M-111 Series 2: Other Pamphlets

The bequest of Peck's Library must have been a great boon to the Mercantile in the 1850's, a time of rapid growth and collection development. The Reference Librarian of the Mercantile Library of 1940 and 1950, Elizabeth Tindell, and Elizabeth Kirchner, Head Librarian from 1965-1986, both have recently commented, on being interviewed, that various bound pamphlet volumes were almost entirely composed of Peck-owned titles. These materials were examined in the process of constructing this list of Other Pamphlets. Many of these materials fall within date ranges and possess remnants of trimmed or complete, untrimmed Peck signatures and other inscriptions, as well as previous pamphlet numbering marks in what reasonably appear to be Peck's hand. These materials, as Appendix 1 materials, await full bibliographic description and comparison studies for further verification of provenance, but have been included based on internal C1 evidence and careful hypothesis, now, as part of the original Peck bequest. Each is arranged alphabetically by the first important word of the title or creating organization and numbered consecutively. This number is carried over to the first leaf of text (verso) and the non-acidic enclosure are housed in boxed groupings. These pamphlets were bound with a few non-Peck related items (i.e. those dated after 1858 have been removed; these had been added at binding for their related content, obviously.)
St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louis


Extraits du Rapport Sur L'Exposition de Paris
Relativement Aux Produits du Canada. Imprime Par Ordre de l'Honorable Conseil Legislatif (Excerpts from the Report on the Paris Exhibition Relating to the Products of Canada. Printed by Order of the Honorable the Legislative Council)
Fair Play is A Jewel
Republished criticism of Dr. Mott's Case of Aneurism, which was published in the "Medical Recorder," but whose answer was purposefully left unpublished. This document is the republished version with the answer annexed.
Fifth Report of the American Temperance Society May 1832
Annual report of the American Temperance Society from 1832.
Fifty-First Annual Report of the Board of Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
In The United States of America. Presented to the General Assembly, May 1853.
Fifty-Second Annual Report of the Board of Missions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
In The United States of America. Presented to the General Assembly, May 1854.
Fifty-Sixth Annual Report of the Board of Domestic Missions
Of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Fifty-Third Annual Report of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
In the United States of America. Presented May, 1855
Fillmore and Donelson, Songs for the Campaign
Campaign songs written for the 1856 United States presidential election, in support of Millard Fillmore.
First Annual Report of the Church Extension Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church
In the United States of America, Presented May 1856, and the Church Extension Summary, or a Brief View of the Nature and Importance of the Church Extension Enterprise
Fourteenth Annual Report of the Board of Publication of the Presbyterian Church
In the United States of America. Presented to the General Assembly, May 1852
Freedom of Thought, the True Mean
An Address Delivered Before the Philomathean Society of Troy Conference Academy, of West Poultney, Vt. On the Evening of July 15, 1851
God His Own Interpreter
Religious text guiding readers on interpreting the Christian Bible.
House of Representatives, Wednesday, Dec. 17, 1834
Memorial presented by Mr. Reynolds to grand 400 acres of land to "ancient settlers of Illinois."
Japan, and the Expedition Thereto of the United States
A description of Japan based on various 19th century expeditions delivered to the Missouri Historical Society.
Jonathan Jones' Commercial College, Charles Stewart's Mathematical Institute, and S. D. Hayden's Writing Academy, United
A catalogue of courses available at at the Jones Commercial College of St. Louis, Mo.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church
In the Diocese of Missouri, Held in Christ Church, Lexington. On Friday, May 23d, Saturday, May 25th, (5th Sunday after Easter), A.D. 1851


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