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Specimens of some of the written languages of the world:
This manuscript dating from between 1817 and 1848 contains Robert Gilmor, Jr.'s transcription of the alphabets of various world languages with some accompanying brief descriptions and additional information. Several translated versions of The Lord's Prayer using these various languages are also found throughout the text. Languages he includes are Arabic, Armenian, Bali, Barman, Bengalley, Bulgarian, Chaldean, Chinese, Dalmatian, Egyptian [multiple forms], English [multiple forms], Ethiopic, Etruscan, Flemish, Georgian, German, Gothic, Greek, Hebrew, Huns, Japonese [Japanese], Irish, Italic, Lampoon, Latin, Malabaric, Nagari, Anglo-Norman, Persian [multiple forms], Phenician [Phoenician], Rejang, Roman, Runic, Russian, Samaritan, Saracen, Saxon, Sclavonian, Servian [multiple forms], Siamic [Thai], Syriac, Syro-Gallilean, Tamoulic [Tamil], Tartaric, Teutonic, Thibetan [Tibetan], Tyrian, Turkish, Welsh.
Recent judicial expansions of tort law in the area of environmental pollution
This report assesses whether increased losses of liability insurers may be due in part to expanded tort-law interpretations in the field of environmental pollution. It concludes that there has indeed been such an expansion in recent decades, but numerous other factors may also be contributing to the claimed liability insurance crisis.
Popular hymns no. 3: popular songs and standard hymns, suitable for the Bible school, church services..., Popular hymns number 3, Songs of hope : for the church and Sunday School / compiled and edited by E.O. Excell printed in round and shaped notes with orchestration, Songs of the century for missionary and revival meetings, Sabbath schools and young people's societies / edited by Geo. D. Elderkin, Jno. R. Sweney, Wm. J. Kirkpatrick, H.L. Gilmour, and F.A. Hardin, Songs of the king / [compiled by Charles Reign Scoville], Sunday school voices no. 2 : a collection of sacred songs / music editor Chas. H. Gabriel, The tabernacle hymns / edited and compiled by D.B. Towner and Arthur W. McKee, Treasury of song : songs for all religious gatherings / edited and compiled by Robert H. Coleman, Truth in song : for general Gospel work / edited by B.E. Warren ... [et al.], Twentieth century songs. Part one : a collection of new and popular songs with standard hymns for church, Sunday school, young people's societies and special services / edited by Chas. H. Gabriel, J.E. Hawes and W.E.M. Hackleman, 20th century songs, Victory songs, Victory songs : for the church, Sunday school and evangelistic services / Homer A. Rodeheaver, compiler Chas. H. Gabriel, music editor, Victory songs : for the church, Sunday school and evangelistic services / Homer A. Rodeheaver, compiler Chas. H. Gabriel, music editor, Waves of glory, no. 2 / edited by W.J. Kirkpatrick, D.L. Wallace, C.J. Kinne, Windows of heaven : hymns new and old for the church, Sunday school and home / compiled by H.M. Wharton, Winona hymns / compiled by J. Wilbur Chapman edited by E.O. Excell for the Evangelistic Committee, Wonder hymns of faith : a new general-purpose song-book / compiled by Chas. R. Scoville, W.E.M. Hackleman, J.E. Sturgis, orchestration by J.C. Blaker, responsive readings selected by E.E. Violette, The world evangel : the brightest and best songs for all religious gatherings / edited and compiled by Robert H. Coleman, World wide revival songs, number two : for the church, Sunday school and evangelistic campaigns / James G. Garth, compiler Albert C. Fisher, editor assistant compilers, Harry Dixon Loes ... [et al.] by order of the International Federation of Christian Workers, The young people's hymnal : adapted to the use of Sunday schools, Epworth Leagues, prayer meetings, and revivals / by W.D. Kirkland, James Atkins, William J. Kirkpatrick, The young people's hymnal, no. 2. Adapted to the use of Sunday schools, epworth leagues, prayer meetings, and revivals. By James Atkins, and William J. Kirkpatrick, The young people's hymnal No. 3 : adapted to the use of Sunday Schools, Epworth Leagues, prayer meetings, and revivals / by James Atkins and William J. Kirkpatrick
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