64%? ' tHCRSH37 . . APPENDIX c The following Simulations illustrate the impact of three different inflation A- rates on the program: (1) 10 percent, (2) 6 percent, and (3) 8 percent. tTh€ Weighted cost of capital for both utilities and the fund is held constant for this series oft simulations.
E fV} % % CRS~63 5‘ APPENDIX H% . . % . . ~ ' .R.34oo's The:followingxs1mulat1ons lllusgrate the lmP3¢f Ef 1§cre::::gO§ 8 percent 1+mill fee to 1.5 mills. The s}mula§l0nS é5$Ume anlgn iatégfi to 14 perCent.% while the utilities cost of capltal 1s var1ed from v p rc % % %%V .