A new sign of the times made its appearance in St. Louis Saturday when part of the Union Station train shed was taken over by automobiles. The last four tracks at the east side of the train shed have been roped off as a parking area to accommodate users of special trains during the football season. Some 3000 fans left Union Station Saturday aboard four special trains to the Army-Illinois game at Champaign, Ill. The new covered parking facility, entrance to which is at Eighteenth and Clark streets, the southeast corner of the train shed, is 1000 feet long and accommodates approximately 500 cars. A flat rate of $1.00 is charged for cars left there by patrons leaving and returning on special trains. Roping off of the parking area (no new construction was involved) means that Union Station has lost on one side part of what it gained at the other back in 1929 when 10 new tracks were added at the west side of the train shed. In those days, an average of 650 trains used to station every day. Nowadays, the average is slighty over 100.