’ iil5th :Ia:iVu£n;y, VVViVg3V3oT ‘ 2? 19.4,‘?-ii“. ‘ \ K V, ,1, V ‘.5: ‘i i‘ X 9 _« V. t, r V ~ \ \ T . TT . . T T TTTTTTTT T TV %8h0?° F1?“ ROW-Ison H‘ V‘ V »VVTT..~ V ' T TT -TT FT TuVV~«, T A , . '- « ' ‘V 'V I ‘ {L .V-- ‘V - cutter V '{.3T(. ~,_,V T'}.i',.,,, I , T »1V b.-5_ _ V Without the gcllieTTifT‘T ;T:p~nse1iTTE;T even T » , -g‘gniii«st*’.thVc to ‘_ _ ’| . V,V ~ ;V ~ ; «V r ' V V V V, l. 'muz*';:l’9V. ,TTT1)Ubh$i,1¢5l)‘ix-€i55'ju£ed~)fol-{KlTau’ its V V V V T 2 = A VVT~T » FT V V !‘T'\~Tfi' V, T are I‘ V A V°¥1’rWrdatVV«*r*'V““‘?‘8"“’3“?W* ‘E iittistsi V, ‘\ VV S?1V3l¥f?NV;'B0LTV'AR \ own to VtliV*3- au:;VuSt\VVi11V ‘JP -‘AhVV?"’V‘9:‘V‘‘°;l}‘‘Vl“‘‘’V’‘‘*V ; V‘‘’’V‘‘‘;l.‘*'VVV.l‘gVV "’ °"V‘V§§9iiP°i V’. Bi’;/fomi*nati thatB5sti~%brins%bs~Vswi:t»aVa,ts;:VV‘V V VWeV1an”iiV<’:<1’.f"<'JT*n§1~‘‘ 3*’ fins: ‘V V we f<>Vus¢V1VVV ’ V céeded Voi‘i?;¥fito;*V:V \ g _ hiretl 3‘c;irtsVV§Vi-¢1’;l‘f°,.‘~f3~l1 ifisVoVn ‘ Tr~h~é. V;=tVV1iIV V \ V ~V was taken butVi¢£9VneVor t1ieV $tI‘ts1it“'3;‘;§’“‘_'.;T?§§tfi§.TV_SVt€£té§:fTTthfeli su_iVV~ been 6 V,ooo V'V"cl§Vlls.. the VvthV9leVit~sVs*Vdii?i’dsd V V txiutiny, A.Vf§W'«l)TJ3_},&'%6£VVé: t '1: V gig, VCIIVVOVUVI of the felliifma, Will-lEllli1VTV-\;Vi7cTl',e.— ~ G. when they ah§}1Tg§§loned?_,h,Tifir,V;& Ntiihtn S ‘ V V . '01! VV. V. VV. V l‘ V. ‘ VV make {V0-VIV. ,5-VCSEV "gzzfim {(3-til.! than q.b~iited in be1egTV!¢d,to way has 1-ref exisTting'--struggle, between Spailyitiqii V;;ft;Ti1i;EaVcoi_onVibV-,.V it Iprecedes the pubiicaiion of . .6‘ Vv-3: ). I C i .‘ - J 0'7 '5 ‘Vi; VT»-2, w: vwhotwisli to justit?ltheiiise-lvcsf?: Do you hope ‘to‘VdVTefVlVegatc your pjbwer _toThoneVs't men ?lT Was evei('T aTny of them lflTém_Bri:TaL§I ~'W.as_ TITTITC %Tlf'1;10t1Vg-V_ est e egate, yourfierj-ui‘e V. onte-vT_ei Tea4n Smith, ~weVre»;éQndl’lVt:tCdiIlIO‘CiQl1l‘L ~ ‘V V V V V I VI; T f0llll(l»\1pOnT the p “:9” V V * ‘re ’ 1- .V .Vm'1Fh9 3 "3.“V°V°fiV'§.:°1faSVt? 9.t~atV°V V°f il‘elia:ii'ei1aei'leotsvi*o V -V.. MaiflésTtvassumm9n¢d "as Wi*€%?€*33V5“ the °aVS=s Vazciirriiubb, but tbreyi weree,lcft"otilti"'” V and, beibssworn. sVtat¢<1svbVth=~>thsétmvvtd at Biaciuvatbr, Vbeii:»sVVtVocL {mitt ‘Mi-aébr. \ YorkiV:VinVth° ship Curiaw» 1>°.uV'W° VB¥¢.n°V5¢+’i*Y‘ ” After a-paitebt‘:VVe:bVtiiiib:i%‘iiéiliibftibaimi res,Vwnere=she -emained: VrwomonthsV- He wasV be,,VV,sobei~sVweib an ‘thenV6°fmPé1l6d(1WiVfi$‘)'i‘°d !n°13ery)VtV<> enter on Smiiitli,Vwlios’e ci’eposi;i2>x:Vii4%%§Vit2‘a;:bVV ’ V boarkwie §1hipUniVoi=i. a.PVahVi°t pVrivatsersVVrerr1ain?V only AVmeVricVabV b£VV:V1ib»' ed 6ri‘VbWdT the VUni°n 6 m°nthsVs We senrin 2» Eri£lishmV.enV ’VIt—is7also met, V SI>anishVprize to Buenos Ai'rcs- Hsitheni Ship’ VVtbe briqV,-ms -cbmVpVbteVci chiefly b l3efl'ilVl1‘Vlh¢‘P3’U“i°tV‘:Vb"ig Geilelfltn-Ronvfilefilli C5113“ S«Patiiai'?”d Vrusecixo dissolve. ~itis‘VanVcicn$coi;'I_iectioiis 2 i~ibV§lVf c0IIit1.