(181,361 - 181,380 of 184,871)
Ethylene dibromide: History, health effects, and policy questions
Much attention has recently been focused on the chemical ethylene dibromide (EDB). This chemical has been widely used in leaded gasoline, and has also been used to treat grains, citrus, and other crops. It has been found in foods and in groundwater. This paper examines the possible health effects of exposure to EDB, as well as its regulation. The possible health effects and regulation of various chemical and physical alternatives to EDB are also examined. This paper concludes with some policy considerations pertinent to EDB.
Ethylene dibromide
Much attention has recently been focused on the chemical ethylene dibromide (EDB). This chemical has been widely used in leaded gasoline, and has also been used to treat grains, citrus and other crops. It has been found in foods and in groundwater. This paper examines the possible health effects of exposure to EDB, as well as its regulation. The possible health effects and regulation of various chemical and physical alternatives to EDB are also examined. This paper concludes with some policy considerations pertinent to EDB.
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,_ LC; \~-\. \%*/3: Re+.#2u-512 3p§"518 9“ x‘to, Washington, D.C. 20540 ‘ - 4‘ . J. . \_TR%'—\ -53: Congressional Research Service The Library of Congress :1 _, 94 =% N O I. O N G E R P R0 P E RTY O I-’ O L H N U 23 RA RY Imimareity ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE Michael M. Simpson Analyst in Life Sciences Science Policy Research Division January 26, 1984 Updated February 15, 1984
Existing housing resources vs. need
Using data from the 1982 and 1983 Metropolitan Area tapes of the Annual Housing Survey, this study uses simulated moves of households to determine whether the supply of standard quality vacant rental units is sufficient to rehouse renter families living in unsatisfactory housing, when household size and number of bedrooms are considered. The study found that no housing market area had a sufficient supply, although the extent of the deficiency varies greatly. Less than half the variance was explained by differences in vacancy rates. The findings confirm the need to consider the characteristics of both the housing stock, and the households in unsatisfactory housing in the diverse local housing areas throughout the country when determining national housing policy.
An examination of farm commodity promotion programs
Representatives of a number of commodity groups have asked Congress in recent years for statutory authority to establish national generic promotion programs for their products. A key feature is a mandatory assessment paid by all producers to support such activities. Federal legislation has authorized nine such national promotion programs, and lawmakers now are considering whether to create new initiatives for beef, pork, and watermelons. Critics believe that such programs represent unwarranted Government interference, pit one commodity group against another for limited consumer dollars, and lack adequate evidence of success. Proponents, on the other hand, contend that the programs do work, cost the Federal Government virtually nothing, and benefit producers and consumers alike. This report discusses programs that have already been enacted by Congress and examines their records to date.
The educational attainment of select groups of "at risk" children and youth
This paper focuses on three select groups of children and youth who appear to be "at risk" for depressed educational attainment - those from single-parent families, those from persistently poor families, and those who give birth during their teenage years. It addresses three basic questions: (1) Are these groups of children and youth at risk of depressed educational attainment? (2) How might these characteristics lead to depressed educational attainment? (3) What implications does the current research have for examining Federal responses to the educational needs of these children and youth?