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JM-149: Conundrum of the California Alien Land Law. 149
The top panel of this cartoon depicts a little girl, “states’ rights” crying over the grave of free silver. “Free silver” refers to the concept of the free coinage of silver, which was a popular idea for public policy among populists and other groups. Those in favor of free coinage of silver would argue that it would increase the circulation of currency, which would make wages higher and loan easier to obtain. Those against the free silver policy typically supported the gold standard, which was officially adopted by the United States in 1879. The gold standard limits the coinage of silver and other currency in circulation, because all currency must defined in the value of gold. Proponents of the gold standard argued it stabilized American currency, which allowed business to function. William Jennings Bryan, an influential American politician and Secretary of State (1913-1915), was an outspoken supporter of the free silver policy. In the top panel, William Jennings Bryan is abandoning states rights to go to California. William Jennings Bryan became involved with attempting to block discriminatory legislation against Japanese immigrants in California, such as the California Alien Land Law. This law placed restrictions of Japanese immigrants’ legal ability to acquire and own property. Such discriminatory laws created a tense diplomatic relationship with Japan. As Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan attempted to limit the impact of such legislation to improve relations between the United States and Japan. The idea behind many of these discriminatory laws in seen in the bottom panel. (Summary created by Mary Delano, MU History Intern, Spring 2018)
JM-145: The Senate passes a parcels post bill. 145
This cartoon shows the US Senate passing the Post Office Appropriation Bill of 1912. The most controversial part of this legislation was the parcels post provision being held up in the comic. This provision divided the country into zones, which would be used to determine postage prices in the US. The provision was introduced by Senator Jonathan Bourne of Oregon to create uniform postage prices within specific areas of the United States. Senator Joseph Bristow of Kansas originally objected to the provision, claiming the price proposals of postage were too low to sustain. Eventually, the senators reached a compromise and the bill was passed with the maximum postage rate of 12 cents per first pound shipped within the total of eight zones created. This bill was thought to be beneficial to small businesses, regularized and lowering costs in specific zones. This bill was not well received by many within the US, particularly with some big business, as represented by the four large men in the top of the cartoon. One of these men reference former Senator Thomas Platt, an infamous political boss for the Republican party. The comment shows a shift occurring within Congress from conservative to more progressive policies during the 1910s. This shift is seen by the man commenting, “Darn those daily moosepapers”. This comment is most likely a reference to the progressive policies of President Theodore Roosevelt, who founded the Bull-Moose party in 1912. (Summary created by Mary Delano, MU History Intern, Spring 2018)
JM-144: Peace Talk
In the first panel, capital and labor are in an argument. This is a personification of the series of labor disputes between workers and large business owners that were a common product of the Industrial Revolution. Usually these disputes were about implementing better employment practices such as better wages, workers’ compensation, safety regulations, etc. This argument is delaying the train of 1916, which holds the economic prosperity the United States experienced due to it funding and manufacturing supplies for the European nations fighting in World War I. Uncle Sam, the United States, is attempting to resolve the conflict between Labor and Capital, so they can become ready to experience the prosperity 1916 is bringing. Notice the bottom notation says this “peace” is necessary. The second panel portrays a wide view of the world with the United States on the left and Europe on the right. On the left, Uncle Sam (the United States) is being asked by humanity to intervene and mediate in Europe. This exchange references those who thought the United States had a moral duty to help end World War I in Europe. On the right side of the panel, is a depiction of the World War I conflict being shielded from the glow of peace (the sun). The Allies (Britain, France, Italy) are fighting with the Teutons (Germany and its allies with Germanic roots). Looming over this fight are the personifications of financial and physical death. This shows the devastation World War I has caused in Europe. The last panel depicts the internal debate between politicians in the US about what action should be taken regarding European intervention. On the left, “progressive” politicians pull the elephant ( the Republican party) towards peace, meaning they want the US government to help European nations negotiate a peace. Notice the Progressive politician is dressed in relatively simple clothing, which suggests he appeals more the common man. The “old guard” politician is pulling the Republican party away from peace, meaning he wishes the United States to remain neutral and not intervene in World War I. He is dressed more upscale, which suggests his ideas represent the older, more wealthy population that is profiting on the war. (Summary created by Mary Delano, MU History Intern, Spring 2018)
JM-140: Proposed solution to the disputed problem. 140
This cartoon depicts the potential candidates for the Republican primary election of 1912. The first candidate portrayed on the left is President Taft, who was running for re-election. The second candidate is James Sherman’s, President Taft’s former vice president. The next candidate is a senator from Massachusetts, Boies Penrose. William Barnes, Jr., a politician and journalist from New York, is displayed as a potential runner. The last candidate depicted in the cartoon is Winthrop Crane, another senator from Massachusetts. All these men appear to be eager to run in the Republican primary in the top panel. However, some of these men are accused of being fraudulent candidates. This means they have been accused of not actually been favored by the public to run for the presidency To ensure their legitimacy, a man suggests a preferential primary. A preferential primary is an election that determines the nominee for the presidency through the preference of voters or through delegates (these delegates most vote for the winning primary candidate). The practice of a preferential primary contradicts against the tradition of political bosses attempting to organize the outcome of elections. The candidates of the elections all find this news distressing in the bottom panel. (Summary created by Mary Delano, MU History Intern, Spring 2018)