This flyer is white with a decorative blue border on the front. An emblem showing an eagle with a quill in its mouth is in the center. the logo for the "National Federation of Republican Women". In front of the emblem it reads "This coupon is good for, one vote, (yours), on November 3rd". The text is blue except for "one vote, (yours)", which is red. Below this "For free transprtation to the polls or baby-sitting help while you vote} CALL" is printed. On the back of the flier "a vote for Barry Goldwater is a vote" is printed, with "vote for Barry Goldwater" printed in red and "a" and "is a vote" printed in blue. Beneath this "for" is printed in red and below it is a list printed in blue. Below this list "against" is printed in red with a list printed below it in blue. At the bottom of the page is a red box with the logo for the "National Federation of Republican Women" and their mailing address, "1625 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20006".