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[Page] 72 No. XX. May 20, 1796. The Dancing School. The chief object of contemplation in this town at present, is a proposed dancing school. Every person old and young engages in the general topic of discourse, with a warmth and concern which subjects of great importance only can justify. Person of advantage, and who have lost all relish for pleasure argue that the introduction of a dancing
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[Page] 73 Which of these arguments bar the most weight I shall not at present determine. Both I apprehend are in some degree worthy consideration; and both perhaps have some degree of truth. In many situations and under certain circumstances, it may safely be said, that the dancing school would be of no real advantage. Such as are designed for a vulgar warmth of life might derive more profit from many other accomplishments better adapted to their situations in life. Reading, writing, arithmetic, will make a person much more useful and happy who knows no dancing but what he occasionally acquired, than he could otherwise be though he had learnt to dance in the most elegant manner. For what purpose does a person attend a dancing school three months who for the remainder of this life is destined to follow the plough or attend to some mechanical employment on which depends his whole support?
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’/ %i/ 97/ 3”" ‘*7’ 21/'Zt.'("/I 4/.v/Z/)/a14W/ £1 25 479% /m,:,é;v az/g, Q ;,2%, 52 , aw.’/aw; 4?/2'&‘A%/7/v’ (0% /51/f*%%'"0"” I/V%7d/g/Zgzrzay c»&7"(.1//MA 0//£tz¢'.Lc¢4 ognavgl «’ 5 777a%: a gf};fl/g/M / pa/,r/' 2/r7. t7o*éL&%r Z, txttorozvaz / Q4//7:fi7 we /?a4/‘~r/ .d»67$f&!‘/l4Jé:7.ocz,,' ¢.,,7,<,7 W”, .m%f,.. ,,,, X
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[recto] actions, and skeeking on every occasion to injure us in our estate and reputation. But if we deliberately consider the case, we shall find that he who has such bad neighbors, enjoys a privilege which others have not. Those bad neighbors are continually admonishing us to deal justly, and to avoid all kinds of vice and injustice without the prospect of any fee or reward. Slander and back biting they prohibit under the severest penalties; and we are compelled to behave perfectly upright towards others, in order to escape the vengeance of those bad neighbors, and to preserve the esteem of he world. But mankind in general are too depraved to turn the faults of others to their own improvement. Injuries generally excite a desire of revenge, and revenge is seldom innocent. What ought to excite humility and abatement, raises anger and animosity, and a number of evils, that lend only to render mankind more vicious and corrupt.
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[Page] 74 Does the female who would wish to manage the loom or the spinning wheel, with dexterity, find her dancing to contribute any towards the desired end? But to others such as are designed for professions, and whose fortune and circumstances enable them to make a conspicuous figure in society, a proper attention to the exercises of a dancing school is highly advantageous. To please those with whom we may have acquaintance and to behave among men with a decent civility, modesty and politeness, is not only desirable and proper but in the duty of all who expect much intercourse with the world. If we are destined to act in company nothing will so easily gain their esteem, on a good behavior; and nothing else will free us from the shame and fear of exploring ourselves, which every one feels who has neglected the external habits and rules of behavior.
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with the reproof, and recollecting with what indifference I had viewed his scene, I stand back and immediately awoke. Imaginaria Veritas. No. XIX. May 3, 1796. On Bad Neighbors. Bad neighbors are our outward consciences, And preachers to us all. A bad neighborhood is always considered a great evil, and much to be dreaded. Scarce any thing is thought worse than a neighbor always watching and inspecting our
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M9 /°'‘’‘’ "7 -” M ’ $7’ "” 5'." _ 9"0'Lw4Q X’ ‘”e’‘/ 1”‘ )%JA / 0/ bar/IV M/% 6 . 1; . /I - '1 K , I ’ ‘ .4;}::’. ‘VI 4/</Iflfl ’7‘%”% “L/I’: “ad “L7 ,9: . ‘ 3* . _ t: <- _ A é L . ‘’ AI?“ mL_ Ima;/%za7‘cd W7’/K115" ’ //‘I ,, V /_.c ",V""'4"_o' ‘o 0'.‘ ¢.f’327X]X. fl;7a‘y 3, /jflfli '1 I i On Baa’ J
