. -5 42 0 AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. RAILROAD AND_ CANAL DIVIDEND STATEMENT. Showing the amount of Stool: Outstanding, the Dividend Periods and the date of last Dividend. Stock A Last Stock Last Stock _ ' Last Marked thus 0‘) are leased out- Dividend Dividend Muiked thus 0) are leased out- Dividend Dividend Marked thus 0'‘) are leased out- Dlvidend Dividend romis. ending. Periods. Payable. roads. stmiding. Periods. Payable. roads. '3t0nd11‘8- P91‘10d0~ P01’0-b19- _x}_[bxmy .5; Busquelmn1m-..100 $l,77 824 --...-.--. -_..._--__ I-lartford and New 11aveu,1oo 3,3on.ooo J A_J&() Apl. '69 3 P0rI.l,, Suco .7; Poi-tani-'Lh*.100 $1,500,000 J. & D. Deo.’68 B A]lQgI1u11yVl)1Iey ...... .- 50 2 . .-..._____ H:111nib:11an(l st,_ Jogeph_10() 1,900,000 ________________ _,. Providence & VVQ1-cestei--100 1,800,000 J. <96 J. Jan. ’69 4 _AL[;m1;n and West.I’0ll1b-.100 . J11.y’634 Do, do p1-uf,10a) 5,253,530 ________________ __ Raleigh and Ganton_._1.- --.. ....... -- .--~----- J111.,’03 3 .A.t,a.nt;c %1_1'oltiilz,\.1 ...1gg Eanover 1B1-ouch, P:i-----]3g M. A‘: N. Nov.’08 5 Iltconhsselaelr nn&11.§zL1~utl1)1ga A. 0. 001'. 08 3i Al. uni o ' '. 08 er -- -- . . ~ oueaton c----. .--. -.-..- .-.( ........ . . -----. ic men an now 0 -— . . -------—- -----~--- I: II “ pref. 0 , _ppef _________ __1oo 1,13o:ooo J, &, J_ Jgm_’084 R,ic11mo1-1,1 and 'Pete1'sbg_10O 847,1 .............. --.... Auuntic .7. st, Lmv1~enoe*.100 2,494,900 J, 5.; J, - , -1 1-[udg_on Rwe;-___ ____ __1oo 13,937,100 ,1, ,5; 0_ Apl, I59 4 31,311,, Fred, and Potomae_100 1,041.800 . ...... .- ---.,--.- Augusta. and Savannah ....100 733, 0 J, & J, , 3; Hunlmgdou & BN1 Top __ 50 494,350 ________________ __ Rockport, ____ . ......... "100 88,40 ....... .. NOV. 57 2 Baltimore and Ohio...... ..100 16,1F-K902 A. 65 O. Apl. '60 4 “ " pref. 50 100,750 J. & J. J’n.’G8 33 Rome,V‘i'ai-ert. and Og’nb..100 2,400,000 J. & J. -Ian.’69 5 D0. VVasl1inr_:,'to11 Br.-.....100 1,650,000 A. 8.: (). A131. 60 5 Illinois Cent-r2Ll...-- -...--.-100 23,415,780 F‘. &. A. Feb. ’60 5 Rutlund preferred. ----.--100 ....... .- . & A. Feb’60?3i Baltimore City I’t1BH0I!g01‘-:-- 670.000 J. dz J. J an. ’b9 8 Indlmmpolls, Gin. «Sc Lufay.50 6,185,897 M. 6:. 8. Sup. ’6'I 4 St. L., A11». and T. 1':{uute-100 2.300.000 -----—--- ------- -- Bay do Noquet 5.5 M:Lrq-..100 1,250,000 A. & 0. Apl.'68 3 Je1l_"ersouv.,Mad.d.: 1.ud---100 2,000,000 J. & J. Jan. ’635 “ “ “ prof.100 2,040,000 Annual. J uue’607 Bollefontnlne Line ---. .....