Packet' Liberty' with photographers boat, when new- built-1889. Marietta Ohio, for apt John K. Booth- sold into the Memphis White River trade- Sold, early 1900s to Capts W. MEanes Sr. & T. Jackson, for a Mobile-Tombigbee Packet- who sold her to Winston & Henry Jones for the same trade- Sold circa 1911, to Montgomery Ala intos, for a towboat, on Alabama River, in Mobile- Montgomery trade- Her cabin and tall stack feathers (which had been added in cotton trade were removed) - Vessel was next sold to Commadore John W. Hubbard, who had her rebuilt, and renamed 'City of Parkersburg' for Ohio River trade - This vessel was known as the BIG LIBERTY, and, 'The Boat that came back'- Bert Neville Selma Alabama And times she could give the "Kate Adams" a good race-