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The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings amendment for budget deficit control: Editorial commentary
This illustrative collection of editorials is taken from newspapers monitored by CRS. The sources look at the controversy surrounding the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings amendment to the debt limit increase for the purpose of reducing budget deficits and balancing the budget by 1991. An introductory section contains newspaper articles presenting press coverage on the issue. The articles and editorials are arranged chronologically, with the most recent dates appearing first. [Current Editorial CE79 on budget deficits is also available; it includes editorials on this topic received in Library Services since November 1, 1985.]
Comparative energy risk assessments: Why they differ
This report discusses the major factors which have made, and continue to make, the comparison of risks from different energy sources a difficult task. In particular, it addresses six areas of fundamental difficulty in making such comparisons. These areas include--portion of the fuel cycle included, technologies to be used, level of technology, assumptions of market penetration and siting, allocations between energy and non-energy risks, and comparing dissimilar risks. The report illustrates the magnitude of the problems of risk comparison by demonstrating the range of results obtained from some of the major energy risk assessments. A compilation of recent major energy risk assessments and energy risk comparisons in both the U.S. and other countries is also included.
Comparison of state plant closing laws
As of March 1, 1983, at least 10 States had enacted "plant closing" laws. These laws take various forms. Some require businesses to notify workers in advance of a closing. Others require the State or businesses to provide such benefits as health insurance, severance pay, or reemployment assistance to displaced workers. Still others set up a program of assistance to help workers buy plants threatened with closure. This paper outlines and compares the provisions of these 10 State laws.
Corporate ownership of banks and savings institutions, and interstate banking: Selected listings
Financial developments in the 1980s have resulted in new ownership arrangements for depository financial institutions as well as new forms of interstate deposit-taking arrangements. Considerable interest exists in the pervasiveness of these arrangements. This report provides selected lists of corporate ownership of depository financial institutions and interstate banking in order to suggest the extent to which various forms of innovations have occurred and the firms involved; the listings are not necessarily comprehensive.
Depreciation and the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (PL 99-514)
An important business tax provision of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 is the new tax depreciation rules for business assets. The effect of the Tax Reform Act's changes was to slow down the rate at which the cost of most assets can be depreciated. Depreciation deductions are thus less valuable to businesses than under prior law. The Act's depreciation changes, along with its repeal of the investment tax credit, also increased the tax burden on depreciable assets compared to other types of investments. While the primary purpose of this report is to describe the changes in depreciation rules and their effects, the report also contains basic information on the rationale for depreciation deductions and how the deductions are calculated.
Displaced Farmers: A look at trends in farm numbers
Farm population in the U.S., currently about 5.2 million people, continues to decline each year. Data from a 1982 Census Bureau-USDA survey show a loss of 431,000 farm people between 1980 and 1982. This drop corresponds with a continuing pattern of declining farm employment, which has fallen from over 10 million in 1940 to under 4 million currently. The number of farm operators in the U.S. is now estimated at 2,370,000--down from 2,400,000 the previous year. This paper will discuss the changing farm population, focusing on the farm labor force. It will investigate who leaves farming, why they leave, what they do as disemployed farmers, and the implications of their employment shift.