%Vtin§ity, the so1disrft2VVain ed »‘§%§3‘§°V”d19sE§9V9$e¢m? 90% be «Vi member <2VfVbtbhs. ‘VVbT«l ~Vhs1*rV be tsew bicitt tine raise their voice in behzilf o£iV;biV‘peVo’“ 6' so Vai‘acc‘is” l in 3 .VV ‘$9. 75 -;V.._.~VV"”’ :vV.: ~ -V V ‘V V ' -":."‘p“;l:‘.:h ' 4m ct,‘SgigtaleVhbii1gVV*VsV.VV=V=.¥V>VV<1 dais .130-9‘PL‘;.)0?eN’”;V1‘ud.c:VeI1‘ **uV<=r=4§r?»e ‘Vim " j. D’ VV T :VV- ,:V ,tyr;i_fu_tf,VtiieTT n-_aturaf_1nTleiVence is, that cit fergthc c‘.pV§-“men? léh 'V§~up§”9” ""ii:iti0ii is vfenei*all)’7i much enliVe—i' V ¢AT,Tg1;T'gi,i;;g§3?;'t§l1on.,TT§ititli il €Ji?T}%‘ETT;’T.to.bea%)pogVgtedfVf9r TVQVVVT-.TmTT.TTTTTvtvVtOV cu_—VC.h~VVa ‘—sVt«5.te Vof deg°‘,;(mionVV~::,V orbhs I ei rescbtb’ Vi C¢3iiV'>Vt"“eb9Vl-V" I V V +- V i V V. ‘V U V PV * Vy .; 7' _:*‘? ‘:'flVVuu9dT-Tay—V1,«“T’ ings TaiT*eTTsoT great aiTTid univeisal, T;f§liat_a11 c.las:ses‘loréT§s‘eVVe‘ and ‘feel the impentliiig iiuig,-"T Tlfich . iibb:biV;:vV e;ztiiVii V T Grenada V110t§b'’i1W9!>¢y'I unVcté1"V V VWVV —£';**’*fi°i¥§;13V§9;:>3Iif t"*VV‘~*231V?V=RsVi$iIzlVt13 V 19%-£29194» .1;>ia‘= V: I x§VVVthVia payme VtTTofV‘whlC}iV ‘air W¢Vl’VV Vr°9VV§1;i: ¥>i‘Vt1,i—g*;VVsi,tatcVVVi§;Vjt¥19V9ls has been the-toitib of your. distinqiiished ~f§Vr§anm'.V inc 1>Olacr.8V3¥1.‘laofliered hen; V‘ Tvhei former [i/iart’Vi‘.ii';fl’V:i1/zliisi i L T ' §hV1fted'Vh°-T Vcom-i-58 ‘to °°"“"ii‘9m‘5V'5“m V"“’+oVna distiiiction'betWeefi‘ you’ vented snatched fronl Captured the last canipaign, TTTT eni.piVreVwli_ose exteiit is Dim Sm . I; V'Vm}dkV§pV.Vt herd" °°'5;'.“?¥"VVVm;°l“‘ 'tl1til:‘tlieVstate may vai'y‘5VV; Sallsfy 53.-.Vu~ a-ixibtzi Your pm_iV<;x~V failed Pa"”V‘ 3° V3."“.V”‘V’*VVV’P:V~°V“-’i“° “P,V?:VP=:$l_ B35584 iifiVpaii'ing the abiigaiibn b‘£Vibé§ A Tagaiiist the‘ (lesei't.f_V1slan(l of AVfi£€lia; and Veil‘ 0ln._$tem° ,Nex‘t daiygot pf‘ rter'iV,paI't of tltesV:VVdieciSionfl. think of ,,ecQn,qaT.T¢VI.i3¥T. a hem-1SphVm,Te! V V;§lT}e blffikts, Vat 12.0 CIOCKVSQWV3 shlp,,Vv\i,}T;TT;Tc,T[T;TT,i;,V,T.oY- . V V A V V F \ V V VVVVV - V Legislators V: thVe§°oiiiidationVof greatness Vttio” V.;»“. V i ‘V -M-;;“_.V he. »Vllre.i>uV Tztiiis; {li?.(lfiT.1')€t;)}'_‘)li¢_'Vit_‘£:),f slicplierds, against K. is I to be me ship we had captured and ibadfcm the“ g'it"V‘5"i""l‘b“" "“l‘»=»‘+° °‘V’VmP"=V‘ 1.9 V man sobligation in dTlSCl1aPgéTT;l;;'VTQ£iy' - . V , 3. ‘\ ‘U 1' and?» ._ 7._.V,A"snV-ctrVc‘itYi.V:Vt6}be ‘V VVVV.