Three original captions: "Dust an bricks fly as Mayor Tucker mans the controls to swing a 4700-pound metal ball against the two-story brick building at 1627 Chestnut st., to begin demolition in the Plaza ara which is to be redeveloped. The building was marked as the first structure to be razed. The beginning of the project climaxes almost five years of planning and negotiating. Mr. Tucker called the ceremony the most important he had participated in since becoming mayor." "Dust an bricks flew when Mayor Tucker manned the controls to swing a 4700-pound metal ball against a two-story building at 1627 Chestnut st., to begin demolition for redevelopment of the Plaza area. This scene was photographed Apr. 19." "Mayor Tucker guides the iron ball from crane to strike the first blow at building at 1627 Chestnut St. to begin the Plaza urban redevelopment project."