-100 4,420,000 F. 6.: A. lI‘eb.’08 3; J ollet and Ohleng0*..-.-. ....100 1,500,000 J.A J &O Apl.'601-} St. L., J:\ck’nv. and Chie’o.100 1,469,429 ..-.-.---. -.......-.... Belvidere Delmva1'I3...---100 996,238 j_X..-...6 K.‘ 0..-; ioliet 6.: North. lnd.ianu"'_100 300,000 J. & J. July 7084 Sumluslsy and (Jinc1nnx1ti.l00 2,222,232 31..&... if--:65-5 13,31-1;s11i1'e*,_-- -....- ...---.-100 600,0 . J& p..‘601 aclmwnnna-S.:Bloemsb-- 50 1835,U00 ________ - .---.._-.. ‘“ profiloo , . 8)’ logsbur &. 001-nin ,*_-.. 50 250,000 J. «S: I). Dc-e,’682 Leeds and Fm-min ton* _____________________ __ Jun.’(39:Z Band. Manet‘. and Newa1'k.100 901,341 ..-.---.... ----...... 1}33ogm11 ogml Albanyg .... _-100 13,725,100 J. 6; J. Jan.’095t Lehigl) aucl1\Ia11an%y____._ 50 2,158,565 ,1 &: J, Jan, 670 SflVil11nfl11 and C‘-l1ur1eston.100 1,000,000 .. .......... ....-... B05191; and O]1e1aea. ____ _-100 110,000 . O. Apl_’¢39 4 Lel1ighaud Susq_\1e11;1nnu_ 50 8,739,300 M, & N, M7y,’675 Schuylkill and Eusquelvu. 50 1,269,150 .-..---.. ---...-_- }3ogt.op_,oonco1-d_ J; Mont-100 409,000 ..-.,..... ,....--.‘.-. Lehigh Valley ......... -_ 50 10,731,400 J_A,J.$;0 .Ap1.’E«02f Second and Third Sl.(I’h.) 50 203,757 J. J. Jun.’69 8 . .<:°~ .. 77.2-:22 7: .7 1:27 27222 :7 V77-“:..=..~--.23 77°33 7- ~ J~ =7 owe .-......-— . . ee. mm on ' from s or .. 0 A . . . an. 3 0:1 our on 0 . ‘ --. .2 --—-- —-- ----.---- Maine ...... .1133 gT07,g:g(7),I1) Jeu.’605 1,.1Ltle%.tia1ni.--.§-——-—--.- 50 13722400 J. .551). D’c.’684s S,e,cond1Av§;111e31‘&,Y.>-1100 gzigfilgg %. 35: gagfegs Boston and Provitlombe --1 ' .f5_0 . . 65 J. Jon.’6l)4 J. 171.630. zmc1.- .(Joint\-100 1,804,307 J. & D. Jun.’b8 3 i1II10i11] .a.u ottsv. 50 _‘ ._, - - 0 -0 i"°“i‘“f".§%%§‘2..”i‘1%‘i?‘3133 277838 Ei.”.‘.i‘.’.“..°;.1‘.."§“:.‘.'l."s-.‘z.~=~..". 22 was J- 7- :l;77l7::::;-.-.s-7-.---732 973-533 J- ‘*5 7- 17:.-’9:.: §rQa,(Wy - - - ) 2 t - - : ~ . L U . , ................ —- '- " - - ---- 3 -----_---- - . 11011. .......... -. 10 1,000,000 F. Jan. 17*'b3r.931 Lon rlslnnd _____ __, ____ ,_ 5:, 3000 000 F,M_,/1N_Au 3662 S0n'le1'vil10 _----..--------1o0 75,000 M. as N. Mnylfio 3 é‘{.g§1‘S§,, citg dc N6l¥L’I1.100 399,300 ................ _- [.Q11};;B1'z11.1cl1 & Ben Shore __ 1 95:1 _______ __ N’v§67 10 §0uth Cm-ollnn. ..-_- -..-......100 5,319,275 ........... -.'...--- B,,fi‘,,10,B1-adford &.‘1.‘1l1_£,-‘B.'1.00 1,100,000 ....... _. -____‘_..