9 inches by 4 inches tan pamphlet with black writing. The top of the front page has black letters spelling "Roosevelt Followers Brand LaFollette As Socialist Not Entitled to Progressive Support". The pamphlet is from progressive supporters of Theodore Roosevelt who do not believe progressives should back LaFollette's progressive candidacy for President in 1924. There are four sections of this argument "LaFollette Party Socialistic Not Progressive", "LaFollette for Party Regularity in 1912", "Would Deprive People of Electing Their President", and "LaFollette Program Would Wreck U.S. Constitution". The pamphlet was signed by 48 names. The back page has a quote from LaFollete about not supporting Roosevelt in 1912. Beneath the quote is black letters spelling "Issued by the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE Chicago, ILL.". Union imprint lower center bottom of back page.