status and trends of Congressional concern
The status of past and present research into psi phenomena, including extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK), is reviewed and summarized. It is concluded that at present, the psi research community is minimally funded, diffuse in nature, largely unstructured, and somewhat hesitant with regard to research methodologies. Nonetheless, progress is being made slowly to better understand the nature and potential of psi phenomena. Effective realization of the potentials or pitfalls of psi will require an open, humanistic perspective as well as the rigor and scientific discipline provided by conventional research tradition.
Federal agency programs in living aquatic resources and aquatic habitat protection
This report identifies activities of Federal agencies that administer or coordinate significant programs on behalf of fisheries, other living aquatic (freshwater and marine) resources, and aquatic habitats. This report describes agency responsibilities, major statutory authority, a ten-year history of budget and personnel levels, a five-year history of personnel by Civil Service grade, studies about national policy and/or goals, interagency and State-Federal coordination mechanisms, and periodic reports.
National minimum drinking age: Provisions and analysis
The National Minimum Drinking Age (NMDA) law reqiures that States not in the compliance with the 21-minimum-age-law by fiscal year 1987 face a loss of a portion of their Federal-aid highway funds. The report discusses the provisions and sanction effects.
Credit cards: Selected references
Credit cards offer an alternative to using checks or cash for payment transactions. Currently there are over 600 million credit cards in circulation. This bibliography lists publications concerning the credit card industry and related subjects.
Interest deductibility after the Tax Reform Act of 1986
This report briefly describes the limits placed by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 on the deductibility of interest by individuals. It includes the categories of business interest, consumer interest, home mortgage interest, investment interest, interest on activities subject to the passive loss limits, and interest on rental real estate in which the taxpayer actively participates.
Analysis and critique of National Organization for Raw Materials' (NORM) proposed National Economic Stability Act (NESA)
The purpose of this report is to explain, analyze, and critique the National Economic Stability Act proposed by the National Organization of Ray Materials (N.O.R.M.). N.O.R.M. believes that most of today's economic problems, such as high rates of bankruptcy, the negative balance of trade, unemployment, and spiraling public and private debt, are related to our Nation's treatment of agriculture and other raw material producers over a long period of time. When raw material prices are cheap, below "full honest parity," rural America is short of buying power, and urban businesses are unable to operate at full capacity without the economy going into debt. N.O.R.M. proposes replacing existing farm programs with a law prohibiting the sale of certain basic agricultural commodities at less than their parity price.
Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs): Proposed changes in House-passed Tax Reform Bill (H.R. 3838)
The House-passed tax reform bill (H.R. 3838) would make three changes in Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs): (1) correct an anomaly in the "spousal IRA," (2) coordinate certain "elective deferrals" to 401(k) plans and 403(b) annuities with the IRA deduction limits, and (3) increase the additional income tax on "early withdrawals" from 10 to 15 percent. Although the Administration an the House Committee on Ways and Means had common goals in developing changes to IRAs, their proposals differ. This paper discusses and analyzes these differences.
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 (h.r. 3838): Effective versus statutory marginal tax rates
Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (H.R. 3838) there would be only two statutory marginal tax rates for individuals, 15 and 28 percent. In addition to reducing statutory marginal tax rates, H.R. 3838 would phase out certain tax provisions over various income ranges. These phaseout provisions would produce an effective marginal tax rate schedule considerably different from the statutory schedule. This paper describes the phaseout provisions contained in H.R. 3838 and analyzes their effects on marginal tax rates.
High power voltage lines and extremely low frequency communications systems: Health and safety concerns
There continues to be public concern about the health and safety impacts of high-voltage AC and DC power lines, either already existing or planned, and of proposed United States Navy extra-low-frequency (ELF) communications antennas. The Departments of Energy and Navy have taken the position that no significant biological, ecological, or human health effects are to be expected from these technologies. However, certain members of the scientific community have presented evidence over the past four years that there may be subtle, adverse health effects of low-level, low-frequency electromagnetic radiation of the type produced by power line and communications systems. Examinations continue to confirm or deny these latter observations.