-. Lon1sv__,C1n_ and Lex, 1313100 211,122 J_ & J, J7n,7€.9 4,, south Bhoro.-... ..... -7....100 259,0 ....... .. Jl,11-’08 8 But'1'.,New Yor_l<& ltlle .100 950,000 M. 75:. N. ’bB 3; Loiiisville und Frankfort- 50 1,100,594 J. &J. Jan. 0393 Soulh ’Western,Geo1'g1a--100 3.203,30g F. 55 A. A.g.708 4 3,,“-,,,.;, [ma 1019-..--- ,-- 0 5,000,000 112.5; A. 1¢eb.'H) 4 L.oulsvil1e and 1g.;g1.,v;1lo.,1oo 7,569,137. F, 5; A, Febgsoq Staten Hand ........... .-1oo 660, 0 J. & J. Jul. 767 4 g,,_,,,1,,-1,1,_,(. Horse (Boat n)100 777,800 A. .5: 0, Apl.'(94§ L.ou1sv_, N.A1b,,5; 0h1cugo,100 2,800,000 ________________ __ zgtony B1'ool;..... -_--._ ---- 100 207,300 M. on N. May 69 3 g,,,,,,1,,,, anc1Amboy.....-100 7,921,412 F. (55.11. Feb,'695 Lowell and Lmvrence ____1oo 200000 A, ,2 o_ Apincga stouben;-ulo and111<11:1nu.100 1,983,141 ....... .. ---...-.... usnidenzmdMlru1t1°.Il1‘0f- 50 .-.- ..-- Macon and Western .... --100 1,600,000 May. M’t'-9 3:177 Stockhtlise «Sc P1tls'—1e1d*100 3432100 -------------- -- t (mmdrgn &'Bl11'l1I1gl'«01lC0-100 Muhrmoy & Bld Mount‘n* 50 1,676,!) ________________ _- Summit15rm1ch.----..-.-- 50 750,000 J 6a J Jan.’69 5 Cape cod Brunch ..... --.. 60 721,926 J. J. Jan.’60 33 Maine Centi-.l1-._. ....... -_.1oo 1,000,800 ________________ .- Syn, Bmghnm. and N. Y.100 1,;314,1~30 ....... .- -...---.. Cape May and M.lllvll1e...100 447,000 J. on D. Dee.’08 3 M0.n_ehesier 6,: L.awre_nce-100 1,000,0 M. & N. Muy’695 "l:11lI1ton,131'zmeh ....... --100 250,000 J .@ J. Jan.’t9 4 gamwigga. .__-. .--.-.. ..-.. 1,150,000 ....... .. _-_-..____ luarlotla & C1no1umm____ 50 3,618,374 _________ _._______ Poniiossee and Alabama -100 590,922 ....... ..- -....----.. $3-amxvjgaa, ref..--.... --..-. 60 2,200,000 111.6: N. Mlyicns, “ ‘I 1st pref. 50 6,586,135 M. .5; s_ St-:p_’(363 Terra Route and lndlanu. 50 1,933,150 J <35 J. Jan.f69 6 :,:.,y,,g,,& usqueht1mlfl-" 60 589,110 ....... __ ,7..n_um 4 H N 2d prof. so 4,051,744 171,5. 3, Sep,’668 ’l‘hird Avenue (N. Y.)----100 1.750.000 -.-.- ... ...... -... 'CederRapi(ls&Mo. pref..100 755,000 MI, :55 N. M’y’fi9 3; Memphis and Clmrleston-lO0 6,312,725 M, & S, Mm-3683 Thirteenth and Fif. (1’11.)- 50 ------- -- J. Jan.’68 1 gem,-,,1of Georgia. ..... --100 4,666,800 J &.J J;1,u_’b9 5 Meniphismid Ohio -_-.___1oo 57o,ou0 ________________ _, Tol., Peoria. und‘VV.‘11'B£1W:10O 2,700,000 ................ -. own-..1 of NewJeraey..-.10013,708,000 -T,&.J, J.m_r692,, Metropolitan (Boston)-...