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Comparison of major provisions of selected bills on spousal impoverishment under medicaid
Concern has been expressed about the impact various Medicaid rules have on married couples when one member of the couple requires long-term nursing home care and the other spouse remains in the community. A number of bills have been introduced in the 100th Congress to address the impoverishment an elderly spouse in the community may experience as a result of Medicaid rules, when the other spouse becomes eligible for Medicaid as a nursing home patient. This paper compares the provisions of three so-called "spousal impoverishment" bills.
Clean Water Act
At the end of the last session of Congress, Congress overwhelming approved reauthorization of the Clean Water Act. President Reagan, objecting to the cost involved, vetoed the legislation. The Act was promptly reintroduced at the beginning of the 100th Congress and again overwhelming passed by both Houses of Congress, vetoed again by President Reagan, and subsequently passed by both Houses of Congress by sufficiently large margins to override the veto. This Overviews presents editorial commentary on the reauthorization of the Clean Water Act, the President's veto, and whether or not the Act should be reauthorized over President Reagan's objections.
Comparison of the Departments of Energy and Health and Human Services weatherization assistance programs
The Federal Government administers two weatherization programs designed to assist low-income households reduce the cost of home energy consumption: (1) the Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization Assistance program and (2) the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Low-Income Home Energy Assistance program (LIHEAP), Weatherization Assistance Component. This paper summarizes the purpose, eligibility criteria, and relevant data and expenditures of these two weatherization programs.
An assessment of the need for new electric capacity
This paper presents a series of electric demand and capacity forecasts. These indicate no serious regional imbalance through 1990, but a need for additional capacity by 2000. The effects of economic and physical obsolescence as well as small vs. large plants are also discussed. In any case, much of the deficit could be covered by "lease-cost" methods.
Social security and the national debt
The national debt is the amount of liabilities of the Federal Government outstanding at any given time. Because surplus resources of the social security trust funds are invested in Federal securities, and hence constitute part of the national debt, a question sometimes asked is what effect does social security have on the size of the national debt. This paper provides a technical description of how the financial operations of the social security program relate to the national debt and the debt ceiling.
Concentration in the U.S. daily newspaper industry: Trends and issues
This report discusses concentration in the daily newspaper industry. More specifically, section I examines various ways national concentration in the industry might be defined and measured. Sections II and III discuss the trends in group ownership and the number of U.S. cities with competing dailies. Section IV looks at some Federal laws and regulations that affect concentration in the industry. Finally, section V presents some concluding observations.
Banking deregulation: Major forms and arguments "pro and con"
Banking deregulation may be defined as the loosening of regulatory constraints on these institutions. Since the late 1970s, and as part of a broader trend toward deregulation, banking organizations have experienced many important changes in their regulatory environment. This report identifies the different kinds of deregulation that are under way. It then presents some "pro and con" arguments applicable both to financial deregulation generally and to specific kinds of banking deregulation under consideration in the Congress at the present time. Additional references are provided.