-« V. V V V . VV V. . - V V V V 3 V .VV*i-i bri subs Iuentll t V dt ~liV V"7to - ~ V V « log“,--V VT‘; -1 V-’ ‘Vi llVl’l?§T.fll€TllCil tVlic~WTlioTleTV coinmu-nity. l’VVTVeT1hat gloryisJusTt1ceT; Tai;iVtlTT never wasT.Va peop1e‘conc1lT1¢i;P: zg V V3 eq .V V 3' cfiap .°°k Grin. impairs theVcontr'ao_t, byf§:haVV V; If . V V TV". C if a flijhitiliigiiir lilpiz in tigélibeipt ‘ §lVla1l“lie'°m‘V1VP3liir§bbi’i§ii°si°iiV§igi}T§t°ha§§il3‘3” “"‘Vii‘b’fi”dV ‘“‘'id “as =7V1ssa1 =¢1=der»VV»V§bstta!rrV ‘V it - ' V‘ VV-~.i~« V~ _» VV“ « ere bu*tashort‘tii;ie in session, TaVnd;tB_c te;-- -;mcestorsV;T and beflpeueficcnt, if you wish for: ’— « V- V VS « Vt - V .9‘ VV.°'“Vl'VV*°V~V-rs” tioVn,...V...VV_,9@ug_ V’ V _ TTTTT V ~ flVl€ndS.V 'l‘liro\t'.faifl‘.l%iaivay’--from ou tlio;sVe inc.enV- 'V*ir.Cadi"'f’ian“1 ‘Ext dgy sPb°k5, 3V:’V'VF’°“€hVib!‘i3' and; diary torches, and Vtlibse’daggersy, the.,gymVbo1§ V0;t815l.FaP9h@“,b¥1ssVv1et1h¢m P353» 313)": ‘ malevolence and revenge; and hVea1~Lhe. tlccp Vs§V°sVt four. °Vc10ck»1’--V M- saw a $ai1aVVland-°V¢r- i V V V i V §h¢‘i;iE$i‘i‘°‘51‘€f't9'l’§V*i‘l V ¢Vnssi?¢i.? V fiitnre::VgTi- V thiSV op'@}lt: V f (V ¢V assemble; 1———- ~41; *\ TTTT.rTTT d TTTTTT T TTTTTTTJ ifiTVViv‘hi'cVlTiVtheiVr 'dec'i§ee’s'aii(TlTTpubli‘cati§§is had 1 was vet-yTV much}-eii'cums_cribT§d, yet tip.?’W°?‘*i'9=i‘V;:'°*;fi~ Vim of its i. e governTiT'tienTt.T eTmTsTucceiTe(Ta.. ~ riiment whose principles and pulley ‘V 0 .—-ii _» T. ;T... ,- . I 1'. - a V: ”‘éa_,(li'i'e"cTtly the i‘evLVi‘se. A Tl1“éy gave birth to vP€fi'T§CtVlOi3ST and ‘comp'arisotisTT; because it is .3-dit¥icu_lt a retrogi~a’cle ”i’novemTent’ to those Véwho liav,i£njo}*ed liberty. Oppression increas- led in Vfpii iV_ortio”n to the Vprogjress'ofiiifornV;ation ; - Tzuid wgis . " Viecl to st‘tcVh ti ipiftftzh as to ex.aspei*ateV Vthe ivliol Tiition, which p2intTe*dfor tlie mom cm to ‘break itsg, tiers. The reaction finally began ‘with Tthosejvvlf had the most’ meVan,s~ of resistaiice. It is tTlie'T will sp" ’ 3-7'. ,. tiiatloa. V *__y , KT/h0T _ TT T T T T 1?? &'_V<=‘Va7ti«>ftrS ?4'?i‘fnaiVV to’ V V m‘1‘l=*='“5“ f1"V.?5Pl;3*.7f""°df°‘V*?3’iVlViV T [ht Congress; V _ 9: 1.h,¢ 9T9n8tilutioii3i{f‘ if V‘RVc‘pnbiic;of Colonn- lrlr.T sliglflqntiiic d? T ‘Getieijal C ongiacgs, :9 whicliT’sl'ijilrl:VVflJ‘eV-V§tllEiti.it~té*tl ixiVVtliV”Ve I form of at plan, V"T’.' Vi .._.d_T V V.;T» ":"4:y>,.'fG" " V-,_ . ,, T T T—: T‘ » lb“ ‘V’;q.”V'9V‘3‘V‘1.“°13VaVV€?.¢*‘*?V3!l V V’(l}‘3 E1'§_8§lT1t Qongrcss, wliiéllifigcthqiffiitvlilfritfii Tciiackd ,that. 3:’: i:»asV“:1Vr«‘sV? sf°V Vx.