-10() 1,250,000 J, &J, J,,.,_v69c. “ “ (17. D.) px-et.1o0 1.700.000 ................ -. ow07°;-.----------:33 7233-233 7-: 73- 38733 —,--,----1gg,3=g;g»233 ,7-gs; ,9; W“ ,,..§W~.?,.v;;°f-133 %=$88’883 ---------------- -- _ e -.... —.-—..- . eo. { 10 . 0. or 1. n ..._ _ - _ _‘t5 4 0. B. on 0 ..-. g . --------- -..-.--..-.. UenC.)Pa1'1£. ~ 3513- Rive’-$3 .--..J.--- 0ot.‘0'I 2% Mild, ‘:‘ B g‘um'antecd.100 085.1300 F. &A. 1i‘f<(:b.'09 5 T 1‘ 1 B t PI‘0f%g8 1213;313:300 013 ' N- 31050935 (momun *.-.-- -...-..---- , 0 (LA. 0Apl.’69 2 ’ eaax( oston) ..... -.100 400,000 ................ .. toy ant on on ------- .- a ------- -- —..--..-... Ghealiirtg preferred ........100 2,017,825 Annual, Ja11_769 4 Mi11(_1roel:und Mlnehil1*. 50 323,375 J. & J. Jan.’69 5 Troy and Greenbueh*-.-.100 274,400 J. 6; D. Junle7 3‘ Chicago and Alton-.---,--100 6,141,800 M, .5; s. M.ar.’695 Mgllvzlle und Glassboro’ ..10o 405,020 F. &,A. Aug.’676 U111on'1‘rag1spo1't’n (Bos.).100 200.00 ----------- --...-. u 7‘ pret..-100 2,425,400 M. .0 s. MMJ695 M1lw.&:Pruirlc (111 Ohien.10O 2,9li6,081_._-_..... ._.._.-.. Union(1’h1la.) ---—,—-- 60 291.475 J. @J. Jan.’69 3 8’£‘&°““°* l’““' $§‘é‘f.l‘§.§»'.88 13'388'888 “- “ S’ 3*“ ‘i391: 51 3 i‘ 1%‘ ‘’“’§ 133 307383 ‘“'““‘*i' £7133? .'%“°“3E{‘.’?.7%‘f..§‘;,l§5""l88 2§3‘3’%3'é 3'35‘ ‘l.*2‘;'3é§2 on 0 (ma - , , ....... -- on. '~ pre - , Annuu . ‘e 7. 01711 ---- 2 2 - ~ - g.,,..,,§,,’.,.,a Milwaukee*-100 2,227,000 ..-._-___ _-_______ Milw. & St.Pau]. ....... __1oo 5:4.u6,883 J, 55.] Jl,peg14., Vermont Central ....... .-100 5.000.000 .... --... ..--....- Qhioago&N.W6BtB1‘fl--.10014,555,376 65]). Dec.’68 5 “ “ “ pref.--.-.100 8050 89 J 65,} Do 7.7103 Vermont and Massaeh11’ts.100 2.300.000 J. 66 J. Je.n.’69 2 7. u ,.rer.1oo1a,35a,2s7 J .551), Dec-.168 5 M. mu dzSohuy1k. Haven 50 737752700 J’, 795.12 Jaf1.'(.‘94 Vioksbu1'ganc1.Meridian.-100 357.408 ....-.... Cl;1'1oago,R. I_. &Paciflc..-100 14,000,000 April. Ap‘l'695 Mobile and Ohio ....... .-1oo 3,762,400 _______ __ Virginia Ueutral .---._-.-100 ,-7.353.079 .-.-.---- ..--...... (11,, E[a.m.¢'5£Dfl ton....-100 3,521,604 A1,.-11, .Apl.’C9 5. Montgomer &.W. Point_100 1,644,104 J, 5.1), 1).,c,vs-14 Virginia and Tennessee.-100 0.497.791 .-...-... .--...-.- 0l1ie1nnatiOity asseuger-.- -......-..-. J’n 6aJ’ly Jun.’tss$2 Morris and ‘ssex ...... -. 50 3,616,350 ....... -. Dec’68 73 Western Union --..--.....- 2,707.6 ...---—..-.. ____ __,__ u Street.