AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 557 New’-‘York Stock Exchange. Boston Stock Exchange. Actual Sale Prices for the week ending May 12. . Actual Sale Prices for the week ending May 12. -, Th.6. 11.7. Sat.8. M.1o.'ru.11.vv.12- lb The E7. M-10-T11;-fivifééz FEDERAL S.,.0CKs:__ F0] ]B§Ol§l§O11f\n6i1IE .. . . . . .. 1545 _. . U" 5' 5S'1371'‘'°g''''''''’ U l Bofiton “D51 Mgwce "" "1113; 142% 141} 111; U. S. 55, 1871, coup....... .;).. Bostona11dP:11‘r1id.e.r;éé. 1 H“ 357 U. S. 5s,1S74,1'eg.. . _. . .. . . . . . . .. . . 1.0 Boston 2111; fir o_d & Efié.:)é. 2 033 U. S. 55, 1874, coup. . .121; . . . . . . . .: .. . . 120* 1.48 05 01-1: ‘~11 ' 01 - 61 60% ‘(,0 U. s. 5s,10-40s,coup..108g- 1074 107» 109 1088. £384 Ch h;-_ _g. new ----- -- - - -- -- 71, 72 ~ 72, U.S.5s,10-40s,reg........ 107 108 10 100 0 es r11e,p1e.............. .... ; U.S.6s,1881,reg.....119§ ...; 1.50 Conco1§c_...£.I.{'._...‘.......... .... I H U. S. 63, 1881, con . 118; 118 119-5 1 2 - Eontnefl 1°“ W91" - - -~ - - - - ' 116% 3- 3- 3:’ ;8.1g,°-W- :':: :::: :::: :::: Ft%if{.3.r.::.'.':::.'.':::::. ''''''' : ....‘ 133; ::.: 133 ' ' ’ . ’ 3' ";f"'~? III 113 11r 113;; -115.3 Ma.ncl1e‘ter&La.wr’ce..... 33313:’ :'3..§‘o’*'*’.‘?i's’s“2’.???i nsgw 117: 113g 119 1193 MicliigahCentriL1.......... . 12_77 . mos ’ . 1 . 115 11.15 Northern 116 llsgili 114 111 U. S. 6s, 5-20s, ieg. 64.1134 ..; . .. . 5 nr 115% Oad ‘at L k Uh U. s. 6s,5-20s, c.1S64.114:z: 119-3 113 111 at , _ .. ens- :1 e amI>---- U. S. 65, 5-203, reg. ’65.113 .. .i .. . . . . ..L Old 0 . . . . $13; 1833 188% .. . . U. 6s, 5-20s, C.1865.1l5‘§$U 114,. . . . 116.. 1; Ph <;_}eny B 1LeWP_01 - 1- 5; 1 545 55-» U.S_6s,5_2os1r.n.l65.__,, ..:_; .,V‘\1.& :1 imoie . . . . .. H ; . ’ 1161 115’ 116 117' 117% 111 Port1’d Saco & Po1ts...109 109 109; .... - U. S. 6s, 5 205, c. 11. 65- ,4“ ‘E .7 F . v d 1 9 102% U. S. 65, 5205, reg. ’67.11b;5- 1107 ...; 1171; . .,é,; Ve1.mont& Cane. . 0.. . ... . 60; U. S. 63, 5-205, c. 1867.116; 115,; 1155 117$ 1 7% 11 3‘ Vermont & Lrdiass-if . . . . . . 1011 -- - - U_s_5g,5-:2os,1-cg.’68..... . .5 117% Vt.C.&Vt.&C. q. s..... 3 3 U. S. 63, 5-205, c. ’68 . .1169; 115,"; 115;} 1173 .. . . . B1-oadway (Horse) ...... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 11- S-6s»1’“°'R~‘“““°-'-- 1°” 1°” 1°“ i’i?.’€:}.’;;‘3‘{i€.. " '.'.'.'.'."€ié.§ :::: ‘iii :::: ‘iii; Middlesex .. .. .... . .. Plriledelvhie SW“ E*'=‘“"‘€-’°- 83§;§.‘Z‘li%‘‘.E{ii‘‘g.f”°::::::::: :: 3: 1:‘ :::: :.:: Actual Sale Prices for the week ending May 11. Fmnknn H _ 19,2, 19% __ _ _ 13;, 131 W.5. Th.6. F.7. Sat.8. M.10.Tu.11 ]I§Iii1~p[{1 I . . . . ... Got ' .... ..... .. se oyac .. . .. C awissa dpffegrcd 013% 12g}; 35;‘; 1331* fiationalt . . . .. . . .. . (1 - z mnesoa. .. ....... .. .... . “m ‘T’? “” 6s, i‘§78’........ 1I:,.t.t..,,Ji,i., _, 11, 11 in . .. 651875.. .... .. .... .... 1 sure‘ .. .... ... ---- .. es§1ss3........ 85 861 Quincy’ .. ....... .. 29; .. . .. .. 65,1889 ..... 86¢ . .. . . mort. 6s, ’89 92 92 92 92 - - -- - - Elmira & Williamspoi-t... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . London Stock Exchange. -. 1'8f.....-..-... . .. .... -... .... --a. r_C1oBing Pigcegfga .. 8.............. .... .... .... .... .... , _AP1.i123_ pr; _ Lehish N=Wieeti°n----- 32% ' 321'! 32* 3?? 32. Au. 6: at. West. N. Y. sec. 7 per ct. -- 6s.'1884-------- --; 33 32* 1stmort.,1880 ................. 65 - 7o 65 - 70 -- G019 4' 94$ 945 94? 94% 93“! Do. do., 2d moi-t.., 1881 .... 55 - so 55 - so - - R" R" L ---- - -- * - 84% 84% 844 84? 8° Do. Penn.,1st mort.. 1877.. . . .... . . - — - .- - - Lehigh Va11eyR-R----- 55:? 55 56 55 56 5“ Do. 610., 2d mOl‘t.,18S2 .......... .. 55 - 60 55 - so . . 65 new coup 944 . . . . . . . . 95?; . . . .. . . D°_ C,-mSo1_ 7 per cent mom bonds -- 63 new res» 96% 96% - -- 97 £100,1890 ........ 