écu- V is u p.ééié1‘ -2. 2." XL‘ V«*V’_V to be suppoTsVedV, that ‘tTV-he. revolution’ T T VthroVugliou't_T-‘thewhole]peninsula, and will oiilVy,§§.g;;V opposed by those, who, Vbgigjg e;¢;,eV,. the instrufflents-or the ininionsof the Vtyrant, deg b_°V§VVa‘:;ziitaVz:tiiire:;s's,;and fiiii Vthe namhéeitei tt6ss?sV 'f}>.VTénezuelé‘, ‘ V ; VV»kn03Vns.’Vs$,li,:L;tflf?¢ot1t5‘eVVVi'ise.d.‘ 2 VT Til VV~.» .V I‘ .3 4 ‘L V ,_ '_ ;. . ate‘ fOl‘tl.ll’l6TS“TTli‘(T)II'1 ca; ('9 er V’? i-- A V yV,b"i'5§Ve>t‘—V”l'°If.pres- "°““3*“‘°"’V“°“”Y i“ "‘° ‘°“°“"“9'V""°"“"‘ ‘J towiishi ismi V. TV:37-¥n74l.r§pge’«lV‘$;"V4.,.V.it“; V ' impediment in his speech. V as 'carried" with hiin Vi. fur ‘ P5 V 7 V ’4*m’m"g° Vm,op0Se.mVTmS thVeh‘.VcVonstmmo_n T Ta c.mVTsTitutiOVn TTCTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTY TTT T The T TTTTT TTT T doe5.,gV§,,.erewmutinecl and rose ii the oflicers. mg the town of Marathon, nvliich liavg;..ni;T;.Tt;.T¢TTT§T,»TT;TiTTV - b V VV ‘ V V ~ ; 3 Vex .118 V V"8‘¢‘-If, V V . V beingtt 1.lttlejVintoxVic—ated-—-I hear V TT TT T TT T T T T T r T T.TTT T T T T T T T. T . TTTTTVZTTTVTT T T T T V V . TT T T T VT 4 T. T V .. V. a T T TT .T T T TTV FVVbieY ivill§il?i~(2P*Fse a successor to iordloa new Also; on the same nightgbs lil:Vely;b‘latck negrownman, ma gum?’ 0“) er Pumoses qhe landé Ska-Hrs bqfi in V’ »;x “"““.T, V‘ - W V ” . W V I V. V " . . VV , . "’¢~It"f»i Ii (1 tr 1 V V vr d to “lthatitl Ve crVew"Vlowest number of section VVto\vitshiViVand«V»rs! V~ ll ‘ i ’ W1“ pmml” “S that -luhuce Shall be '. among thVe"rest Was‘ a silgkn dreséi alfiV° a new. fur hat. A I lflmg in 4e y Qccul 8 Him i A 1 ’ V P, i i l ‘V ’ '3‘Vi:Icl1i°:Vf3VF1l"§V?iv_V liasu.obtaiiied.‘[mfion wVm>;.3e Constantly on ma watt ,TTT.nTd ready . V too‘ gootll .gr_o_u.ndsVfor suspiciotis-~.fTVjTg'}ze dcclc V~ "V?lu!V 59*. ¢“.'lS>f§V8_nia.Vor some ofatlie western: states, or Pi-iiice T T T T T _T TT _ i §‘er~d3Vl>endVV6n‘af’Y Viceroy’: Govei'iioi“lV:or Cap-J mtg? ‘county’ ‘Md’ ii “ the C‘-?Pt‘V”"' “f-"M‘“'V”“3a "SV"’g9‘m$V “fr=VVM“"-“V59 ,, V _V V“ i ' 3U0Y -2?'Vye~.r§T ofipge .T V . . _ . V V _ V ‘ ‘ T T T TT _ _ ’ plexiqni iwcli gnVadé,V and hamlsome, with mugs’ “me-missing’ am‘ several gilt / :» i i 31165 b§"Vf0iV‘5ba~~" Tlie" ‘will al»ter‘natel ’VVii "lo V A V V. ' V V V.VV1V.la,Wn~o~fV the republic V Y V V V ‘V’ mp y 0-lothmg. a.darkTbrotvn§ne;t£lOtliVC‘?'*3i73l1t‘lViib0‘ttFe_gre°enV T V ._ _T T T T Tm i‘-V'o'.