8 1/2 inches by 3 5/8 inches white brochure with blue, white, and black writing. The front cover has blue writing with red bars above and below the blue letters spelling "VETERANS AND REAGAN-BUSH '84". The "'84" is in red. Beneath the writing on the cover is a color photo of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. The brochure is folded four times. The first flap page has a color photo of Ronald Reagan. The second flap page is blue with white letters of a Reagan quote about veterans. The four inside pages feature a long overlook of Ronald Reagan's accomplishments for veterans. The top of the pages has blue letters spelling "A RECORD OF STRENGTH FOR AMERICA'S VETERANS". There are three color photos of Reagan interacting with soldiers and veterans. The back page is mostly white but for writing in the lower half. Under the same "REAGAN-BUSH '84" from the cover are red letters spelling "LEADERSHIP THAT'S WORKING". At the bottom of the page are blue letters spelling "Paid for by Reagan-Bush '84" Union imprint at the bottom center of the back page.