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High power voltage lines and extremely low frequency communications systems: Health and safety concerns
There continues to be public concern about the health and safety impacts of high-voltage AC and DC power lines, either already existing or planned, and of proposed United States Navy extra-low-frequency (ELF) communications antennas. The Departments of Energy and Navy have taken the position that no significant biological, ecological, or human health effects are to be expected from these technologies. However, certain members of the scientific community have presented evidence over the past four years that there may be subtle, adverse health effects of low-level, low-frequency electromagnetic radiation of the type produced by power line and communications systems. Examinations continue to confirm or deny these latter observations.
Indoor air pollution: A brief review of regulatory and research issues
Research and regulatory issues associated with problems of indoor air pollution are reviewed briefly. Sources and estimated health effects of the more common indoor air pollutants are summarized in three tables. Regulatory responsibility for indoor air pollution is diffuse and often unclearly defined.
Existing housing resources vs. need
Using data from the 1982 and 1983 Metropolitan Area tapes of the Annual Housing Survey, this study uses simulated moves of households to determine whether the supply of standard quality vacant rental units is sufficient to rehouse renter families living in unsatisfactory housing, when household size and number of bedrooms are considered. The study found that no housing market area had a sufficient supply, although the extent of the deficiency varies greatly. Less than half the variance was explained by differences in vacancy rates. The findings confirm the need to consider the characteristics of both the housing stock, and the households in unsatisfactory housing in the diverse local housing areas throughout the country when determining national housing policy.
Nuclear powerplant licensing reform: Comparison of four bills
Three bills to reform the nuclear regulatory process have been submitted to the 98th Congress and draft sections of a fourth have been circulated. All four bills share the same general purposes which include: encouraging the standardization of nuclear powerplant designs; ensuring early and effective public participation in the nuclear powerplant licensing process; promoting the stability of regulatory standards; and improving the efficiency of the licensing process. This report compares the major provisions of the four bills and analyzes their potential impact.
Comparative energy risk assessments: Why they differ
This report discusses the major factors which have made, and continue to make, the comparison of risks from different energy sources a difficult task. In particular, it addresses six areas of fundamental difficulty in making such comparisons. These areas include--portion of the fuel cycle included, technologies to be used, level of technology, assumptions of market penetration and siting, allocations between energy and non-energy risks, and comparing dissimilar risks. The report illustrates the magnitude of the problems of risk comparison by demonstrating the range of results obtained from some of the major energy risk assessments. A compilation of recent major energy risk assessments and energy risk comparisons in both the U.S. and other countries is also included.