$‘ll: awayViIi.Va_boat‘. This happe‘nVed, bout 12 *3" 3, id T'?Ar,l\fie:§»'. Vd V in the thVem;aT;sin;;1e*ti;anVof l‘i0l'lOI‘--ll‘QillcT ofrhein'Vc ‘:VThe crew thentook charge of the: p’ ' T TT TT T T T 3, VVVV32 V’.-§§¢‘3VV.3l'V° ~ ed this I man will ralsfi his Voice amidst ‘ ithfiniailot’ 38 Sm“ ha Sufi‘ TT TT V. 7 An._4 imiy be agkziin obtafiiéd ‘or $75 for eatzli of the iwot‘oi:- ,—V&hTdTTtoM the PrTizePmaster to $0 ‘TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Th TVTTTITTTTTTTTTTV TcTTTTTTTTTTe TTTTTTTTTS The STTTTTTTTTVTTTT bVe_,TVT T T T ' H':V W V, TT 1 l i T it . . - Any; . T_ _ T 0' \ ‘L ' b V L TVTTVVV, V V C33.-5Q..Leg1SVlTfi0rs, cease, to deceive yoiificlves V ' eat, of! Vt]he_,VVCon. VEVV:11.aVr1¢ston, and,tshree‘-dlaysafter, put thi-V? “wTtTtinTT¢zTTVTTLTTisTT T,rTTVTm§TTTPTTTTaT er9§?:§ntl y(,Vm.T.i--‘V,roinises,V which reason d§ft;Vwns, do preteiidtliat.-a whole contihetit ouglitto be U51‘ w,e;ved,and T0!‘ Sale» by $h°'W55i3i‘ibep, at his. VT.'_Tlit‘¢~¢VVcl¢Ys_aft_ei*, spoke a, sloop’, bound tb New - T V, .V 1989:, tlgnat;ioV Munoz, Onofre I .35Up.fe:t shnamingo Ma.hoganyTT0fT‘ very supemor d T T- .vV4. *-T VTTTTTTTTT.T.TTT TTT TTTTTTT ‘T T T ... 0 V RV Y N V~ fir, ofV-mtxon6;ls?v3‘ifl8’Vlo.tlie Vcoiitit-ant succfmrs of V‘MVeX‘ind'na’.'mn(.: - ' l11¢l;VI.a§Test ingmtitiitle, offer her, aV§.é,.re.i'.’:i_iTV-V" ~ the ed from the Orphans? Gourtot-' Washington coiii:.ty,; Vgwhcnii 15 or’ "6 Gifitlleii Smiutcstlmeh "cmailling 0“ :éti¢ry_ thing valuable, tvhic-Ii they cai'r;iodVashorVe~ ’€X€¢m¢d “iVl‘=1l3eb¢5‘ID9Hn€i¥3V £1 tlii£VVsVmallést or8;iiVlii’{i” ii. it .T - _ s .V T V 1.. . ;- V . V V E . D V. nd fl t « l , .~ . 133. V; P 7. Ass. V -‘ V V ‘~ V itvgiiitolictiiiwtifiisg1230?toIl.:?(iii:?rii:li§{Bre£.gd:l:&‘‘ . V V - tha~fi=°tV1ie§§'»sst°€ Vs» some V "fir V. r V V ~’ V V- V TwyTas.sufi'§Trerl to 'pass';VT»s_iieVVG.-R. Vt.-hen 3d‘°V* VMa1‘¢hi»!1‘V31V53‘VV **V The resistance ofth Vmericans i° honorable ‘to Vsal °—ri e”e"-~Ve»‘i . V V- . ' Z” ‘V i V -- > V V V : ~ - V than, but his phV,.TcV,,' to persist i,-,°p,.mi,o'kinVgit.V Clafs aftei-w£11“ilsVsaw V:'<1VbVri8;-1;VV gavm-Vcliase 111 VTlTh¢hlT1T0Ft{1€17fiT;PfiftV+9f;tl1s :»t‘Z11ssis$Ipp:iT'IlTeri2§g§rg, V V .V - V V V — V -V VV V T CV9-latitis therein:Vde,scVmheVcg;* Kg?’- coriclllatlons which V V/yet be sincere and let . V°"§a and 1116 cli4seAm<:t1°a¥¥Vr.V0“ "°"?mT3 8 rem :enVt.V. t V6 ,1” VV~‘VV“"‘tl"‘V"“T':'1’-W? , your liiimiliating‘ re ' ions give tva :3 the tics sign" Shot’ the latter by Amemcan to Vcause Cenrainiandis be .§.9ldV—1:i' V‘ V i V V p V V Y V V V UV'1.;i‘fi“°s‘T‘??°~ VI» Manmesb,‘Pr¢S1d§mVofthe , be Offers‘ "°)"1urViiidV“~'Yb)' the tastes and habits ed V;VVVV9sV...w‘1°Vtfies»upon.wh1ch*h!