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[Page] 69 they descended out of sight in a moment. Terrified at this dreadful scene I was conveyed to the other side of the hill, where I had a full view of what the place afforded. This scene was quite opposite from the other. Instead of an abyss at the foot of the hill, there was a paradise which cannot be described, for it excels description. All that can be said of it is that everything conspired to render it perfectly happy; and that everything on earth is nothing in comparison to it. This side of the hill was longer than the other; and, in general, was almost perfectly smooth and even. And though the way at first appeared very difficult; yet those who had advanced any distance found it quite otherwise. Indeed, I believe it was infinitely more pleasant and delightful than that on the side of vice. For it was free from a very tormenting insect which were found in surprising numbers in every part of the side of vice, and kept
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:._, WM .9 ' ‘ .,.;..; 4 , wjiwjigia 5/‘:9:/L25 = ;,,,, —,¢;.,2/W/1% M. /W7 . /L) ,7; /A W Wow $7 ¢W (J5! y/54,, Ms,”/1/. /M495’ ~" ,z‘;,,,,, %,m4,, .9” MM “ /,/W/m£,; ,,¢,«,..§‘£/ ;,u, » car72a-téugc/1 % A 7”y%;/ tdarz//77V’7"'/“’Z”“/" ‘"4’? ‘M M 4.44.. 0.24% .,.%,4,,.,:.. ,> /I .4 /Z’/I») 9 /' ‘E : %Mfl%;)i2&gw~-o9’ arcr7 fl:’ "9 ¢ , , V % t M
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[Page] 65 Me thought I was conveyed in the view of a very stupendous machine. It was the most magnificent work I ever saw. A very bright luminous body, placed in the very center of several others revolving around it, supplied them with light. The regular and harmonious order in which these bodies moved led me to conclude that they could be nothing but the work of omnipotence; and as I approached nearer everything conspired to confirm the truth of my opinion. While I was musing on the ends for which such a stupendous work might be formed, I was conducted to one of the revolving bodies, which appeared to be the third from the center of the system. I was inhabited by a very noble and intelligent species of beings. At first they were placed on the top of a very high mountain, running from North to South, and descending each side like the roof of a house. One side of the mountain
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[Page] 63 the morals, may be read occasionally; but care must be taken that they claim not too much of the attention, nor render the mind unfit for more serious and important study. But above all, the periodical writings appear to me the best books for youth of any I am acquainted with. They are full of instruction, and at the same time so interesting to all, that they afford the greatest pleasure in reading them. None can fail of finding in them something that will suit their taste in almost any circumstances. And as youth are fond of novelty, they may be indulged here, without any ill consequences. It will be proper for such boys as are designed for a trade, to be put to it as soon as convenient. If it be possible, they should be put to such employments as are most suitable to their genius. But it will be very difficult to discover, at any early age, the natural prosperity of the young mind. In a few years the mind seems to undergo a total renovation. Time and accidents produce
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M cw m M‘; ///ax .7,;Z/ /uz;/. EM :7 .¢¢%7/5:14 ,/z.c.',.;, ' ml» /uzéd M7.,,,.;r. /eawz/,1 A 449’ 7:7 4“ “/""’ 1/ “Q/“”/”‘”’ “ M aim ,2”/¢aZ.;,./, %/ ~£7:2c'/rv “ff? 4/1 14/ # /’ » { S »: ' ' ,,‘./Z¢.o‘%'uo with ‘V 4 2 :' . -4; 4.,/xz,.,,.,.; wr mm I V maaé yr? 0/£4%()a'z;1.‘( 1 04%?" - ‘ lg” fiozf, ,,;4,, ...,,,,,z,/Web». %a/‘ o~7"Q1/ax
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[Page] 66 was called the side of virtue, and the other the side of vice. On a superficial view, the side of vice appeared exquisitely beautiful and engaging; but when I had taken a most close inspection, the flowers and all the objects which so strongly affects the imagination were not beauties in reality but the sun shining on a kind of mist, which covered that side of the mountain and hid a dangerous gulf at the foot of and made the objects appear in such vanity of artificial colors. On the other side, or side of virtue, there was nothing that appeared beautiful or entertaining. At a great distance however, down that side, there was a very curious and delightful palace; but the difficulty of the way and distance to come at it had deterred many from every arriving to it.
