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26 CONGRESS OF LAWYERS AND JURISTS nating from important bodies to that effect. The First Confer- ence of the American States, embracing all the independent countries of the hemisphere, which assembled in Washington in 1890, framed and recommended the adoption of an arbitration treaty, which contained the stipulation that “the sole question which any nation is at liberty to refuse to arbitrate
Hannibal, Missouri, 1885 May, sheet 16
Hannibal, Missouri, May 1885. Streets: Ledford, Miller, Russell, Wardlaw, McComb, Broadway, Samuel, Elm, Colfax Avenue
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, I am iP . ._’. jl E -4. I . L . "' V T in the in the in the in the in the resting resting resting resting resting ‘O: _ 1? j? l I V V V I ll l I V LV 7 V 2,, o o u‘ T’ Saviour's love; Sav1our’s love; I .p_ .42.- 49.. 3.111 H0‘ Saviour’s love; Christ, the Lord, has taken all my sins a-way, I Saviour’s love; Trusting in His grace I ventured free-ly in, Saviour’s love; When I trust
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‘. & S. F. R. R. Wheeler Mexican Boundary Survey A. T. & S. F. R. R. F. A. Jones U. S. G. S. Wheleer Wheeler Hayden Wheeler P. R. R. Reports Wheeler Wheeler Wheeler \Vheeler Wheeler A. T. & S. F. R. R. Wheeler Wheeler Weather Bureau ELEVATION 5,054 5,178 5,503 4,522 4,373 7,443 5,654 6,507 8.294 12,690 A. 4,576 4,711 7,243 8,300 4,326 6,996 5,840 0,228 5,091 10,188 12,634 4,773 5,880 5,001 7,202
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of mortgagers, pin,ba§k of figgkpfiynames of mcrtgagees.s Handwritten1on.printed forms. , 60:O pp,. 18 x15x”s‘.(ll‘ 124. TRDST DDEDS, 1868+-. 79 volumes (labeling varies). 1855-65 2' D’ in Miscellaneous Deed Record, entry 109. ' -Reoord of cenyeyanees of real estate to trustees as security for the repayment of inflGbtedness, showing date, names of grantor, trustee and 1 beneficiary, legal description
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62 Handdook and Rcférevzce Gm'a’e. , No. 122. Medical Selection (Ordinai-y)——Causes of Rejec- tion:—-A readily understood diagram of the causes of rejection in the order of their importance. Of the total rejections during 1896-1902, 12.1 per cent. Were for albuminuria, 10.6 per cent. for personal condition, 10.5 per cent. for valvular disease of the heart, and 9.6 per cent. for habits
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CCrCati()II rOOIn with hOOl,hS, jukv hO,x, and all. “TIR- Bathroho FOllioS Of 1947” was One Of the lll()I‘(‘ popular (‘Hi.,I‘i(‘S in the Savitar FrOliCS. Naiicy Perry, Kappa, SAE’S Choice for fraternity Sweoth(-,aI't,, gives her date that longing lOOk. HOW can Some guys be SO hard hearted. Jack Sappington S(2CInS half asleep regardless Of vivacious Betty Windsor. This group is assembled in the Sig Alph
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M‘ X Vxsxy :5 V. . rill R APPROXIMATELY in lhe middle of Read Hall sils lhe Sludenl Gov- ernmenl Associalion office. There under four major officers. a good- sized council. and a workable bunch oi‘ division heads is cenlered lhe sl'udenls' voice in Universily policy and aclivilies. Acling as official go-belween for ‘the students and ’rhe adminislralion SGA makes a 24-hour project‘ of eliminaling red tape. drumming up school spiri’r, and aHemp’ring lo improve lhe lot‘ of every Universily sludem‘. - V Three of the top level characters of S.G.A. take a few moments of their T valuable time to peer into the murky future. Sitting at the desk are Tom Laco, and Jean Tiemann. The fellow backing them up is Frank Sallee. A SPIRITED I950 campaign pu’r Tom Laco in lhe liH|e cubicle of fhe office ’rha+'s marked "Presidenl." ln olher seclions of ‘lhe room. Frank Sallee. Jean Iieman, and Belly Max periormed ’rheir dufies as Veep." secretary and +reasurer. respeclively, and am°"9 ‘lhe quariel wandered ‘the many sludenls checking off ‘the leg work necessary for efficienl SGA operalion. SGA did hard and good work toward making college life smoother for the students. These are the boys who are responsible for informing the students of SGA action—-the publicity department. SGA is highly organized with repartments and divisions who split the responsibilities. Some of the heads here are responsible for things like Homecoming, Elections and Administration.
