T y , AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 267 E _ _, V . . ‘ Direct Action Engines ‘Ii-A P -—— W E L D:‘3E.]) ’ RON BRIDGES BRIDGE & noon BOLTS, etc. STARKS & PRUYN of Albany, New York. FOR S’I‘EAMBOATS. THE PATENT DOUBLE CYLINDERS, A AND ALso TI-IE ANNULAR RING PISTON ENGINES, of Messrs. Maudslay Sons & Field, of London may be built in the Unite States, under license,whic can be obtained of their a ent, ‘ T OMAS PROSSER, C. E. « 28 Platt street, -New York. . May 6, 1848. » AP—WELDED WROUGHT IRON TUBES , for Tubular Boilers, from 1} to 15 inches diame- ter, and any length not exceeding 17 feét—-manufac- tured by the Caledonian Tube Company, Glasgow, and for sale by IRVING VAN WART, . « ', - 12 Platt street, New York. JOB CUTLER, Paltentee. ¢ £59 These Tubes are extensively used by the British Government, and by the principal Engineers and Steam Marine and Railway Companies in_ the Kingdom. DEAN, PACKARD & MILLS, MANUFACTURERS on ALL KINDSIOF RAILROAD CARS, SUCH AS PASSENGER, FREIGHT AND CRANK CARS, . -— ALSO -- SNOW PLOUGI-IS AND ENGINE TENDERS or VARIOUS KINDS. CAR WI-IEELS and AXLES fitted and furnished at short notice; also, STEEL SPRINGS of various kinds; and SI-IAFTING FOR FACTORIES. % The above may be ltgtd at orzler at our Cm‘ Factory, Ream. DEAN, ELIJAH PACKARD, IsAAC M1LLs, / Mattcwan Machine Works. THE Mattcwan Company have added to their Ma- chine Works an extensive LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE department, and are prepared to execute orders for La,- comotive Engines of every size and pattern-~also Ten- ders, IV/reels, Axles, and other railroad machinery, to which they ask the attention of those who wish such articles, before they purchase elsewhere. STATIONARY ENGINES, BOILERS, ETC., Of any required size, or pattern, arranged for driving Cotton, Woollen, or",t3fI§er;,7Wt'lls, can be ad on favora- ble terms, and at short: 1 ice.- COTTON AND .WO0LLEN MACHINERY, Of every description,"einbo_dy_ing all the modernim— provements, second inrquality to none in this or any other country, made to ‘order.’ * , MILLEGEARING, . A . Of every description, ma" be had at short notice, as this company has probab y the most extensive assert-‘ merit of patterns in ’Lll1S"‘l1_11e, in any section of the country, and are constantly ‘adding to them. I I B ' TOOLS. . T f Turning Lathes, »$'.labbing,' Plaining, Cutting‘ and Drilling ,Machm.es,, of the xnost_apJ3roved patterns, to-. gather with all other tools require '11] r’nach_ine*sl£ops,, may be had at the Mattewan Comppny s Shops, 11 19h- kill Landing, or at 39 Pmetstreet, ew-Yo . ‘ WM. B. LEONARD, "Agent. Devlan’s Machinery Oil. , THE Subscribers, Agents for.P. S. Devlan do Co’s ‘ “ Patent Lubricating Oil”———pricc 80c. per gallon 4 mos. or 3 -per c tofffor cash. ' S We refei‘=to the followin certificate of Messrs. Nor- ris Bi-others,‘in whose wor a, any one by calling can 'see the oil in use and Judge for themselves. ‘ Philadelphia, April 2, 1849. l We have been using throughout ‘our Works,1during the last six weeks, “ Devlan’s Lubricating Oil,’ and so far as we have been able to Judge from its use we think it paeferable to the sperm oil generally use, , iorijboth. heavy‘ and light bearings, ’ NonsIs.Bn,oTI_,u<_.ns, _ %‘ SPRINGFIELD, MASS. . . , W48 A Noizius’ LOCOMOTIVE Wonxs. For sale by A _ALLEN.&« NEEDLES, 1, - - » e 22 &»,_23 South Wharves _ 14.tf Philadelphia 151. A WROUGHT IRON Tusns I-‘0R- ’ TUBULAR BOILERS, FROM 1 1-2 To 8 INCHES DIAMETER. These Tubes are of the same quality and manu- facture as those ‘so extensively used in England, Scotland, France and Germany, for Locomotive, Marine and other Steam Engine Boilers. ‘THOMAS PROSSER, Patemee. 28 Platt street, New York. . TIIETNRNEAETLE 1{IANiJ_I3ACTURINeTCo. continue to furnish at the Works, situated in the town of Newcastle, Del. Locomotive and other steam engines, Jack Screws, Wrou ht Iron W0rk_and Brass and Iron Castings, of all km s connected with Steam- boats. Railroads, etc.; Mill Gearing of every descrip- tion; Cast Wheels (chillcdgl of any pattern and size, with Axles fitted also wit wrought tires, Springs, Boxes and bolts for Cars; Driving and other wheels for Locomotives. , . '1Il‘l%)e works bgpinghonp an extensivcil gcale, all orders wi e execute wit romptness an ’ espatch. Com- munications addressed) to -Mr. William H. Dobbs, Su- perintendent, will meet Wljl§.l§;1}i{le(Ivi‘i71tt(33flt€nl2l01I;. * ' , E . RA ‘ . 1145 President of the Newcastle Manuf. Co. facturers of Railroad Machinery. hers have for sale Ariierican and En ish Bar Iron, of all sizes; English‘Bli's‘t'er, Cast, hear and Spring Steel; Juniata Rods; Car Axlesyiiiade of double re- fined iron; Sheet and Boiler Iron, cut topattern; Tires for Locomotive Engines, and other railroad car- riage wheels, made from Common and double refined B. 0. Iron; the latter a ver superior article. The The subscri- having agreat expense established anianufactoiy with every fa Bridges, Bri ge and Roof Bolts, together with of the larger sizes of Screw Bolts, Iron Railings, Steam Boilers, and every description of Wrought Iron VVork, . 