----------- ....... -. J. 6: J. Jun.’65$2 Mt. Carbon 85 Pt. Carbon* 50 282,350 J_ as J, Jan, v59 7» West Jersey ........... ..100 304.150 .----~—-- Feb.’69 5 Citizens’ Passenge1' (Phil.) 50 102,750 J,@J_ J;m.1o9 7 Nashua and Lowell. ..... ..-100 720,000 M. & N. Mz1y‘69 5 West Pliiladelphie. ..... .. 50 249,100 J. &J. Jan.’6G 5 Clem, 001., cm. as Iud.--.100 10,450,000 F. & A. l4"b.’60 3,1, Nashville as Chattanoogmloo 2,050,044 _______ .- Wxlm. and We don ..... «100 1.463.475 --—..-—-- --...-.... Cleveland & Mahoning*—- 50 2,056,400 M. .217 l\1'y’69 3, Naugntuqk ............. __1oo 1,436,000 F, 5; A, F,b,vogg. Winchester and Potomuc.--- --------- J. &J. Jen.’69 3 u1eve_, Painsv. do Ashtu--100 8,750,000 J. & J. Ljmveo 4; New Bedlord & ’1‘e.unton_100 500,000 J. .3; J, Jan,'09 4 W an-ren.--. -----------... 100 1.§,4=7.050 ....... -- --.---.3 oleveland and Plttabursu 50 5,421,091 J AJ&O Apl_ '69 2 N ow Haven 85 N. Loudou_100 738,538 _______ __ ___,_,___ Worcester and Nashua -- 75 1o22.500 J. & J. J am-:9 $4 Oloveland and To1edo* ....- 50 5,000,000 , J_ Janjeg .1}, N .H2wen &. Nortl1ampton.100 1,344,000 J & J. Jan.’68 3 . Col., 0111. & Indiana 0on-100 11420,000 --..----. ....... _. New Jersey ..... --. .... -.1oo 6,000 000 13'. 5.. A. Fel),’605 CANAL8. Oolumlzllls and Xenlu*..-.. 1,733,203 &. Jan.‘69 45 IL:,6VV%0n.~ Vt ‘H. ....... -. ._____--- ref, 1 50 00 _ .5; , mreo 4 e mvaro no ar an---- . . M . e . ‘ Do. cl» «ref-100 1,822:100 J & J J;u1,’693 New York &New n.?ve....38 ejoooiooo ,7, :;,.,,_v¢;9 5 Erie of Peunayl_vmliu,.-—-- 50 04,0 --...--.. ..-....-- Connecticut.1iwer-..-........100 1,700,000 J &‘J. Junie!) 5 N, Y., Provid. «Sc Boston -100 2,000,000 J, &, J, .],m,'e93; Lehigh Coal and Navlgut- 50 8,739,800 M. & N. my ’07 3 Cl1T!11101‘10l1‘1.“/2”‘-‘Vv ---- -- 53 173157900 A. 56 O. Oet.’68 4 N 108- Bridge 65 Oanzmdaifloo 1,000,000 J. & J, Jan, :593 Monongahela _Nav1gat1on.. 50 728 100 J. 6:. J. Jun.’(l8 2 Dzinbury and Ijlcljw 12:. ..100 400,000 ________________ _- N1utl1Avenue __________ __1oo 797,400 ___________ _________ Morris (oon§l01l(1nted)----- 10 1,015,000 F. & A. E‘eb.’67 8 1]3n,rto11 mid M1c1ngm1'-«.193 2,§gZ,§€(1) ..T...&.:T. ........ _- go:-31 Ca1‘8linf':t-.1 ....... __1oo 4,000,000 ________ _ _.__,___, S *1‘ 1(1l1I1‘c191'1'€_d).~( ---- --)1gg }%3g.gg‘7J Géfi. 1606,03 e aware ....--—-------~--- 0 ,- r ' Jan.'693 01' mm en ra ______ __ 50 4648 900FM_A_ Ma 1392 o my . uvlga 1011 cons. ,‘ , .1‘ . e ). Del., Laekaw. &. Weste1‘n. {$013,380,020 J, &, J Jan, veg 5 North Eastern (S.C.) prcl'.100 '155;O0 .....