* AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 563 guineas, which will provide an acknowledgement for the two gentlemen who formed the deputation. The directors are glad to announce that a Cana- dian Compacy are about to construct an exten- sion of the Galt and Guelph branch northwards, across the fertile agricultural country beyond Guelph, a district hitherto without railway com- munication. This line is called the Wellington Grey and Bruce railway, and it is intended ulti- mately to be extended to the shores of Lake Huron. The Great Western Railway Company have agreed to supply rolling stock, and work the first section of 16 miles, when completed as far V as the town of Fergus, at 70 per cent. of the gross sarnings. Further, it is agreed that an account shall be kept of the railway traffic exchanged between the Great Western railway and the new line, and that 20 per cent. of this traffic shall be set aside annually and appropriated to redeem the capital cost of the line, so that in the course of years the branch will gradually become a part of the Great Western system. The directors have the satisfaction of stating that the net revenue of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company for the half- year ended 31st December, 1868, has, as was anti- cipated in the last report, permitted of a payment on accounnt of arrears of dividend on the $2,095,- 000 preference shares of that company (being the securities representing the loan of £250,000 with accrued interest) at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum, amounting to 973,2-325,which, after deduct} ing United States internal revenue tax and cost of conversion, has produced in gold £10,622. The directors, as will be seen by the net revenue aci count No. 3, have placed one-half of this amount to the credit of revenue, and the remaining por- tion has been applied in part liquidation of the old Detroit and Milwaukee interest account stand- ing in the balance sheet, which latter is now re- duced to £9,957. The receipts and expenditure of the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad for the year ending 31st December, 1868, have been satis- factory, and show the following results :—Gross earnings, £353,033; working expenses, £208,281; net, £144,752. The Detroit and Milwaukee Com- pany is progressing very satisfactorily, and the receipts show an increase over the corresponding period up to March 25th of £8,204, or upwards of 15 per cent. On behalf of the board of Directors, THOMAS DAKIN, President. London, April, 14, 1869. - 33" During the past year the debt of the State of Connecticut has been reduced $349,244, leaving it April 1, $6,974,992. There are war claims still outstanding against the General Gov- ernment amounting to $200,000. The school fund is $2,046,108. The total receipts for school pur- poses during the year were $1,043,086, showing a deficiency of $60,000 to be provided by future taxation. 5]? The contract for building the link of the Nashville and Montgomery Railroad between Decatur and Montgomery, Alabama, has been awarded to Samuel Tate and others. They agree to‘ finish the link for five million and fourteen thousand dollars. FOREIGN YOUNG MAN, HAVING A TI_IOR- OUGH knowledge of Civil and Mechanical Engineer- ing, acquired in France, Germany and Holland, desires an appointment. Salary no object. Apply to A. R., Room 46, No. 176 Bleecker st., New York. 2t2O To Contractors and Railroad Companies. FOR SALE. ' 1 PLATFORM CARS——-4 feet Si in. gauge, in good _ order, of extra heavy build.——Special1y adapted for heavy freighting or construction purposes. Apply to A KASSON & C0., 119 Broadway, New York. 1 t20 W. CHURCHILL OASTLER, No. 413 EXCHANGE PLACE, N.Y., SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Armstrong & Co.-, Rotherham, England, STEEL & IRON RAILS, FROGS, SWITCHES, AXLES, CHAIRS, and all kinds or RAILROAD SUPPLIES, Armstrong’s Patent Forged Crucible Cast Steel Reversible Frog, ONE SOLID FORGING. Arrnstrong’s Patent Cast Steel Frog —- one Casting. Arinsti-oug’s Patent Combined Cast Iron and Cast Steel Frog‘. Arinsti-ong’s Patent Cast Steel Frog, with Forged V drawn from the Ingot without a weld. )3@“ Drawings, Prices, and full information, on application. EAST RIVER SG5_E_w BOLT WORKS. RYLANCE a GASKELL, Manufacturers of Screw Bolts, No. 4-33 EAST 25th ST.,-N. Yi To Railway Co traoors. HE Graduation and Masonry of the FRED- . ERICK .AND PENNSYLVANIA LINE RAILWAY, embracing twenty-eight sections of more than one mile each, are advertised for con- tract, and PROPOSALS for. the same will be re- ceived al; the Company’s oflice in the city of Fred- erick, Md., up to the 25TH DAY OF MAY, inclu- work will be ready for ‘inspection . at the oflice of the Company in Frederick, and at the ofiice of the Western Maryland Railroad, in Baltimore, from the 15th day of May, where contractors will ob- tain all necessary information to enable them to examine the line. The Company reserves the right to reject all or a part of each bid. 4t18 JOHN LOATS, President. Railroad. ‘: . «- u. a A I 47 V. r . .i».