_ bars roll rounder, and are much better finished. The 268 These chimneys and arresters are simple, durable and neat in appearance. , They are now in use on the . following roads, to the managers and other officers of which we are at liberty to refer those who may desire to purchase, or obtain further information in regard to their merits. ‘ . R. L. Stevens, president Camden and Amboy rail- road company; R1ch’d Peters, sup’t Georgia. railroad, Augusta, Ga.; G. A. Nicolls, sup’t Reading railroad, - Reading, Pa. ; W. E. Morris, pres’tPl1iladelphia, Ger- mantown and Norristown railroad company, Philad. ; E. B. Dudley, pi-es’t VV. and R. railroad co., Wilmin - ton, N. C. ; Col. Jas. Gadsden, pres’t S. Carolina rai — road co., Charleston, S. C.; W. C. Walker, 3. ent V. and J. railroad, Vicksburg, Miss..; R. S. Van ensse- laer, sup’t Hart. and N. H. railroad; W. R. McKee, sup’t Lexington and Ohio railroad; T. L. Smith, su ’t N. Jersey railroad and transp. co; J . Elliott, sup’t . P., Philadel. and VVilm. railroad; J. O. Sterns, sup’t Elizabethtown and Somerville railroad ; R. R. Cuyler, pres’t Central railroad, Savannah, Ga. ; J. D. Gray, sup’t Macon, (Ga) railroad ; J. H. Cleveland, sup’t of Southern railroad, Monroe, Mich.; M. F. Crittenden, sup’t mo.power Central railroad, Detroit, Mich. ; G. B. Fisk, pres’t Long Island railroad, Brooklyn, L. I. Orders for these chimneys and arresters, addressed to the subscribers, care of Baldwin and Whitney, of Philadelphia, will be promptly executed. The subscribers will dispose of single rights, or rights for one or more States on reasonable terms. FRENCH (St BAIRD. Pltiladelpltia, Pa., April 6, 1844. The letters in the ficrures refer to the arti D the Journal of June, 1844. I Mrcflrmgae. ole given in Henry ]§firi1'ei1’s“}£{t'éiit S mg." g" volving Shing Machine. 0 any HE Subscriber havin recently purchased the ri ht of this machine for t e United States, now 0 ers to make transfers of the right to run said machine, or sell to those who ma be desirous to purchase the right for one or more of tie States. This machine is now in successful operation in ten or twelve iron works in and about the vicinity of Pitts- bur h, also at Phoenixville and Readin , Pa., Coving- ton ron Works, Md., Troy Rolling ills, and Troy ion and Nail Factory, Troy, N. Y., where it has giv- universal satisfaction. its advantages over the ordinary Forge Hammer are numerous: considerable saving in first cost; saving in power; the entire saving of shinglers, or hammers- man’s wages, as no attendance whatever is necessary, it being entirely self-acting; savin in time from the uantity of work done, as onemac inc is capable of ' working the iron from sixt puddling furnaces; savin of waste, as nothin but t e scoria is thrown off, an that most effectual y; saving of st s, as none are used or required. The time re uired to _furnish a bloom being only about six seconds, t‘ e scoria has no time to set, consequently is got rid of much easier than when allowed to conceal as under the hammer. The iron being discharge from the machine so hot, rolls better and is much easier on the rollers and machinery. The subscriber feels confident that persons who will exam- ine for themselves the machinery in operation, will find it possesses more advantages than have been enu- -merated‘. For further particulars address the subscri- her at Troy, N. Y. ' P. A. BURDEN. Railroad Spikes and Wrought Iron Fastenings. A HE TROY IRON AND NAIL FACTORY, . exclusive owner of all Henry Burden’s Patented Machinery or making Spikes, have facilities for man- ufacturing arge quantities upon short notice, and of a quality unsurpassed. ' A Wrought Iron Chairs, Clamps, Keys and Bolts for Railroad fastenings, also made to order. A full assort~ ment of Ship and Boat Spikes always on hand. All orders addressed to the Agent at the Factory will receive immediate attention. . « P. A. BURDEN, Agent, AMERICAN RAILROAD JO__I_IRNAL. "E AND CAB WORKS., I ENPORT& BRIDGES, .' HAVING ASSOCIATED wrrn THEM ‘MR. LEWIS KIRK, on READING, PA., And recently enlarged their Establishment, (making it now the most extensive in the United States,) they are prepared to manufacture to order Locomotive Engines and Cars of every description. Stationary En ines, Steam Hammers, Boilers,-‘and all kinds of Railroad Machinery. Also, Castings and Forge Irons of all inds —including Chilled Wheels, Frogs, Chairs, Switches, Car Axles, and Locomotive Cranks, Connecting Rods, Steel Springs, Bolts, etc., etc. Orders from all parts of the country solicited for Engines and Cars, or any part or parts of the same. All orders will be furni-shed at short notice, and on as good terms as any manufac- tory in the country. Coaches pass our works every fifteen minutes during the day, from Brattle St., Boston. DAVENPORT, BRIDGES & KIRK. ,1e49. . Caizzbridgeport, ZVIass.,‘Februaxry lfitlz. NORRIS’ LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. BUSHHILL, SCHUYLKILL SIXTH-ST.l, PHILADELPHIA, l B THE UNDERSIGN ED ‘Manufacture to order Locomotive Steam Engines of any plan or size. Their shops being enlarged, and their arrangements considerably extended to facilitate the speedy execution of work in this branch, they can offer to Railway Companies unusunl advantages for prompt delivery of Machinery of superior workmanship and finis . ‘ . _ Connected with the Locomotive business, they are also prepared to furnish,‘ at short notice, Chilled Wheels for Cars of superior quality. B A ' Wrought Iron Tyres made of any required size——the exact diameter of the Wheel Centre, being giv- en the Tires are made to fit on same without the necessity of turning out inside. ron andlhsrass castings, Axles, etc., fitted up complete with Trucks or otherwise. Troy Iron and N ail Factory,'1‘roy, N ; Y. NORRIS’, BROTHERS.