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Nuclear powerplant emergency planning: A review of current issues
Controversy continues regarding the adequacy of emergency plans to protect the public in the event of a nuclear reactor accident and the role of State and local governments in emergency planning. This report, prepared under contract for CRS, reviews these issues.
An overview of the farmland retention issue
Richard W. Dunford is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Washington State University (Pullman). He has written extensively on rural land use problems, conflicts, and policies. This report was prepared for the Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division of the Congressional Research Service in the Library of Congress (Washington, D.C.) in partial fulfillment of contract 83-30., This overview of the complex farmland retention issue begins with a reveiew of recent empirical evidence on farmland conversion trends. Concerns associated with farmland conversion are then presented and analyzed. State and local farmland retention efforts are summarized in the third section. Finally, Federal farmland retention efforts to date are examined.
The "Education for Economic Security Act," p.l. 98-377: A summary and analysis
On August 11, 1984 the President signed into law H.R. 1310, the "Education for Economic Security Act" (P.L. 98-377). This paper presents a summary and analysis highlighting the major provisions of this legislation. Part I presents an overview of selected aspects of the legislation. Part II includes a detailed summary and analysis of various provisions of P.L. 98-377, including a description of program activities, legislative requirements and financial support authorized.
The "Fitzgerald Act" and the federal role in apprenticeship training: Recent interest and current initiatives
The Fitzgerald Act (National Apprenticeship Act) of 1937 serves as the charter for the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training in the Department of Labor. It also provides the legal framework for the Federal Government's involvement in apprenticeship training programs. Briefly, this paper examines the evolution of apprentice training in America, the provisions of the Fitzgerald Act, and recent legislative interest in apprentice training.
The 55-MPH national speed limit
The national automotive speed limit of 55 MPH was enacted in 1974 as an energy saving measure and was kept in place when highway fatalities dropped sharply upon its implementation. A recent NAS study endorsed the speed limit generally, but suggested that it might be modified on rural portions of interstate highways. Legislation is pending in Congress that would allow the States to raise the limit on rural interstates; President Reagan has now endorsed this concept.
The Fortune 500: Names, addresses, and officers of the 500 largest industrial corporations in the U.S. ranked by sales in 1982
The May 1983 issue of Fortune magazine lists the 500 largest industrial corporations in the United States, ranked according to their sales in 1982. This Report lists the Fortune 500 companies and provides the headquarters address, the address of a corporate office in the Washington, D.C., area if there is one, the telephone numbers for these offices, the names of chief corporate officers, and an abbreviated industry code, which represents the company's principal activity.
The earned income tax credit (EITC)
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is the amount of money that persons who work and have a dependent child can have subtracted from their income tax, or have refunded to them if the credit is larger than their tax liability. This paper gives a history of the credit, discusses recent changes in law that index the credit to price inflation, describes how the credit is derived, compares the credit with other welfare programs, and provides summary statistics on the credit.
Legislative history of 1986 restriction on United States military involvement in Nicaragua
This report sets forth the legislative history of the prohibition on the use of United States military advisers and combat troops within Nicaragua. Enacted as part of the military construction title of this year's continuing resolution, Pub. L. No. 99-500, which also authorized lethal and humanitarian assistance to the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance, or Contras, the provision represents a legislative attempt to clarify United States policy on the matter and ensure effective adherence to Administration statements that United States troops will not be so introduced.
Holistic medicine: An alternative approach
This paper describes some of the concepts and principles of holistic medicine. It lists and briefly describes six components of holistic medicine, which consists of homeopathy, chelation therapy, acupuncture, clinical ecology, nutritional therapy, and stress reduction. It also describes the role of members of the health team in a typical holistic health center.