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« ear .- . . -ix. v‘ «. :‘:.::;t::;: 238:: v: t . ~., . ‘° s1»v.. ‘):-V' we ' ’ WV 9 “'* 44 ’ L. " . -Qy‘ jxhzwfit ;..5V - . 4 " *--~.~v has L L;3"“,. . __ ' ' ~=’ tl'?ll..°.'P* s V A handful of student leaders gave birth to the Missouri Student Store. The idea was nursed and the funds raised by an even bigger group of workers and the end result
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SAMUEL s. inrnrsaann. 71 No questions were asked them, and no explana- tions were given. Flanche merely ordered them to walk off a few steps toward a tree, which they did; he then gave the Word “fire !” and the whole com», pany fired at them, literally tearing them to pieces! , It would ask the enlightened world if there ever was committed a more diabolical deed? If, in all the annals of cruelty, or in the world’s wide history, a murder more cold-blooded and cruel could be found? A citizen who happened to be present ventured to ask in astonishment why this was done ; to which Flanche merely replied, as he rode off, “they bees the friends of Sam I-Iildebrass ! ” It was now Capt. Esroger’s time to commit some deed of atrocity, to place himself on an equality with Capt. Flanche ; so after a moment’s reflection, he concluded that the inurcler of my uncle, John. Roan, would be sufficient to place this brutality be- ‘ yond all question. John Roan was a man about fifty years of age, was proverbial for his honesty, always paid his debts, and kept himself entirely aloof fromteither side during the war, but against his loyalty nothing had’ ever been produced, or even attempted. One of his sons was in the Union army, and an~ other was a Rebel. A l a Being my uncle, and the father of Allen Roan, however, was a sufficient pretext for the display of military brutality“: His house was situated about three miles from
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victizm the South had yet offered upon the altar of her sacrifices. Ainid the low gxfiowls of J[11{3cSllbSldl11g‘ battle, amid the slain of his heroic brigade, who liad followed him three times to the crest of “Bloody 1;§['ll.l,” and just as the shrill, impa- tient cheers of his victorious comrades rang out Wildly on the bat- tle-breeze, Weiglitinanis devoted spirit passed away from earth, followed
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. ' tions on Gowns and Teddies will be worthy of your in- $10.00 Spreads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..S8.;’-0 . -+ . 8- 959 5&1“? N295 3“ ‘3l'19t195 On)’ 1" Stralg t s1.oo Gowns and Teddies .................. ..79c WHITE GOODS Renew Your 33; case lots of 24 cans of one kind and size, you $125 Gowns and Teddies .................. ..95c
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THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, DEC. 27, l9l3.~ 1092 IN BIBLE LAND : PHOTOGRAPH BY UNDERWCXE “ AND DWELT IN A CITY CALLED NAZARET Ann Urmxnwoon. THE SPRING WHICH MARY, THE MOTHER OF JESUS, MUST HAVE VI TED MANY HUNDRED OF TIME53 AT A PUBLIC WELL IN NAZARETH. In the second chapter of St. Matthew it is written: “But when he heard that Archelaus did reign in Judaea in the room of his father Herod, he
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Harbeson House , Francie Baskett. ROW TWO: Grethchen Holder, Noriko Iguchi, Linda Walter, Linda Dudenhoeffer. ROW THREE: Cindy Gash, Lori Davis, Barb Buck, Mary Manig, Jennifer Nauss, Linda Nadler. a .n m G S; .0 n.. a I F lo. I a C E N O W O R Hucherson
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; white, 50'. @ 501cc: & Builders‘ hardware at Renie's.i 9c: M-33'. htr 2oo-.idt-., (future'—July. $1.03 1-2: , . 7-8. E 'i. “V. in _'-. - 1 4 VI ‘ ---- sf -3137 i ' '7 §, DAUQQTERE stoop FAILS rat: wonasnor..,asraa-rsinsgrasa apprise . nn _ Wheeler: and “Are We All Tuned ‘n. .3 Ti 3:: ::ii'.:i: 1924 _,_ . ._:EIl..l.; itpéaovsa "ii ASONS ltxwggn o
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on the Missouri-Ne braska debate. D-caring. Kramer. and VVard selected for the Missouri~Nebraska debate. Junior caps, mule banner, class rush, $12.35. Fire in London. 1748. Sophs. wear a smile as big as the ’02 painted on the columns. I Some mules kick a can of paint against the columns. Medics get well. up on the columns. A medic leaves the Ilniversitv with regrets. Planet Pallas discovered, 1802. Hnt
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-vromisedcunpaignontheundquesaonon Healsodrewathantiontothefactthntmuchcultivablelnndisgivenupentirelyto -nottInd¢u1*i'*°°¢‘“‘°""'““"7€*me~ Hepointedoutuntmnumberoi October n,withaspeechtoanundieneeofsome25oop¢op|¢inu.¢sk.fingmnk atnedford. AlII00¢flI00¢°flth¢PktformweretheEarland0o|mteuBeauchnmp, gnmekegpgshgdina-euedfromgoooin1851toz3,oooin,9,,,'meg,enumbe, LordAshbyStLed:ers.LotdLucas.LordS-yeandSele.andLordAhereonmy. oflabourenhadgoned0wnby6oo,ooo. Con1ingtothequ
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h J 1 for the Tigers was something they'd like to forget. Individually, Brad Droy, Stan Ray and Tom Dore failed to live up to their respective billings. The only Tiger player that approached consistency was second—team all-Big Eight selection Clay Johnson. The season ended as Missouri blew a 16-point halftime lead at home against Iowa State. But the second annual Big Eight Post