Edwin Fulwider and Kathryn Fulwider Collection

The Edwin Fulwider and Kathryn Fulwider artwork collection includes prints by these important American artists focusing primarily on subjects of river and rail transportation industries.
St. Louis Mercantile Library Art Museum
Caboose Window
An image of a lantern and clipboard laying on a desk by a window overlooking the railroad tracks and power lines.
Children Playing
A colorful image of a train crew on the back of a passenger car with mountains in the background.
An image of a red locomotive trailing steam, and its caboose passing through a switch with the train's flagman standing next to the signal.
Dock Side, Seattle (On the Waterfront)
An image of a train on the railway at a port city surrounded by buildings, people, and mountains in the background.
Empire Builders
An image of a grading crew, two horses, and various rail equipment in front of a train and railroad surrounded by buildings and mountains in the background.
Fast Express
A view of a train moving at a fast speed with smoke billowing from the engine and a figure standing beside the railroad in the foreground.
Gandy Dancers
An image of railroad employees working on a track with a Great Northern steam locomotive passing behind them in a landscape setting.
Harper's Ferry, West Virginia
A colorful image depicting a town along the Virginia shoreline of the Shenandoah river with mountains in the background and three winter trees in the foreground.
Men and Speeders I
An image of a track gang on a railroad interacting with each other by a railroad motorcar.
Men and Speeders II
An image of workers on a railroad interacting with each other between railroad motorcars.
Michigan Avenue Bridge
An aerial view of a Great Lake boat on a river under a raised drawbridge.
Morning Work Train
A view of a parked train surrounded by buildings with passengers in the foreground that are about to board.
Pay Car
A depiction of a train on a railroad siding in a landscape setting surrounded by cliffs and powerlines.
An image of a train leaving a train station from a town with buildings and mountains in the background.
The Guardian
A detailed image of a crossbuck with lights at a railroad crossing with a view of two buildings and a powerline in the background.
Village Crossing
A colorful image of a railroad crossing surrounded by buildings with a powerline in the background.
West Portal
An image of two trains parked on railroad tracks at a tunnel with people walking around them, in a landscape setting.

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