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Specimens of some of the written languages of the world:
This manuscript dating from between 1817 and 1848 contains Robert Gilmor, Jr.'s transcription of the alphabets of various world languages with some accompanying brief descriptions and additional information. Several translated versions of The Lord's Prayer using these various languages are also found throughout the text. Languages he includes are Arabic, Armenian, Bali, Barman, Bengalley, Bulgarian, Chaldean, Chinese, Dalmatian, Egyptian [multiple forms], English [multiple forms], Ethiopic, Etruscan, Flemish, Georgian, German, Gothic, Greek, Hebrew, Huns, Japonese [Japanese], Irish, Italic, Lampoon, Latin, Malabaric, Nagari, Anglo-Norman, Persian [multiple forms], Phenician [Phoenician], Rejang, Roman, Runic, Russian, Samaritan, Saracen, Saxon, Sclavonian, Servian [multiple forms], Siamic [Thai], Syriac, Syro-Gallilean, Tamoulic [Tamil], Tartaric, Teutonic, Thibetan [Tibetan], Tyrian, Turkish, Welsh.
Gerard Manley Hopkins and the language of mystery
1991, 1991
I: Background and theory -- Introduction -- Mysterious certainty -- Things real : vision and revision -- :The synthesis of the succession : cadence and its theory -- II. Orion of light -- The wreck of the Deutschland (1875-1889) -- III. As the circling bird (1877-1889) -- To glean our Saviour : nature, humanity, God -- Mortal beauty : selfhood, variety mortality -- Sheer plod : creaturehood, drudgery, glory -- IV. Dark descending -- The terrible sonnets (1885).