538 Vicksburg and lllericlian Railroad. At an annual meeting of the stockholders of this company, in Vicksburg, on the 3d of May, the annual report of the President was received, and the following board of managers elected for the ensuing year: M. Emanuel, T. Rigby, A. B. Reading, Wm. Crutcher, D. W. Flowerre, T. M. Smedes, J. R. McDowell, William E. Morris, Peter Anderson, T. S. Dabney, Adelbert Ames. A Ata meeting of the new board of managers, the following oflicers were elected : M. Emanuel, President; Thos. Rigby, Vice President; N. G. Bryson, Secretary and Treasurer ; E. F. Raworth, General Superintendent. 3? The rates of fare agreed upon by the ofiicers of the Union and Central Pacific Railroads are as follows : from New York to San Francisco for first class passengers, $175; and for second class passengers, $75. It is expected that the trip can be made in from six to seven days. Each company has over 2,000 freight cars. The Union Pacific has about 150 locomotives; the Central, 190. If The semi-annual interest due last January on the Norfolk City registered bonds, and the semi-annual interest on the Norfolk City coupon bonds, due last October, is being paid at the Register’s office in that city. Payment was au- thorized on the 6th instant, and the bonds, whick were selling at 59 two days previous, are now up to 75. 5? The Evansville, Ind., J’ozmmZ says the rail- road from Chicago to Danville, Illinois, is already under contract, and it is thought it will be com- pleted by the end of this or early next year. Arrangements are being made by the Evansville and Crawfordsville road to meet the Chicago and Danville road at the State line,by the time the latter reaches that point. , fig In a few days contracts will be awarded for the remaining sections of the Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad. Meanwhile the track is being steadily pushed upon the portion put under contract last fall. 3?‘ Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the Intercolonial Railway have been awarded by the Commissioners to Edward Haycock, of Ottawa, at $13,907 per mile, Jacques J obin, of Levis, Quebec, at $11,500 per mile, and H. J. Sutton &. C0,, of Paris, at $17,243 per mile, respectively. 3?‘ The people of Plattsville, Wisconsin, have voted in favor of giving $60,000 in town bonds in ' aid of the Dubuque, Platteville and Milwaukee Railroad. 5?‘ The new Albany Bridge bill has passed both branches of the New York Legislature. The construction of the bridge will at once be pro- ceeded With. |3‘-‘ The town of Middletown has voted by a large majority. to loan $100,000 in addition to $240,000 previously voted in aid of the air line railroad. @ The survey’ of the route of the Yazoo Valley Railroad, from Batesville to Charleston has been completed.‘ ' [3 Tbs survey of the Decatur and East St. Louis Railroad has been finished. As located, the distance is about 107 miles. - 1868, were as follows : Earnings : Fron: freight “ passengers 1865. ....$4,739,067 33 3,394,221 46 “ express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 149,658 02 “ mails.................. 93,900 00 “ rent of railway . . . . . . . . . . 85,000 00 “ rents................. 4,861 12 “ miscellaneous . . . . . . . . .. . 25,354 08 AMERICAN RAILROAD J O U RN AL . Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway. _ The earnings -and expenses of this road for the years ending December 31, 1865, 1866, 1867 and 1866. $4,707,582 12 2,441,895 70 100,298 43 93,900 00 85,000 00 2,869 00 35,672 31 ...—— 1867. $4,483,616 42 2,439,013 39 100,632 26 93,900 00 85,000 00 6,651 92 33,311 97 1868. $5,231,857 73 2,492,265 46 119,973 00 93,900 00 35,000 00 6,754 16 11,430 35 Total earnings . . . . . Expenses, viz : Transportation . ... . . . . .. .. $8,489,062 56 ...$1,220,978 76 Motive power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,520,948 54 Maintenance of way . . . . . . . . .. 1,344,974 25 “ cars . . . . . . 531 103 94 General expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587:810 09 $7,467,217 56 $1,280,452 44 1,567,196 04 1,270,533 01 552,910 50 475,574 55 $7,242,125 96 31,192,435 87 1,438,633 48 1,332,384 72 505,342 63 334,725 37 $8,041,180 70 31,341,459 66 1,409,545 77 1,257,735 45 593,208 31 397,161 41 Total expenses.... .. .