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Hold the phone: The federal excise tax on telephone service; a history and discussion of issues
In April 1984 the House of Representatives passed the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (H.R. 4170) and the Senate its Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (an amendment to H.R. 2163, a bill to amend the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971), both of which provide for the continuation of the excise tax on telephone service at its 3-percent rate for an additional two years, through 1987. This action was deemed appropriate by congress in light of the large existing budgetary deficits. This paper presents an overall view of the Federal excise tax on telephone service. A description of the history of this tax and revenue collections are followed by an explanation to clarify the relationship of this tax to the U.S. actions in Vietnam during the 1960s and 1970s. Finally, this paper concludes with the principal arguments made by proponents for continuation of the tax and the opponents of the tax who support repeal.
Recent judicial expansions of tort law in the area of environmental pollution
This report assesses whether increased losses of liability insurers may be due in part to expanded tort-law interpretations in the field of environmental pollution. It concludes that there has indeed been such an expansion in recent decades, but numerous other factors may also be contributing to the claimed liability insurance crisis.
In vitro fertilization and human embryo transfer: Current status and issues
The techniques used in In Virtro Fertilization (IVF) have expanded significantly since the birth in 1978 of the first so-called "test-tube" baby. Technical advances, such as the use of a freezing technique known as cryopreservation and the application of drugs to stimulate the maturation of multiple ova during a woman's menstrual cycle, have contributed to improved successful pregnancy rates and also to wider uses of IVF as a means of treating infertility. This paper describes the techniques currently being used in this area of reproduction and also presents some of the problems associated with the uses of these techniques.
Vocational education and proposals for trade competitiveness
The inclusion of vocational education as a component in some of the recent legislative initiatives related to American trade competitiveness is analyzed. The proposals are described, and sponsors' statements summarized. The history of vocational education, studies of its effectiveness, and its role in current recommendations to reform the American educational system are reviewed as they might relate to current trade problems.
Section 8 and section 202 housing programs: Summary and pro-con analysis
This paper briefly describes two housing programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Section 8 and Section 202. Since 1976, Section 8 has been the Federal Government's chief rental assistance program, sheltering approximately 2.2 million households. Section 202 is a program designed specifically to house the elderly and handicapped, and since its revision in 1974, it has housed approximately 143,000 households. There have been criticisms of both of the programs and these criticisms are also discussed in this paper.