The Peerless, Captain Tom Barry, was an Alabama River packet running from Mobile to Montgomery, Alabama. She was built as the James T. Staples in 1908 at Mobile, Alabama and her net and gross tonnage was 365. The high pressure machinery was rated as 900 horsepower. The wooden hull was 200 x 40 x 5.1 feet. She carried a crew of 41. The Staples exploded her boilers on January 9, 1913, was partially wrecked and caused the loss of 15 lives. When rebuilt her name was changed to Peerless. In May, 1921, with Captain George Quarles, master, she hit the bridge at Demopolis on the Tombigbee River, tearing out four staterooms on the starboard side and damaging herself to the extent of $4,000. After operating for some years as the Peerless the boat was purchased by Captain Owen F. Burke, of Mobile, who changed her name to Helen Burke. The Helen Burke sank at Mobile when the shrimp pulled the oakum out of her seams in 1920. Evidently she was raised as records show a Helen Burke operating up until 1932 which is the last record. Anyway, she sank while laid up at Mobile and was dismantled.