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Gross national product and basic manufacturing industries in the United States: Comparative analysis of growth rates, 1950-1982
This report analyzes and compares trends in the growth of real GNP and real output in manufacturing and basic manufacturing in the Unites States between 1950 and 1982. As a corollary, the report also looks at trends in the real output growth of six basic manufacturing industries in the same period: primary metals, motor vehicles and equipment, textile mill products, paper and allied products, chemicals and allied products, and rubber and miscellaneous plastic products. The results indicate, among other things, that (1) manufacturing is not in imminent danger of disappearing, as some proponents of the "deindustrialization" thesis seem to believe, (2) since the mid-1970s, basic manufacturing at once is contributing less and less to national income and continues to be greatly influenced by changes in national income, and (3) it can be misleading to treat all basic American manufacturing industries as though they constitute a homogeneous sector facing the same competitive challenges and commercial opportunities.
Playing out of the deep woods: stories
A collection of stories on subjects ranging from golf to the Vietnam War. One story, Peeper, is on voyeurism, another, Mutiny, is on an exhibition of courage by an old man.
Plat Book of Platte County, Missouri: . ., Plat Book of Platte County, Missouri: . .
-, -, -, 1930, ,
Map of Platte County -- T.50 and 51N. part of Pettis R.33W -- T.50 and 51N. parts of Waldron and Pettis R.34W -- T.51 and 52N. May R.33 and 34W -- T.52 and 53N. part of Carroll R.33 and 34W -- t.53N. part of Preston R.33 and 34W -- T.54 and 55N. part of Preston R.33 and 34W -- T.51N. part of Waldron R.35W -- t.52N. part of Pettis R.34 and 35W -- T.52 and 53N. part of Carroll R.34 and 35.W -- T.53N. part of Fair R.34W -- T.53, 54, and 55N. part of Green R.33 and 34W. -- T.52N. Lee R.35 and 36W -- T.53N. part of Fair R.35 and 36W. -- T.54 and 55N. part of Green R.35W -- T.53 and 54N. Weston R.35 and 36W -- T.54 and 55N. part of Marshall R.37W -- T.54 and 55N. part of Marshall R.35 and 36W.
Historic preservation program: Structure, history and congressional policies
This report reviews the current historic preservation partnership between the Federal/State/local government sectors, and the private sector; the partnership evolution from 1906 through 1976; the historic preservation legislation of the 95th through 99th Congresses; the congressional jurisdiction for historical preservation in the 100th Congress; and historic preservation issues which may be debated in the 100th Congress.
Smokeless tobacco: Health concerns spark advertising and labeling controversy
Prompted by growing concerns about the health effects associated with smokeless tobacco products - both chewing tobacco and snuff - several bills are being considered by the 99th Congress which are designed to warn consumers about the dangerous health consequences of such products and discourage their consumption. This report provides background information on these products, including usage, their advertising and promotion, and health concerns. It also discusses legislative proposals which include labeling requirements, advertising bans and restrictions, tax measures, and public education efforts.
Plat Book of Lafayette County, Missouri: . ., Plat Book of Lafayette County, Missouri: . .
-, -, -, 1930, ,
Map of Lafayette County, Missouri -- T.49N. Part of Clay R.28W -- T50 and 51N. Part of Clay R.28W -- T.50N. Part of Clay R.29W -- T.49N. Part of Clay R.29W -- T.49N. Parts of Davis and Freedom R.24W -- T.49N. Parts of Davis and Freedom R.25W -- T.51N. Part of Dover R.25W -- T.50N. Part of Dover R.25W -- T.48N. Part of Freedom R.24W -- T.48N. Part of Freedom R.25W -- T.51N. Part of Lexington R.27W -- T.50N. Part of Lexington R.27W -- T.51N. Parts of Lexington and Dover R.26W -- T.50N. Parts of Lexington and Dover R.26W. -- T.50N. Part of Middleton R.24W -- T.51 and 52N. Part of Middleton R.24W -- T.48N. Part of Sni-A-Bar R.28W -- T.48N. Part of Sni-A-Bar R.29W -- T.48N. Part of WAshington R.27W -- T.49N. Part of Washington R.27W -- T.49N. Parts of Washington and Davis R.26W -- T.48N. Parts of Washington, Davis, and Freedom R.26W.