0 RAILROAD COMPANIESLAND MANU- . it of Machinery for Manufacturi Iron Eli are prepared to furnish toorder, on the shortest notice, any of the above branches, of the very best of Amer- can Refined Iron, and at the lowest rates.‘ ' , Durin the pastyear, S. & P. have furnislied“seve1'- Iron ridges for the'Erie Canal, Albany Basin, etc. ——and a large amount of Railroad Bridge Bolts, all oil which have given the most perfect satisfaction. They are permitted to refer to the following gentle- men: Charles Cook, Canal Commissioners Nelson J. Beach, of the . Jacob Hinds, State of New York. Willard Smith, Esq., Englfigemfgg; gfaigigfs for Messrs. Stone do Harris, Railroad Bridge Builders, Mr. Win. Howe, . _Sprin(gIfielcl, Mass, Mr_ S_ Whipple’ E Eng1nep}tical3i%§lgp(Bu1lde;" January 1, .1849. FRENCH ac B‘AIRI)‘7s Patent Spark Arrestcr. Tires are made by Messrs. Ba dwin and Whitne , Lo- comotive Engine Manufacturers of this city. rders addressed to them, or to us, will be promptly executed. When the exact diameter of the wheel is stated in the order, a fit to those wheels is guaranteed, saving to the purchaser the expense of turning them out in- 'de. » « S1 THOMAS 61. EDMUND GEORGE, 2145 N. cor. 1.‘2thand Market sts., Philad., Pa. ICOLL’S PATENT SAFETY SWITCH FOR Railroad Turnouts. This invention for some time in successful operation on one of the principal rail- roads in the country, effectually prevents engines and their trains from running oil" the track at a_ switch, loft wrong by accident or design. It acts independently of the main track rails; being laid, down or removed without cuttingor displacing them. « ‘ It is never touched by passing trains, except in use,prevcnting their running off the track simple in its construction and operation, requiring on- ly two castings and two rails; the latter, even if much worn or used, not vobjectionable. A ’ ' Working models of the Safety Switch may be seen at Messrs. Daveifipmt, Bridges do Kirk’s Cambridge P_ort, Mass, and at the ofliec of the Railroad Journal, New York. " " ' I Plans, Specifications,‘ and all information obtained, on application to the Subscriber, Inventor and Paten- tee. I ‘ A ' ' , G. A. NICOLLS Reading, Ba. .' ACHINE WORKS OF ROGERS KETCHUM do GROSVENOR, Patterson, N. J. The un- dersigned receive orders for the following articles man- . ufactured by them of the most superior description in every particular. Their works being extensive, and the niiinber of hands ‘employed -being large, they are enabled to executeboth-large ‘and small orders with proniptiiess and dispatch. A " p - Ra'ilr0a_d Worlc.—LocomotiveA,Stenm Engines and Tenders; Driving and other'L‘oj_comotive Wheels, Axles Springs ‘and Flange Tyres; Car;Wheels of Castvlron a variety of patterns and chills; Car‘Whee1s of Cast Iron with wrought tyres , Axles of, best American re~ fined iron; is rings‘; boxes and bolts for cars. _l ‘Cotton, ool andFla:t' Machinery oflall descriptions andyoflthe most impi-ovod patterns, styleand work- manship. 1” ‘ ' ' Mill gearing» and millwriglit work ge‘nerally,‘hydrau- lic andother presses ;‘ press‘screws‘;‘ callenders;‘lathe’s and ,tools='of"a1l kinds‘;-' iron and 'l.)rai8'?'(‘:aa'1:iI1‘§S3 of "all description”s.,.: .1 ' . . it ROGERS, KETCHUM 6:. GROSVENOR, when I . It is T'O THOSE INTERESTED IN RAILRGLADS. , Raili-oad Directors and Man era are‘respe_ctful- ly invited to examine an improved park Arrester re- cently patented b the undersigned; ; ‘ , A Our improved park Arresters have been extensive- ly used during the last year on both Passenger and Freight Engines, and have been brought -to such a dust frointhc chimney of engines on which they are used is experienced; ,__ * ‘ , _‘ _ These Arresters are constructed on an entirely diffe- rent principle fromsny. heretofore ofiei-ed to the pub- lic. The form is such that a rotary motion is imparted to the heated air, srriokeanil sparks passing through the chimney, andby the centrifugal force thus,at_:q.u1r- ed by the sparksand dust, they are separated from the of the. chimney‘ through openings near 1'ts.top, from whence they {all by their own gravity to the bottom of top of the chimne, '. minishlng-. the _ efipoyver of :the"/ieiiginealay “Iii Pattorum, N. J., or 60 Wall ;$‘t., NW Y0”?- draught or activity of the fire in the furnace. kinds E state of periection, that no annoyance from sparksor T smoke and steam, and thrown into an outer chamber. this chamber; the smoke. and steampassing ofi-'_a.t the , through. a Icap‘s.cioua-’ - runab- structedz a‘ssaga,:1 us arresting the s_parks—without im- —