=j.‘.:- -- -.1.-:7 5' HE attention of Contractors is invited to the worl: of completing the Blue Ridge Railroad, in South Caro- lina, from Anderson, South Carolina, to Knoxville, Ten- {)iesfi§e—a distance of one hundred and fifty-two miles to ui . The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors is prepared to enter into negotiations with responsible per- sons, who may desire to uiiclertake the work. Payments will be made in first mortgage (7) per cent. curi-ency bonds of the company, secured by the guarantee of the State of South Caro ina, for the punctual payment of both principal and interest. The mortgage covers unen- cumbcretl pro crty of the company a quarter mil ions of dollars in gold, and embraces fifty miles of read complete and in running order. Detailed Estimates, Plans, Profiles and Specifications, will be ready for inspection by JUNE 1, 1869. Meanwhile, approximate quantities and other information concerning the work may be obtained by apglication to C01. James P. Low, the Chief Engineer of the ompany, or to the under- signed, at Columbia, South Carolina. 5t18 R. K. SCOTT, Chairman of Executive Committee. Orrion or run ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Company. NEW—YORK, April 28, 1869. holders of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, for the election of directors and the tranraction of other busi- ness, will be held at the oflice of the Company, in the City of Chicago, on WEDENSDAY, the 26th day of May, proxiino, at 3 o’clock P. M. The transfer books of the Company will be closed at the close of business on the 15th proximo, and re-opened on the 1st day of June, following. L. A. CATLIN, Secretary. Jonathan T. Hobby, B] ATI-IEMATICAL Instrument Maker, Greenwich Street, Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y. . WM. KUMBELS Patent machine stretched Leather Belting, with all the necessary articles required. A satisfactory iscount on all purchases both large and small. Address PETER W. KUMBEL, ~ 26 Ferry St.,;l\l, Y. sive. — Specifications, plans and profiles of the A which cost three and , HE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE -SHARE- 5‘ noo'rii’s DEJPLIEX, @AE‘E"§‘§%7, Steel and Iron Rail, Now fully demonstrated to he the TRUE STEEL RAIL, we are now ready to negotiate with Rail- road Companies for its adoption under such ar- rangements and suggestions as we will upon ap- plication by letter or in person make known to them. 0pem'n_q a new era in Railzoay economy Miller- to unprecedented. All communications must bear the signature of either the President, Vice Presi- dent, Superintendent or Engineer. J. L. BOOTH & 00., Rochester, N. Y. HAVEN & ALLEN, 72 Broadway, N. Y. H A R R Is B U R G Car Manufacturing. 00., ~ HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA, ‘ MANUFACTURE Passenger, Mail, Baggage, Box, Gondola, Coal, and all other kinds of RAILROAD CARS, sarnnoan can WHEELS AND oasrruos, BRIDGE AND ROLLING MILL cascr- mes, BRIDGE sons, BOLTS, RAILROADANIPORGINGS. W. T. HILDRUP, Superintendent. WILLIAM CALDER, President. Hemp Packing. BEST HACKLED HEMP PACKING, For Sale by WILLIAMS, PAGE & 00., 91 Water St., Boston, SCOTCH PIG IRON. ALL THE APPROVED BRANDS OF NO. 1 SCOTCH PIG IRON. In Yard, on Dock and to Arrlve,c, 9 In Lotstosuit Purchasers. Applyto_ HENDERSON BROTHERS, 6 Bowling Green, New York. RAILROAD TIES. WHITE OAK. CHESTNUT AND CEDAR. Pig, Bar and Railroad Iron. Coal Buckets, Blocks, Dumping Cars, Whee1bai'i-owe, c. , HOLLINS, KIRKUP do 00., 6m48 - - 24 Dey street, N. Y. CAR PLUSHES. Best French and German makes. LOUIS WINDMULLER &. ROEI.I{ER, 20 Reade street. GERMAN STEEL AND HARDWARE, I]I((;:J::]ev1:7S;1vDnIULLEn &. ROELKER, 20 Reade street Ag; Iifitfia .»‘~‘. as its 5.; .,y._-ii.-up as 31>.’ E, €17. "§”5.E.: E'}I*‘«-1}‘ .§.E§‘li{n N0- -'1:-32 Vifaiiiui ncrero, l’hihI:i¢nlpl-.la.