I0 . \VA’1‘El{\\’AYS JOURNAL. FOR SALE—-Sternwlieel steamer, 8.) tons, 110x23 ft nice model; engines 12 in. by 3 ft. stroke; team capstan, electric light plant, stage. two boilers, 18 including ft. in length, 38-in. diameter, 65,000 T. S., allowed 150 ., 129x30 over all, doctor, injector, steam pump rsearchlight, laige swinging lbs. steam; is very econr-niical on fuel, splendid handler and makes good time. Cabin contains oifice, sitting room, dining room, pantry, kitchen, two wash lOOlllS, nine state rooms and a b"’h room. Has double deck with air space between under forward cabin. th.: year, and is l"lllt extra strong. Is very roomy 26 inches. Can be seen at Marietta, this office. THEilUBUOUE BOAT Aunimuinwdiksii $8,000 was spent in rebuilding boat veiything is practically new and in excelent condition; hull and would make a nice packet. Draws O. Bargain it sold this ‘month. W. N., Succosso to Iowa Iron Works. .5 rm M5/2 A1 12.4 729055 .305 F7’. 1. (M/<3. .9 O /-""7: WV DE‘ (J!/Eff L‘?//.*7/NU. CZ»?/I/7/ifs‘ /6‘ L0/I/IF/) C‘/-IRS‘. .«:w.< rm/V 27/5 /1.7.6».//,7;/£ 290x17‘ c‘ /to/2 59* ,4» z 25'/(V/. ax: ./2.//ml/42¢/£ Jam-' /5 «'.r:r.»*.-M I/«M S'I‘ExEL HULLS, BOH.ERS, TANKS, SHEET IRON AND STRUCTURAL WORK. DIABJNE WORK A SPECIALTY. iDUB’UQUE. IOWA. THE 2 It EUREKAE lsH3l\l'l 3'3 SYPHON IS THE MOST ECONOMICAL SYPHON MADE. It is made or either cast iron or br ass. It is one of the lightest‘, in use, be ing about one-halt the weight or any other, and has 3. capacity far superior to any other. It requires but very low pressure and no attention, as it is of such a. construction that it is almost in: possible to stop its action.. MADE BY KINCAID BROTHERS NO 211 WATER s'r., PITTSURG. PA. TOWBOAT FOR SALE—I have had placed in my hands, for sale, the best towboat for her size on the Ohio River; laid up on account no business. She must be sold, “and quickly.” 12-inch cylinders, 4—foot stroke, Cali- fornia cut off, 2 (two) boilers; came out March, 1906; modern equipments. She is 124 feet long, 24 foot beam, 3 feet 9 inch hold; tonnage, 87; light on fuel; good handler; fast; in No. 1 condition.——Capt. J. M. Davis, No 8 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. FOR SALE—S‘team tug, Norway, 58-10-4. Gross tons 24; net 18; built 1904—bargain. Thos. N. Beidelman, Evansville, Ind., P. 0. Box 165. FOR SALE—Gasoline sternwheel boat 60x12 feet. 38 horse power Fair- l)ar.li's-M~orr.e eng'ne; tonnage, 13 net; b-oat can be seen at foot of Angelica street, St. Louis, in good condition; electric lights throughout and search light. Bargain for quick sale. Address S. & M., this office. at -1: FOR SALE—-Propeller Silver Star, 60 feet keel, 65 feet over all; 10 feet beam, 4 feet hold, 4 feet propeller; 41/; feet draught; hull rebuilt in 1908. L‘-oiler built in 1907; 12 feet long, 3 feet in diameter; 21 tubes, 3% inches ;'ia'nieter; steam pressure 187 pounds; 1 cylinder, 11 inches diameter. 10 inches stroke. For particulars apply to H. Rigrlon, Front and l-larriet Sts., Cincinnati, Ohio. FOR SALE—Towboat, 156x30x4; engine, 171/3x5; four boilers, 24x36 two flues; boat is eight years 01d and was pulled out last year and put in thorough repair. Address P. O. Box No. 233, Cairo, Ill. FOR SALE—Steamer Millie W., stern wheel, 85xl8X4. Built 1902. Boil- er, 18 ft. x 40 inches. 169 lbs. Engines, 8 inches x 42 inches. Cypress hull, oreosoted timbers. Draft 30 inches. Electric Lights. F. B. Williams Cypress Company, Ltd., Patterson, La. FOR SALE——FlRST-CLASS TOW- BOAT. Dimensions, 110x24%x4 ft. deep. Two boilers, allowed 191 lbs. steam. Cylinders 12-in. by 5 ft. stroke. California cut—off. ‘Easy on fuel, Rea- son for selling, just built larger boat. For further particulars inquire E. T. Slider, New Albany, Ind. FOR SALE—Fine pressed steel launch; 22 ft. by 58 in. beam; 3 en- giires, 12 horsepower; makes'12 miles per hour upstream in Ohio River; finished in brass and hard oak. For price address Wm. Pell, Brookport, ll]. FOR SALE—Che‘ap-—Complete