___{1 $157 4 “ “_ (met). 50 2.633.505 F. on A. 1,l‘eb.’67 6 Des Molnes _Va1Iey———.—.—100 1,820,20 ................ _. Northern of N. I-Iun1pah,_100 3,os~,4oo J_ 5, D J,,,,,,va94 Susq. and Tide Water-—u 50 2.002.740 ..------— .......... Detroit &M1lWa11k60.----100 1,047,350 .-..-._... _______ _. North Pennsylvania .... ._ 50 315015 ______ __ ,]';m_l(j9 55 Union-.-. -——- -—--------—- 50 2907 350 _--------- -.-.-..-.. " “ 1'ef.100 1,600,000 ________________ _. Norwich «la W01'co3ter _,_1o0 g’353:5-oo J ,5, 3 J,,,,_ 2693 “ preferred ........ .- 50 ’ ’ ....... .. --..--..- D. Dock, E. B’d_w. dc _at-100 1,200,000 .... ___,_ _________ Ogdensb. as L. Champl'n-7.00 3:024.000 J: & J. J;m_15g3 W. Branch and Susq-.-.. 50 1,100,000 J. 65 J. Jan.’65 5 Dubuque and SIOUX O1tY~100 1,673,641 Annual J an.’694 “ “ pref.100 1 004,900 A «Sad ApI.’604 Wyoming Valley“-.. ____ 50 800,000 irregular Oot..’67 4 0. do. p1'ef.100 1,987,351 J. 5. J. Jn.n.’09 37, Ohio W1 Mififiisfiippi---.-1oo 2o’ooo ooo ' ' .. Eastein (1\1flSB.).-.--------190 3,383,300 J, &;_ J‘ Jan. 739 “ “ ‘ prgf_]_00 3'500'0o0 ‘£7.25;-5' B361-5-3-3, MISCELLANEOUS. Eastern (N-H-) -----—----100 492,600 J. & J , J:1n,’69 4 Oil Creck‘&: Allegheny R. 50 4’259'ooo J‘ A J,§;b AP1 1592, Pacific Mail Bteamsh p..-100 20,000, MJS&D. Mar.’60 3 E080 Pennsylvania. ---.--. 50 , __________ Old Colony &: New ort ..100 4,848,320 '55 J J,,,,:»59 3 Union Navigation ...... --]00 4,000,000 l\IJS&:D. Dec,’66 5 East Tenn. and Georgln...100 _______ __ Orange and Newer --—--10° ‘Q8115 . . -------- -. West’n Union 'l‘e1cgmph..100 28,450,000 J. «K: J. J nn.’69 2 East"[‘enu.and Vlrgini21-..100 _______ __ Oawego and Syracuse .. 50 482,400 ’1_«‘"&'X- Fables 4 American Ooul ..... -.'.-... 25 1,500,000 M. & S. M, 168 5 Eighth Avenue (N. Y.) ..100 J,m_ :33 4 Pacific of Missouri_ __1oo 3614’,-, ____'_____ Ashburton ........-...— --... -.-- 50 2,500,000 J. 6L D. |)oc,’06 4 Elm, Jefl'0YB- 06 003800’-100 , Feb_v5g2; Panama-....-.---.... .__..__1o() -1 900,000 ,}'K_}3;;(')' A“ -693 Butler Coal.--u ---- ------ 25 500.000 J. 6: D. Dec’08 2 lcllnirtx 05 Wi11i=1mSI!01‘¥*- 50 .9; N Novvss 2;, Peterson nndRan1apo___,1oo ’243’5oo J 3,, J‘ 'J,,1,,'a59 3, Central Coal ----------- --100 2,000,000 J. & J. Jan.'69 4 Do. 00- Pref. 60 500,000 J, 5; J, Jan,r593§ Peterson and Hudson Rivloo ggdooo J‘ & J’ J,,,,'v5g3§ Fulton Coal ------------ ---- ----—---- J «Sc J. Jan.’60 4 Erie Railway ---no----~-100 57,765,300 F, .7; A, lrebgaa 4 Pennsylvania . _________ __ 50 045750 &_1(I M,,y'v59;, Laekuwimna C031 ------ --—- 200,000 J. &J. Jun’092} Do. _ r .....