éV¢Vha5° fired a ~‘“‘ 1"‘¥‘°3» ° hm‘ d¢C1areVandVVVVVmako .- ’ formed by Vyoursegvg’ " V i 8liIT§_T-;@V-V,l§_t*.warcl and strTu_ck her ctiloks, She prov- _ T_ TTATI_ V TT | T __ T T , T T T T ‘Q ;;V . VV . Spanish brig, from th _ *VV1lV18,VmjV abamth VYQlféisposa1~.(acoordm=g to find ‘in the ne vorl V» V .V VV V V V VV VVV V l V V. V » W ‘ A mwnhout any necessli-Y of l aha loaded with brandy I V8“-.T . Iaw) of the foHo\,ymg'V1agV)d3’ V12 - r V, V V» V ~. » dw . Tb .V V T~ V . V - . u. ' i . ' TT , T Tr T ,. TV , V o_, T -. T T .TTTT._T TT.TTT,T TT , TT V ommeering Tover, a_T Tlmp0V6l‘1S,h_ll)g'/its soil. f()nTTth?TT§;Vd MoVndayV—.m§:QV wbT»Te,.TT 0-¢TxTtTTTfo1,_T,.T v ‘.3 . s . . V board‘ and orde rher to keep. .0 t°VWR’5*1 flutes ' l‘ ' in on ’ V gin‘ , 4 ,1.-i.T_w .; i ~_ ,« V and e,ven7ia iiew ieiic‘ii1:’§E£cnoltiiiiii%‘)i13e!auons,‘friends’ m °°"V‘iVTVw° days ‘fie’ the G’ chasediyby V A Vt . V - tV9w"5‘h19§ V l i ‘ . T . V 9A’m’Vand*l4’ ‘;”%9I:"w%‘*".,5l’-‘hI‘VyS.g,1:fi#;11&’ V i~ivecl,thelijV:Vpriv served the nation: your prudence extend mthms-4°’ Kept °” f°" T°“°"’fi‘°k’?‘l*“di‘5P°ke an a,ndV.1V4 in ,.an.;.éV-5VV«fVE~V - , l.T~2Vin V .t. T V an V, . .t V —-3 T V ~ ~V - T TTT T TT TT_ T T V TT). a V ),.TVTTT.oTT TTTTTTT TTVTTTT TT,T”VTV,VTiTV,VTT?TT’VT,TT., 5T V. am} ICSTTTT V V scVcu~re I S pmsp V take«.-7o§|;board:bTthe prisoners Vcapttithtl in the Spa,.'7r,V E-rt A1309 V TT ° '- VV Vut an by Vtdtlie war in which we are on ' ed ? V. V V V V V V- V V V V V Elveii slitl'lu‘ltllil7fl‘al ideas aIidV'VpVrinci15les bg 3:1 ieacl ’ V 1Q"V1°li1fi.‘3'V""u‘°“ P1‘°7°eed.°d f0” _V .V"§’aama’ ‘Wh ‘ the 1st iV:»V~s:» V» V ; V VVV. T , . T . y _ V , V , I V ATN aw‘yj‘[.om the g‘TfiT_STg¢g-{beg-g’V, «iqying near “rate” the inTtOwT TT V ,,TTTTTT' ~g.T V V~V. Sfile T ‘cnnviiiceafglef-tlie justice diieto tine-\A,§,*;,,;cans 9 ‘ ford. Loiidpun coung;3;T7v’a.‘ on‘ Tliuriday ntgm, the W;{1i¢£'W1tness Vtheii proVceededTTt§clViscloseTthe W» ; t°Wn_3h1p§TlV2:V‘l:39r§ll§l.g$ TVAV- 'q_‘j7VV’* ' - -1.1, ~ tr?‘ -V~ V V ,V ‘V ‘ , Q. T T circumstances most materialto point 0 in-VT TT TT L . C1“ W371“ SVPM“ “'1 Ce’ “WY ~Vm¢“$~a3° the B;:sf:»)T;b13“;§$¢t hIgb.T3T0Tyears_T_OfaTge~,Va T I-VV.-7. townships 12,; %VVV3Vi,. i , sion iiVi‘t1iV§"-‘3ieniisl5lic-re; al1(lif;V‘§smV5§ inevita- . ' y’ A " e e O 2 i very“ Mme’ but Maia" ‘iii§£h3i"aPlai“ (Miles) “Sed ‘h9l5V§."°“ ""3? ‘Hi ‘ . .V V V I’ VV V my ham-)%fTThS T830“-mes dairy diTVTTTiTTT.TaVTTV,TVVVTV_TVlT€TTTVTTTTmTV_ T1T,:TTgTnTT¢T3iyiTTTyTTnseT;”T ,3 fin E },¢ETTT,Tws'st,ipe,dcT*,eTe,T,su.c;:eT1;T 503“ a and ti,-§T,T.;lay,+;ifter we passed the. “find of Ba1~ba.V.Vship 14-, in range 11, Also, the VlandsVVTadJgia. ‘ 'V "V 1‘ ".eS.V3n 8l1,‘.