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Real earnings in America: 1947-1985
This report presents estimates of real earnings (i.e., earnings adjusted for inflation) from 1947 to 1985. While average real earnings increased by 60.6 percent between 1947 and 1972, average real earnings decreased by 13.5 percent between 1972 and 1985. This report also presents estimates of real spendable earnings (i.e., earnings adjusted for inflation, Federal tax payments, and social security contributions) and the changes in these earnings.
Patterns in selected data on U.S. agricultural exports
This paper provides a series of tables on U.S. agricultural exports in terms of both value and volume since 1977. By covering a nine-year period, the tables demonstrate export growth and decline. U.S. agricultural exports in 1986 are just above 1977's, and the 1986 trade balance is the lowest in the nine-year period covered in this paper.
P.L. 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act: Its development, implementation, and current issues
P.L. 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, is generally regarded as a landmark in the establishment of educational equality for school-age handicapped children in the United States. This paper, written upon the 10th anniversary of the enactment of P.L. 94-142, examines the law's background, development, and implementation, and discusses issues before Congress on its future.
Private support for public elementary and secondary education
Citizens, business leaders, and school officials are promoting increased private sector support for public elementary and secondary schools. Current efforts include volunteer programs, education foundations, donation of equipment, and joint staffing. These efforts serve to supplement tax funds for schools rather than provide a substitute for adequate financing of schools.
Research into "psi" phenomena: Current status and trends of Congressional concern
The status of past and present research into psi phenomena, including extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK), is reviewed and summarized. It is concluded that at present, the psi research community is minimally funded, diffuse in nature, largely unstructured, and somewhat hesitant with regard to research methodologies. Nonetheless, progress is being made slowly to better understand the nature and potential of psi phenomena. Effective realization of the potentials or pitfalls of psi will require an open, humanistic perspective as well as the rigor and scientific discipline provided by conventional research tradition.
Child support enforcement: An examination of current proposals
From FY 1976 to FY 1982, total child support collections rose from $512 million to $1.8 billion; Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) collections rose from $204 million to $787 million. During the same period, the number of paternities established increased from 15,000 to 174,000. Notwithstanding its achievements, changes are proposed in the program because of the rising net cost of the program to the Federal Government and the perception that many parents still fail to pay child support obligations. This paper examines the financing of the child support enforcement program, discusses various collection methods, explains the Administration's budget recommendations to restructure the Federal financing of the program, and analyzes title V of the proposed Economic Equity Act.
Comparison of 98th Congress bills proposing enterprise zones, revitalization areas, or job expansion areas
This comparison shows the main features of the Administration's enterprise zone bills, and of the several bills that have been introduced in the 98th Congress as alternatives. These are the bills that have been the subject of hearings. H.R. 1735 (Mitchell) and S. 634 (Hart et al.) are companion bills emphasizing participation by residents and community organizations in Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP's) and General Stock Ownership Corporations (GSOC's). H.R. 2375 (Nowak) includes provisions for extension of the Economic Development Administration programs and increased activity by the Small Business Administration, in addition to the tax incentives featured in the other bills.