$5,205,515 58 $5,147,686 54 $4,863,572 07 $5,002,110 60 Earnings less expenses . . . . . . ..$3,283,546 98 $2,319,531 02 $2,378,553 89 $3,039,070 10 Earnings per mile . . . . . . . . . . . .. $18,135 65 $15,989 76 $15,464 71 ’ $17,182 01 Expenses “ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11,122 89 10,996 33 10,001 22 10,668 27 Earnings less expenses per mile. $7,012 75 $4,990 43 $5,463 49 $6,493 74 Expenses to earnings percent. . , 61.33 68.79 67.15 62.21 ' INCOME ACCOUNT, 1865-’66-’67-’68. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. By balance. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .$1,8l8,070 45 $3,062,130 75 $3,355,707 98 $1,098,111 97 Gross earnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8,489,062 56 7,467,217 56 7,242,125 96 8,041,180 70 Assets of Trustees credited to in- come account................. . . 80,000 00 Profits operating New Castle Branch . . . . . . . . 89,771 99 73,599 81 63,890 87 $10,307,133 01 $19,619,120 30 $10,751,433 75 $9,203,183 54 Operating expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,205,515 58 $5,147,686 54 $4,863,572 07 $5,002,110 60 Construction, etc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,382,014 91 . . . . . . . . . . Interest on bonds and sink’g fund. 889,630 00 871,361 93 864,074 74 938,894 65 Dividends on stock. .. . . 872,827 50 1,035,315 79 1,088,816 31 1,210,236 83 C. 65 P. R. R. on account of joint , H _, earnings .. .. .. . . .. .. . 277,029 18 209,048 ‘06 170,903 77 210,308 50 Taxes, .... .. 283,939 98 Balance to credit side .. .. . . .. . . . 3,062,130 75 3,355,707 98 1,098,111 97 1,945,732 96 Total .....$10,307,133 01 $10,619,120 30 310,751,433 75 Fiscal Length r-——-—---Gross Earnings.-————-———x Operating Earnings. Years. of 1‘(iaid. Passengers. Fresight. lliaiils, etc. To$tal. <85 Repl$rs,etc. less exp. 1856 .. .. ..338 370,446 402,015 23,108 795,579 273,434 522,145 1857 .... . . 383 942,765 657,686 59,974 1,660,426 1,036,011 624,414 1858 ..383 742,451 698,570 126,211 1,567,232 965,573 601,659 1859 .... . . 465 795,739 964,133 206,116 1,965,988 1,291,333 674,655 1860 .... . . 467 805,486 1,341,015 188,853 2,335,354 1,573,799 761,555 1861 .... . .467 702,} 06 1,905,707 223,374 3,031,787 1,732,066 1,299,721 1862 ..467 1,116,741 2,401,530 226,940 2,845,311 1,877,399 1,966,912 1863 .... . . 468 1,562,409 3,341,034 229,491 3,132,934 3,026,311 2,106,623 1864 .... . . 468 2,696,387 4,148,503 275,576 7,120,466 4,101,399 3,019,067 1865 . . . . ..468 3,391,221 4,739,068 358,774 8,489,063 5,205,516 3,283,547 1866 .... . . 468 2,441,896 4,707,582 317,740 7,467,218 4,147,687 2,319,631 1867 .... . . 468 2,439,013 4,483,616 319,497 7,242,126 4,863,572 2,378,554 1868 .... . . 478 2,492,265 5,231,858 817,058 8,041,181 5,002,111 3,039,070 . - - n o n -- u a - n . - an o n n n o o In u o c - q o on 1 210 237 The earnings and expenses for 1856 are for five months only, viz., from August 1, t0 Debember 31. CONDITION OF THE ROAD. ‘ $9,203,183 54 The result of each year’s operations since the consslidation August 1, 1856, have been as follows : Dividends. Amount. Rate. p. c. '3'4'9,830 '6 7 W I \ r \ - E.D. W.D. Total. E.D. W.D. Total. E.D. W.D. Total. E. D. W. D. Total. Miles of road. . . ..188 280 468 188 280 468 188 280 468 188 280 468 Miles of Siding” . 48 49 97 52 54 106 52 54 106 53 54; 107} Miles of 2d track. 26 7 33 26 7 33 26 73 335 26 7% 33; Total track...262 336 598 266 341 607 266 3411 6071 267 342 609 ' scr-Innnnn or nonnmo srocx. A r~—1865.---x r——1866.--K .--1867.- -\ r*"‘1868.-'--"'\ Locomotive engines .- . . . . . . . . . . .. 189 189 199 204 Passenger—1st class coaches . . . . . . 93 93 93 94 _ . “ 2d class and emigrant. 26 26 26 26 Mail, baggage and express . . . . . . . . 48—— 167 50——— 169 54—- 173 54-— 174 Freight———box cars . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .883 1,057 7 1,431 1,431 “ stock..................547 548 548 548 “ platform .. .. . . .. .... .. .759-~ 2,189 776- 2,381 902- 2,881 902-— 2,881 Total of all cars . . . . .. . . . . . . . 2,356 2,550 3,054 3,055