gaso- line sternwheel boat; transmission machinery; bronze pinion and bevel cut gear drive; two No. 30 steel roller chains and four sprockets; transmits 50 h. p. Address P. D. Barbour, 911 Washington avenue, St. Louis. FOR sALE—-One set 14-inch by 4 feet second hand engines, complete. For particulars address Giliett & Eaton, Lake City, Minn, FOR SALE—Towboat Alarm, 142x26 x4.3 feet. Engines 16x51/2 feet, 3 boil- ers 40 inches by 26 feet, two flues 14 inches; steam capstan, electric light. tonnage 189. Good condition and ready for service. Address W. G. Coyle & Co., New Orleans, La. FOR sALE—Towboat Resolute, com- pletely rebuilt in 1908. Dimensions. 139.6 feet long, 29 ft. beam, 3.9 ft. depth. Three new boilers, 40 ins. di- ameter, 24 ft. long‘, allowed 180 pounds steam, cylinders 16 1-4 inches diameter by 5% ft. stroke. Steam Capstan. elec- tric light outfit throughout, also search light, in first-class condition’. For further particulars, address, River Sand & Gravel Company, 814 Howard Ave., New Orleans, La. FOR SALE—STEAMER LUCILLE NOWLAND. 170 feet long, 33 feet beam. Engines 12 inches by 5 ft. stroke, two boilers 48 inches by 20 ft; 6 10-inch flues each thickness of plate 29-100 inch, allowed 169 lbs. steam pressure. Boat is fully equipped with goon’ light plant, cap- stan life—boat's, etc. Will be sold a's she stands or will sell boilers and engines, or other equipment separately. Can be seen at Memphis, Tenn. Apply to P. H. Patton, care Pittsburgh Coal Co., Mem- phis. It VVANTED TWO BARGES ONE 14x 50 ONE 22x105 J. E. MUNAL, Memphis, Tenn. 129 N. Main st. WANTED—Towboat 12 inches or 13 inch cylinders by 4 or 5 ft.. stroke. Give full particulars. Addrss Collins & Hartweg Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. FOR SALE OR TRADE—A two- wheel tug, 85 ft. long, 18 ft. wide, 4 ft. deep; just rebuilt in March; in fine shape; only draws 30 inches. Will exchange for a small sternwheel boat, or sell. Write W. M. Harth, Casey- ville, Union County, Kentucky. WANTED—Marine Boiler to supply 9x44 engines; 190 to 200 pounds. D. L; this office. FOR SALE—-Two fire box boilers, 22 feet by 44 inches, all-owed 160 lbs. steam; 48 three-inch flues. In good condition. Address K. C., this Office- FOR SALE—Two small towboats. One 130 feet long, 26 feet wide, 4 feet hull, 3 boilers. Engines 14-inch bore, 5 feet stroke. One 100 feet long, 21 feet wide, 4 foot hull, 2 boilers. Engines 121/2-inch bore, 4 foot stroke. Both’ boats in first- claszs condition and in service. For full particulars address, Kanawha & Ohio Transfer Co., Ironton, Ohio. FOR SALE——Fir_st-class towboat, 1.35x20.8 feet beam; 24 feet over all; 2 high pressure cylinders: 12 inch diameter; 5 foot stroke; two boilers, 42 inches by 18 feet, with nine 6-inch flues in each; inspected January 6 and all-owed 188 pounds ‘steam; also equipped with a new nigger boiler; one pair new nigger engines and new cap- stan; a fine electric light plant, in- cluding search light; boat just off the docks, January 1st, with new iron cyl- inder timbers. Well equipped with lines, hatchets, chains and SiDh011' and sphcn pipe. Everything necessary to ccmiplete a first-class towboat. First- class cabin and ‘boiler deck for crew. This boat can be bought at a great bargain if sold within the next 30 days. Address P. 0. box 297, Point Pleasant, W. Va. FOR SALE—Double drum, double engine. Clinton midship nigger; cylin- ders 6x8 inches. Double engine, double barrel steam- boat capstan; capstan barrel of iron; engines 6x8, in perfect condition and as good as new. Address lock box 293, Donaldsonville, La. FOR SALE—Good packet boat, 1652 30x51/2 feet; engines 16 inch by 5% feet; nice cabin 30 state rooms and Texas. Address, owner, Wharfboat. Portsmouth, 0. FOR SALE—Towb~oat 100x18 ft.; one boiler, engines 141—4x36 inches; four years old in first—classvC011diti011- Address W. P. Hall Stave Co., 400 Wis- consir St., Memphis, Tenn. Now is the time to Advertise. Write for rates.