The Sectional Dock Company have now two complete Docks in successful operation, located at the foot of Lesperance Street. In connection with these Docks they have a Floating Saw Mill, with circular and upright saws and Planing Mill; and have recently added to their facilities a New Saw Mill on shore, 40 by 125 feet, on the most approved plan, with circular and upright saws, and planing mill. They have also a sufficient number of Flats for caulkers' use and guard work when off the Docks; a Blacksmith's Shop, where all chain work, rudder irons, bolting etc., can be done that may be required. With these they have other facilities, sufficient for doing with expedition all repairs properly belonging to ship carpenters' work, including bridgetrees, gallows frames, cullender timbers, water wheel beams, full length floors, etc.; and have always at comand a sufficient number of experienced workmen, with lumber and all other materials for necessary repairs. These Docks possess peculiar advantages for straightening a boat or vessel that has become hoged or twisted, which is done by raising or depressing any one or more sections or either end of them. The management of those Docks and work done on or about them is in charge of a practical and skillful mechanic in that line, and long experience. Parties employing this Company for dockage and repairs may be assured that all repairs and workmanship will be made satisfactory to them...