231- 29, 281- 29; LWJG Schuylkill R-R- - ' - - - - 43 ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ " ' ' Detroit and ilwaukee 1st mort. 7S. . 64 - 66 6-1: — 66 -- 75---H-------H "" "" Do.2dmort.8p.c................. 65-68 65-68 Mine-hm -~ - - u» -- ~ - ~- - ~ 545‘ 544‘ 544 ° - °' ' ' "' Erie shares 100 (101. all paid .... . -.. . 234- 24} 234- ‘>4-3» M0I'fi5 CRDBL - - --- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - ' ' ' ' ‘ ' " Do. sterlg. 6 p. c. corivertible bonds 68 -— 70 68 - 70 V -- P1'ef-- 65 ---- '-- " 6° "" Do.3dmort.7p.c.1883 _ . . . ....... 60-65 60-65 -- 35 1575------~ " ' " Illinois Central,6percent.,1875..... --- ——--- North Pennsylvania . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 351- .. .; Do_ R(,dempfi0,, mom bonds 5 p_ c_ 93 __1o1 93 _1o1 - - 55i1380 - - - - - - - - 88% °° ‘ - ' ' ' ' ' ' 88‘ Do. 7 per cent., 1875 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 - 81 79 - 81 u 75 - - - ~ - - ' ' "" D0.100dol.Shm‘cs,a1lp11id . . . . . . .. 96 -97 96 -97 «- 1031]-887"""‘ ' -- MariettarmdCi11.R.R.bonds7p.c.. 75 -80 75 -80 Northern Central --.-,- ~ -- -;- Panama. General 1'1101't~. 7s, 1s97 .... ..1o3 -105 103 -105 Pennsylvania R. 54i‘i=v 55 55 >50: 55 07 Penn. R. R. bonds, 2(ln101‘t-. 6 per ct.. 91 - 96 94 - so -- 1513 99% '-'; "'; Do. Grcnerulmorl'-.6p.c. 1910 . . . . .. S7 -88 87 -88 .. 2dM-..---- 94: 94; ---,- 945 Philadelphia.:1nd Eric 1st-mort. 1331. so - 88 so - 88 Penn. State, 6s,1st series.. . . .. . . 104} . . . . 10.1 .. . . Do_ Wm, option to be paid in phila, 35 __ 33 35 ... 33 .. 6s,2dseries..... 106 106 . . 6s, §vdrs(%ies.1g'fi . . . . 107 107 .. . . r A .. 63 . 4.. - an «ac. -... Inca . - I ‘V Philadelphia Uity, 6s....... 93 .. .. 98 American Railroad J 0111 nal. _ .. new .. . . 1%? 101% 1011: 1g;% 13% _ ‘ i:]1iii3f13a(ii3l:;I‘dii6i5gI:I.(i1fIIl47g 4.7;, '45’ °«'r'z§ 48 474 Saturday, May 15» 1869- .. 751893 ..... Philadelphia ‘ind E1'1e-- 29% 29% 307 305 3?‘ Stock Exchange and Mona)’ lfilax-1:019. 78-3---; 37% 875 57 87 87 87 Money has been more freely offered, through Bchuylki1lNav1gat1on .... .. ._ .. pref .... the past week, both on bank and private account, " gs’ £33 """ ' ' ' 'g,;' :1: jjjj and rates have been more favorable to the leading -- 1355:1373 borrowers the ran e havincr been from 5@7 deno- S U I ' J ‘ g a 1 b um‘ “am cs,"1'8"7's'.-.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.': .°.':.' ..:I _ ,2 rally 6@7 per cent. on call, and 7@1O per cent. U310“ Cana}5»BP§‘§§,;3°----'-' ° ' ' " per annum on strictly choice to good grades of Hest0r.1i7i11ei'“:(1i[01‘5e) ---- -- 135: - - - commercial paper. There has been an active in- ‘ .3; .... .. . . . - s¥::.s:t....: .. qmry for accommodation espemny mm specia- 2d and 3d streets . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 46; five Sources’ but it has been p,.0mp;1y_met, at the SpruceundP1ne .. ...... .. . _ _ b T dd d 13th and 15th sts. .. ruling prices. The U. S. Su reasury a e $1,281,890 to its cash reserve, during the week, Baltimore Stock Exchange. chiefly in the currency form, and for the most Actual Sale Prices for the week ending Mall 11- ‘ part, by the sale of a. million of gold, Thursday W.5. Th.6. F. 7. Sets. M.10.Tu.11 - h- h 1 d 5 r _ Baltimore City 65,1875...” . 93 92; the 9”‘ {D592 1'0" 3“’°“ba°kS» W 1° 9 ° 3‘ _° .. 1886 -é-~ -65- ductxou in the legal tender reserve of the city ‘.2 issggg '.'.'.'.I'.‘..‘."°fl.‘ ‘iii’ .‘.'ii 3?’? ...? banks. The banks closed the week with $55,109,- 3”“ “ml °“i§’a.;a;"is's.:::: T5‘. :12: 11:: :12: T??? 573 of lawful mm?» again“ $59-‘95»722 ‘he Pm‘ .. .. '.1880. 904 - -- ceeding week, showing adeci-ease, in this item, of Marietta. & Cif1.'1st1J1§(8i"s'3"z§ '53s’ 33% .'