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[Page] 87 and other branches of agriculture, it would, perhaps, contribute as much to health and innocence, as to national independence and prosperity. All therefore, who are concerned in the prosperity of our country, would do well to encourage this art on which it so much depends; and to preserve that respect which is necessary to make it attended to, let them also take an active part in the order and management of a plantation. If the gentleman or politician would do this, Agriculture would be no longer held in contempt. But should they happen to be ridiculed for their taste or employment, a Virgil, a Cyrus, a Cincinnatus, and a Washington shall vindicate their cause. When Lysander came to Cyrus, a prince equally distinguished for his glorious empire and his genius, Cyrus showed him a piece of ground well enclosed and completely planted. After the visitor had admired the excellence and beauty of the trees, the order and regularity of the rows, the ground well cultivated, and the sweetness of the odours which exhaled from the flowers, he could not help expressing his admiration, not only of the dilligence
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€77/. u%;‘&’6(é/{l£7°6. . F 4/ \/V0’. XXIV. Jana /.3, y‘ 6/am ¢ zmx,*“ W5 ‘ % 1 °_'°7 /my /WW/w/W7/” 7Z;:w/Ma/éuwm ' / -9 pa ¢z//éa ‘ U W %a- “W ,» 0"? 077% 2m}; 4 ' ; .-00,7 Zy 0zo7'4,yp;~¢C() Z7 M Y L’ in; /z;:¢,,/ /:4 z/;.7%,7m# #0’ a/r77¢-’// /0 ¢?72M7/ “47/‘V’/~¢¢7&/%V%a7'au4¢od a4@(.o,7¢y, //Q ? 9 M%/}- %, i 0147/ ¢;.%a% . fl%%{"/’ "’ A 05/ / 6
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[Page] 86 No. XXIV. June 13, 1796. On Agriculture. Agriculture is justly considered as the foundation of every trade, and the principal support of mankind. The earth without cultivation will produce nothing of any consequence: manufactures would cease, commerce be rendered useless, and mankind would be deprived of every kind of subsistence, except what might be acquired by hunting
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V Wmm M@%, ,;; ité, %;7 /2/f’:;;> WM 72‘v{/A/4%) Q71 ':J£"£.¥47ar.é aW0)%%tM //401%; m,,.,¢,,,2, 47 4 9977347/07%/a//»¢/Z49 47/Z%%;r7vr, flaw V A -:4‘ ,-m A Q - ., , ,5 “V3 " ‘ C a ' 3 §-\ § Iv «I3 ‘ 1 ; 3 / 1. .' - '- H ~ ’ _ ' V j . _,' ‘ .- .5.‘ ' ~.‘ .....-,v- ~«~ru.~:i¢4H\‘1+‘-u*"I$‘:<fl7»“'§l3C®IOv ~1mn
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[Page] 89 quences peculiarly fortunate and happy, its anniversary returns with festivity and joy; but when the eventful period was marked with unfortunate and tragical effects, the unwelcome day is commonly saluted with horror, or silent grief. The happy consequences resulting from the revolution of the fourth of July, 1776, are too visible not to be perceived, too strongly felt
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[Page] 90 liberty, our native and inherent right. And by the united wisdom of the same patriotic heroes, who conducted these states through the memorable revolution, was formed our present constitution the most perfect system of government in the world. We established laws for the regulation and government of our empire and then became in a short time exalted to the ranks of the renowned nations of the earth. How can we but acknowledge the blessings of our independence, if we consider the present situation of other nations? Where can we find a people enjoying the peace, liberty, and happiness which we enjoy? Where is to be found a nation free from war, slavery, or oppression? Where in the freedom of Asia, the civilization of Africa, or the peace of Europe? Nay, where do not destruction and slavery triumph best in America? America alone is free from such accumulate horrors. She is the only nation on earth proposed of freedom, peace, and plenty. She refuses to engage in the general combat where nothing is to be gained, bad poverty, disgrace, and ruin; and amuses
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[Page] 85 no danger of detection. With this resolution he followed his former course of gaming for a considerable time, without ant great success. One night having lost a considerable sum he swore he would not desist till it was regained. He therefore engaged deeply, and having as little success as before, soon found the last penny gone. In rage and despair, with a pistol he shot himself through the head and immediately expired. The news of his death reaching his wife, she was deprived of reason, and seems likely to continue so during life. Two children under five years of age remain to the mercy of a vicious world, without father or mother, and without any fortune. This case, though very remarkable, is paralleled in many circumstances in every gaming club in Europe or America. Let everyone therefore be cautious how far he indulges himself in gaming, if he would avoid the fate of Aleator.
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and honor, to attend to his favorite employment of Agriculture, why need Americans be ashamed to imitate their example? No. XXV. June 13, 1796. On the Anniversary of American Independence, July 4 1796. Revolutions of kingdoms and empires have ever been marked with circumstance so striking, and events so important, that the mind, in reviewing the page of history naturally focuses on that period of time