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[recto] every study that tends to harmonize, and soften the natural ferocity of the temper, is embraced with the most beneficial effects. Yet some assert that learning is unnecessary in females; that, their employment being of a domestic nature, they are seldom called upon to exert their literary knowledge. But such objections seem to arise either from ignorance, prejudice, or envy. They cannot be the result of experience, or impartial judgment. If they are never to fill a public seat, or harangue in public, will they never have an occasion to read in a company of friends, or, to teach what they have learnt to their families and children? Will they never have an occasion to write to an Acquaintance or relation? Must they never speak before a company, or other wise? Yes, surely they cannot be kept from speaking. Should they note therefore be taught to write and speak properly? And ought they not to be well acquainted with what they are daily required to teach to others?