.'f.' If,’ '§§;' $1,386,149. On the other hand the banks gained -- 2 68 68 $6,813,854 of specie, mainly from the Sub Trea- Northern Centi-a1.......... .. . 49 _ _ _ 49743 5 .. bonds,1885----- sury coin interest disbursements of 8 , , 1 N Wm. 1..1;..,..‘.‘?‘?‘.’::::: 1:2: ff‘? 1:2: ‘ :12: 12:: and the sale of Treasury gold. to the extent of -- 33 one million. There were $9,944,572 added to the City Passenger R R...... .. .. .. .. 18:} . aggrega;to_ of the bank deposits, an important gain. The banks increased their loans, $8,051,212 and their circulation, $14,102. The Philadelphia banks also augmented their deposits $976,721; their specie reserve, $68,767 ; their legal tender board, and $403,432; while they enlarged their loans $425,548, and their circulation $619. On Wednesday, the local money market closed de- cidedly easy, on a very full offering of capital. The main call for aid was from Stock and Gold operations, and for speculative purposes. Private lenders Were more liberal of accommodation than even the banks, and on better terms for the bor- ' rowing interest. The specie reserve of the city banks is now $16,. 081,489, against $21,286,910 same time last year. The city bank deposits now $193,893,137, against $199,276,568 week ending May 9, 1868. The legal tender reserve amounts to $55,109,573, against $57,541,837 same time last year. The cir- 4 culation now stands at $33,986,160, against 834,. 205,409 same time last year. The loans are now $268,486,372, against $265,755,883 at this date last, - year. The Bank Exchanges at the Clearing House through the past week, averaged $150,195,763 a day, against a daily average of $127,294,725 the preceding Week, and $125,484,300 the week ending with April 21,1869. The current week’s exchanges average about $143,000,000 a day. The city banks, last week, reported a gain of $6,813,854 of specie, and $9,944,572 of deposits, with a decrease of 31,. 386,149 of legal tender notes. They increased their loans, $8,051,212 ; and increased their circu~ _ lation, $14,102. _National Bank notes to the amount of $129,320 were issued last week by the,Treasury Depart. ment, making the total issue to 1,685 banks thus far, amount to $314,641,041, against 8282,. 655,440 at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1866.‘ From the total issue is to be de. ducted the currency returned, including worn out, notes, amounting to $14,834,576, leaving, with the existing 1,626 banks, (having an aggregate capital of $418,858,931,) an actual circulation at this date, of $299,806,465. The United States bonds held by Treasurer Spinner in trust for National Banks as security for circulating notes amount to $342,749,. 800; and for the public deposits, $30,155,350- making a. total of "$372,905,150. The Treasury Department last week redeemed and destroyed $656,500 of worn and mutilated fractional curren- cy, and issued $396,800 of new. The outstanding amount of fractional currency on the 1st of May, wits $35,330,323, against $36,719,912 on the 1st of April, $36,781,548 on March 1, $35,511,127 on February 1, and $34,215,716 on the 1st of Jauu~ any. The U. S. Sub-Treasury receipts, week ending with May 8, were $21,115,463, including $2,525,. 718 from customs duties ; payments, 819,833,572, including $4,974,315 of coin interest; balance at the close of the week, $83,267,280, against $81,985,389, at the close of the preceding week, showing an increase of $1,281,890. The business of the Office during the first two business days of the current Week, was as follows: On Monday, receipts, $1,600,384, including $441,000 from cus- toms; payments, $1,159_002, including $388,893 of coin interest. On Tuesila v, receipts, $1,147,090, including $537,000 from customs and payments $1,828,964, including $539,761. of coin interest. The balance at the close of business on Tuesday