§/;Vother otliing. o‘pitr- V _ . . V p _ V V. V V _ V 4 V V -- L [was-below at the time the niuf ‘took lace ’V0fi“31‘€ClVVf01' 8.3132 €‘X°ePf.$UCl1-‘l3“€l9V3-5. V .~ V. lrc l mez V na -l V - - . V V V V ~ V ~ ~V .~ P V, ’. ~ V V V r t V ~V V SVV an by ' V V ~ V ° V VupTortVV and ‘V‘*Va‘s‘i'w° 1°“-V‘ V V (’aPta‘" D“”'dVM"I“V’iS‘°Q”d Lie” ’V'VM°SW"y’ )5.remiomssltalVlVbeadV'iicl V . y VV V V . V ,V V “$055 ‘In the S5“??? 95?“ 3398” Wm -V=“5V‘“13dMAV-703 Pur V ~.MizsterV’V Mate and 4- VVi‘iVv~‘ ‘V Vlof» Ma-V V “i a..b;r"xiiVeii:Viatm,,,§T:,,_,§§-jlVgggfi»f;‘T.f,:“l'wj‘;:ft‘;‘:‘fT‘:Y;;:*;:{Tgig: :T1Tz:TI:TTe TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ali,iiutT5V'f'eetV9cir1(5V'inche§iiigh:iVV V 5"" ‘V V’ V B VV§;9fc,.e,v 0,; V“ V V V l V V’V V“ V V‘ ’ V V ‘ ‘ ” V V bbn~saeiabieV.mbbingV..VV'3‘sbi:V with him,‘ aIn_ongV"ot‘iVViVei= J ‘""V‘~’ :9“ .' i "V is ’ " , '.' " ‘ V . fix‘ i Q m _ V .. ‘V V V; §‘Vf%%:V-sti1arnnVty.V Vpi'0nJiulgatcdV VlV'55-hVV5°l"V'§"l‘§Vé;T”°:Td’# sP“?t‘T°“3.lf‘l°‘“’5°’3 °fV "V’;‘PV' Ylioine Vmade tiiiseyV‘do'. tbgether with a an htV.sum-V‘ ‘ 0 we H a 3 g’ ‘ V d..;;§1HTm53eg§fT“imc,.i5=eVd .01.]. Pm'°'55Vi,:‘_3“ e._ V. VtV1‘eM5§ 0151 them be among mer do.:tivo"psirVot'§higies,-one of which was otiiiite calf Vmjjfies {mm an-gsgand me .name of‘;\yVhiC£ bras; VV V V V V ,= V V V’ V T .HtwVsT.V.,.VmUmTupafiTfié£; and TTOTTVTTOT tiT.jTTTT‘TTTTlT:TiTsTTT2TTTinTTtTiT<3;iTtTi::;l f).T:Ti:lTTV[T':ll:TBt__].ll(l:— VeoI’8‘eiscounTt)’_iaiTit1V;V‘V"lVll probably (il!'t.CtTl3|,lSTc0uT1lS€*il’2Tl.rV V I . T V T TT.V,.VV . .V V _ V ., T _ TT L . _ aw! T ~ TT T. T TT T T I’ 4 T T T T - ‘ T T T , T TT TT TTTTTTTS TV 1 ,V V , X , V me For the apprehension of the above riinawaygtbe above 3_nTfi'@PP0lI1tB(l Robinson,-‘ the» gunner, (, T TT TT V TT WT 1 $11 a‘='¢V¢f‘é<)V~'t; L. av ' U V « . VV > V V V. V ., . rewti d‘ "lHVe.1"’vi' ‘fV VV 1' V ' it V 1.’ ii ; ‘ ~. L‘ V V VV I Hi V “O” 0“ €V°i‘3’° “-V =V*-51‘“.V V ?.VVii*tti” "°‘3“ Cmsress .1;e{T,’ij~V,V,VVVbar/¢i‘§f?fbfiZl>V‘tuisl\ lxl>_Vs=:rt.s'._,a1Vidicmissions i ‘if ’ mm" “mm may ‘'3 ‘S0 “W Cy h"l°d‘fi‘° “me bmg‘i"'"”hwaS‘SV1 m C V geih;erxvi:bV costsanrl Vt VV l VV. 0 Vsyitprig, Ttiiess o hrsxviews. boldly .ex¢l_aimV : gm TtliVeVV1atter, WJUIT Tall reasonable “charges if “T Vshified our TCéTmT,STeT for we UTTnit¢£]T$£atCSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTT ; of3In,‘V”.' ‘V ' ,V . V V . i V ‘A ' ‘i . V: V .. g» V