B-3 American Car and Foundry Collection

John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library


"City of Kansas City" (Wabash)
Rear view of "City of Kansas City" diner car
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash)
A view from a train car entrance all the way down the aisle.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash)
A close-up of the front of a car with a headlight and the "City of Kansas City" logo.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash)
Exterior of diner, left, and coffee shop club coach of "City of Kansas City" as citizens wait to board
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash)
Passengers say their final goodbyes as it comes time for them to board.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash)
Side view of the "City of Kansas City", the Wabash's newest ACF streamliner, as it heads for open country and leaves St. Louis on its speedy 278-mile journey.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash)
A view of a train car's undercarriage on the "City of Kansas City"
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Brake Wheel
This train car had a Miner brand brake wheel and a fire extinguisher for emergencies.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #1425
Full view of coach car #1425 of the "City of Kansas City."
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #1426
Full view of "City of Kansas City" car #1426.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #1525
Full view of "City of Kansas City" Coach-Buffet car #1525. Shot is focused on the left end of the train.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #1600
Front of car #1600 of the "City of Kansas City." It has a headlight and the train's logo on it.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #375
Full view of car #375 of the "City of Kansas City."
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #475
Full view of "City of Kansas City" car #475
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #475
Full view of car #475 of the "City of Kansas City."
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #50
The interior of "City of Kansas City" diner car #50.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #94
Passengers chat as they await to board car #94 of the "City of Kansas City"
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car #94
The side view of car #94 grants a wider view of its surroundings, including cars and an adjacent building
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car Connection Vestibule
Inside the screen is a metal frame connecting these two train cars together, the screen also keeps any stray dirt from the frame from getting on passengers.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Car Windows
Car windows are rectangular in shape with blinds and are different sizes.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Coach
Close-up of the inside of a coach car of the "City of Kansas City"
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Coach
A view of the front door of a coach car. Windows are on either side of the door.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Coach
View of the back door and aisle of a coach car on the "City of Kansas City." Mirrors are on both sides of the door.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Coach Buffet
Buffet has a semi-circular refreshment bar in the center of the car, for convenience and enjoyment of "between meal" snacks.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Coach-Buffet
View of the back of "City of Kansas City" coach-buffet car #1525. Mirrors are on both sides of the door.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Coach-Buffet
Close-up shot of an empty coach-buffet.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Coach-Buffet
A view of the coach-buffet from the back.
"City of Kansas City" (Wabash) Coach-Buffet
Another view of the popular coach-buffet on the "City of Kansas City"


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