--.-.100 8,536,910 Annual, J on, 763 7 Peoi-lads Bureau Valley*-100 1,200’000 A'&, 0' 1,1,1 7597, Mt. Pleasant Coal--..--..-. 40 200,000 ....... .. ee’68 2; EHO 55 P1151-31311751 ---------50 0 4,300 ________________ __ Philadelphia and E1-iei-___ 50 5,995,700 ' ' Jun. 133 3 Pennsylvania O03-1 ------- 50 3,700,000 FMA&N 1.?‘eb.’69 5 Evansville 55 C1'3Wf°1'd3VJ00 1,143,445 .-_._____ _______ __ Philadelpllia and lieading 50 01,304,301 ':f'&':f' J,,n:I5g 53 Roaring BYOOK C081 ---- ---- 200, ........-- ee’68 2| Fi'£0h13l11‘B'---- ---- ---- ----109 3,540,000 J, & J, Ja,n_ 1694 D0. D0. prefen-ed_ 50 “1’551’g(}0 J’ 5,, J‘ Jangfig 53 Short Mt. C011] ---------- -- 50 300,000 --------» Jan. ’59 5 §_i,scl,.bur1;;I«§a01\7Vo1-castar--13g J. ,2 J. Jan. vsoa gfli}-.Gegn;.1*‘nt*n & Nor’t’n no 115351550 A’ &: 0' Ap’1’69 5 gpfing 1fi<.>,1,1I;,mi,= 0071--» g J- gun. 1639,: in am * -------- -- , M, 4; N_ M» 2 11 a. an 1'enton* ____ __ ’ ' . _7 ruce 1 ca ........ -- , , . . an. Forty.Sec. st. 65 G. St.F’Y.100 750,000 A. 65 0. 001.3127? Phi1a.,Wil. as B.1.-____-_1f;8 }.*3Z§'-,%,,,,, 33*’ JF,,°,,‘f £33 V{’)'i1kesbnrre Coal. ...... --1oo 3,400,000 A. «Sc 0. .---..... Frankf. and Southw.(Ph.) 50 491,620 J,@J_ J,,,,_2,,g 3 Philauelphia. City ______ __ 5o ’1oo'ooo J'& J' Jan.’60 3 Wyoming Valley Goal ...100 1.250.000 F. as A. Aug.’66 georgia---------: ------ -- 0 4.156.000 J. 72.1, J,,,,_ .69., Philadelphia. and 1)..n»,y__« .20 l,,,,’,,,,,, J @ J‘ J,,,,_.6g 4 Adams Ex ress ........ --1u 10,000,000 FM am Apr/686 , ormantown (Ph1la,,--..... 50 2,245 J. 65 J. Jan. 168 3 Phila.aurl Grey’s Ferry -. 25 g17’e97 J‘ @ J’ J,,,,_a69 2 American xpress...... -..500 9,000,000 FMA&N May,'68 Girard College (P111 :1.) -. 50 160,000 J, .5; ,1" gm. :5»; 2 Pitt-sb., Ft. W’. &: Chicago.100 11 500,000 J A J,g.,’Q AI,]_s39 2; Mei-‘o1mntl=l Union Express.100 20,000,000 .-------. .-..-....-. Granite...» ---- ---—--~--- 0 --------- ..-.. '... Mm~,va9.. Plntsfield sud N. Ad,,m,,__1,,, ';,5,,:,,o0 {L ,3 J,,,,_ I59 3 United Stotpslll reas.---100 6.000.000 FMA&N M’y’692,§ mean and Ooatea Bt.(I’h.) 59 150.000 W 6; J. Jq,n_,, I59 9 Pogplgngl _La_.;';d Kennobee..,,10o 5'79,§no 13; Q ', ,,_,,g_v53 3 We1ls,Fa1:,gg Q, . Exp..100 10,000,000 .........m .............