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[Page] 68 who possessed them, by reason of their scratching claws. They were also very difficult to catch; and when caught, if they were not well guarded, would immediately fly away. I was therefore much surprised to see so many pursuers after them; especially when so many flew toward the great gulf. The proper name of these birds was riches: though they were by many supposed to be happiness. I saw innumerable companies gathering the flowers which were so plenty on this side of the hill; but I could not help being surprised to see them lose all their imaginary beauty as soon as they gathered. Yet they were sought for with eagerness, and often allured many to the dreadful abyss at the foot of the hill. But when they began to fall, they endeavored in vain to ascend and return to the other side, for the hill was so steep, that
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; and to choose for him an employment, not incompatible with his genius, though it may not be exactly correspondent to it. No. XVIII. April 20-30, 1796. A Vision. Mr. Lucubrator, I never had any \great/ opinion of dreams but always thought of them no more than wandering thoughts, or imaginary scenes and therefore took not much notice of them. But having had one lately more extraordinary than common, I thought I
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[Page] 67 Immediately when the inhabitants were placed on the top of the hill they began to descend, some on one side and some on the other. Many fell down and tumbled out of sight before they advanced any distance on either side. On the side of vice a very large river ran with a rapid current directly down the hill. By the smell of the water, which was very powerful, it appeared to be a mixture of different sorts of spirituous liquors. A vast multitude advanced toward the river and entered into several boats which lay in it, filled with various sorts of provision: but I was very much surprised to see them all as soon as they entered the boats, send with a rapid course down into the great gulf. This river was called pleasure by some; but by most it was denominated intemperance. Another half were perusing several birds which flew round the hill. In the hands of others they appeared very beautiful; but were exceeding troublesome to those
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./,/a rtflt’//, wn/ J Q) 0% WM“/Adz “$2;/£7 ./;7 My - do ,5 ;.//,/,,,m;.;,,,2.- /4//W4’ ~»7 W4 M/M44 >5 we 5»/4 M 7”’ ;:3 .4 My wag 4.», 4,24%) «.... J»/x¢w.,, my mg» L "?‘.‘;.,,..,, 0,4”, ,.»}»é74n..,,4za/, % é ‘,Q.T— ‘ ..., ,_..,,, _ v<',j-W 47% w/% word ¢v:'%' -/www/ Z I I V L F: " .,.‘(\ v\: ,1 D ‘ >3 1’ ‘ ‘ ‘ -“6 . ‘ M‘ / « " ’ , § . F W‘ an . W . L . T as ‘~» ‘V
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I 3&0. ....-— ' ‘-*3’? 4 ;7,/ zwvzfi/> ¢a’:<:e/ %,,7, ‘ uu or {7 /42» 5/274; ace ma!/7'7 L t J 7;/,%(/_; 77%;};/,¢f:§rI./~»‘ 0;/4r2a,‘ZI‘/.24, fl’/l}R*”"‘"""" V"”" . my /.a¢../am ,,,;.Wn..Zw«», 571/I/“A/4°» Laflfo/£rflVa /filaéw fiwéval ‘ L94 / ¢_A,:,(/%’ / av’; TJMVPX : ,3/.,iXV11[. Aprzl 20-30, 796? :; Mr. zm/mam», ‘ D gm’ . 1 /M/W gag M ,:m» -MW
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£7 772a-7’é/a//wry: far 0% /‘/63$ i% ;?;/,77 ' , a/¢;;.74 $4» yéé,/f’ ,;M/7%,‘:3),;Z/ am, 4 y/7;: Z W ::7, g.,:@ 777 W % W7/Zzzzrt VIPZ7 \/1/0"XXV]’Iu £]a7{6 23,/7y6. ‘ r amm/7 Q/1,. (,5’.,,ou/,fl/wt F ,_£¢;,;J ,/¢Ic///7/I/“:9 243/ cal!/W/’», : 722a»-/17 ’fl!o7/(:4/7&0»./twér 7/"”’ rfiaflwwa r4«%~»ZW «/ ~"/44%?» I W 216% r” wt/Ir/flt”-V ‘’z‘‘’ “E; ”a7z//“:1” / 4 \ 7172/72/. /av
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and misery. No. XXVII. June 23, 1796. On the disturbances among Country People. Mr. Lucubrator, Since I removed into the country, I have had many opportunities of observing the manners and disposition of our people; and of forming an idea of the common vices and vanities of country terrors. With your permission, I will make a few observations on this subject. It appears to me that the chief disturbances
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[recto] in this neighborhood arise from a kind of envious pride. Scandal, envy, jealousy, and many other vices originate from this source. Pride always arises at being the highest, and envies those who are above its overt stake. Hence arises jealousy and scandal, and all those arts which tend to degrade another, or raise itself above him. But to set this matter in a clearer fight. I will give you a picture of their common situations. Mr. Clarke, one of our neighbors, having found a considerable source of money, advertised it in the news—papers; after a considerable interval, and none applying for the money, he laid it out in such a manner as he thought proper. But as soon as it was known abroad, the whole town was in an uproar. Every one of his neighbors was filled with anxiety, and expressed great concern, not so much in compassion to the person who had lost the money, as in envy to him who found it. Much time and labor were spent in the enquiry after the proper owner of it, but all proved unsuccessful; and they had the misfortune to behold their neighbor; who was before, their inferior, rising above them.
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peculiarly interested in its happy effects. Let the fourth of July, 1776, by held as a distinguished era in the history of republican empires; as the beginning of the downfall of despotism, and the first dawn of political freedom. Let that patriotic assembly who conducted the transactions of this day, receive the united thanks of all who partake of the benefit of their services. Let Washington receive our
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[recto] No. XXVI. June 21, 1796. On Idleness. Nothing is more certain however some may think of it than that man cannot be happy in idleness. However easy in his circumstances, without employment he is the most miserable of human beings. He is a drone in society useless to his acquaintance and a burden to himself. Like an animal he exists merely to consume the fruits of the earth; or rather like
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$9.7 nnn ~4g;//7%’5 &7-7V7,’ éw/W , av? Ma fig W ,,,,;,»/«’,4,:;; ¢,:;?.E,.. , 4%, ,.//w;7, //1 A /4»? «£2 wwzé %m/4 .._,.,, W/fly 3 ,g,.p};/ /A214’ pzowéd .,~€2.¢.m4/, ,.5>W//z£/ M2 M4 ” % /1 ?g,w$J I *1‘ ?‘a/I/;a'«’ A :7”, a/%,oé/arr///A/Z1»; ¢d?r1¢77d72/ _,/,';f, / ' _ . / E c ¢:4¢r2/ 777 > / 7 ‘7 /’ 4/Q a fin/14/M/4% ‘K43; lag) "W/a WWW M /50 J ¢M. /3,,/‘ . , / /” M