V V " oseio, ‘MViDnél Vseaeno, 3’ P ‘e ‘“PP‘“‘° °-‘ ' 1 1:‘ rd‘ an En lish bri ,'andViV,aid Vtlie a tain - ‘f r ‘V, f P V V , 7 . VV V — ‘. V- V «V , V V _V ' ‘*'" ~*V V -V€71;'I“flt}'V" assa eto Ii ant V20 = SV0 =.suV :11’. ‘'<’‘’. :TM&:i_fi¥i69§Q) V=vVVE1IlS9V§VioVV' AVfanador, arelfiuallym®mdemtea“d‘“°"°°“‘al’1°‘WVhV3t3 ~ 8'1‘. DOMINGO MAHOGANVY. “V la" P g g ‘g V S F_ra"¢,l‘V flc‘ O = Ju- sul')V"Ti'T 1; to part of Europe 3 Doiyoti Auction Store; corner of Princeand rwater streets, VV ixfirkéwantédiio °fV°"‘“' Oliilbfiaidi V T, T VTT _ V ~ , .m}:TT_.‘.‘ h» V T T. ,T f , .l.;ofVVher,Vbbu»t tlieVT\vin _ wgtoo hairs-E-V~tvwos:. aysi TA};m‘,,1°”_T _M _ t poss _e to c angc the ordei _o nature, _ V IV Diego ’ *9 a’-i‘5‘T*3 Vamact large masses ? V‘?V»éWsiven ‘1“““‘Y» W’ ““°”‘ °f""’”mg1?°iii:ibii.i3°.'ii(ie:}§LER ' V V ' i V :7 i V V‘V ‘ V 11 \VC=l'l§lhvt Wlllél) )‘0ii7holtl_iii the Vbaltitice. ' V‘ . V _. :33‘?- 5'? T :TT‘TT VVTVV T AT TTCTT OTHTST T T T TTT TTHTTT -——“V T TVICE TV T V VV T VVAt,gf,V¢, Vpaluefflog t§Ve.5m,.m.TelgnT.C0n M55 of , y_ T uppose your st.eng to be V IMO . _ T ,, _ V V V V _ _ . V V V V. .;V___ . T ‘ if V x V T V . . - . T , T inch, ,-med to~beVthe coast ofNoithCarolina , Ycnezm-,1a,,;nT Angggguga, the V1T7th,ofDe§emTberT SUV, as to make her obey your ioice, and VWlTtl7l HIS is to give notice that the subscriber has obtain- W 1 P I l r ~ V ’V V V V V C9‘ T Egon ofa~_§;T,TvVT°'gTT' For what Vet” is yVmn,Tof__ iiitzhc District otf_C9h'-Vinbiii, letters of adm'm'_ tration on —’l5t3a_}rd ttiritedyto’and‘.plumleret,lTT the prjvateer of f‘3i‘V!!.oiher of your sorclitt constitution 2 *:‘f.V V .V ‘ It iaidVaéreVed,by ibaszieieivetgn Congress, that the personal Veat'af_e"otj;Adam Baeif, late‘ of ' Washington, V T , __ T V’ ~ —T V ‘ ‘ ~V V 1 ~ V T T TTTT Tcviv . the law of the }ETl}epiili’licV~of ’ V, at »- ed V’ “*9 S“P‘.'€°!n‘3 N'?§Wl9!1 C9l‘$7¢$§3V.-C11nD1n°_a,ndV by p0CtITV§y dic— are hereby vIarned,toV,e5chibit esame,_withVthe~oiichr»,- json (the-Cgpgafiy) gf,V¢!,T pofiggt idiom,“ . V VTVi_+V4V"£'VV~T'_ ‘ I*3xeV¢ut=ivs= V V- FHAVNMSCO ANfI%t3NrozmV. V J the’ Ccngrcss, T ,-~*'-V’ T) . ¥tzxaomVVu.x.iiinn.i, ds1Vnitatien.V to‘: V its§'pT‘\1l'.T|- O V President F‘? ‘V I ' easily and V.V V V V Didyou glvelicr by ’clianr.e;an equal‘rCTp1‘Tcscntat1(T3Tf|‘-in the 't3,f°d ‘$53 d:§l‘.i£_%¢TsliVe,T;itas to rec.eiv;e,Van(l -bygg rmio Vroitly regulated, tlireesfoiirthimof ' the,“ Auie_i*i£?tin Vl?3€30plt3 were .dTepfVri;%fcd.oVl.'. tlicVVelTe;btiiVe, fifaziicliise. _’IT.xi"eed not i‘e.nii..n(l you, Le,f_V_'V social ctJiiTiVpact was fi;aniTt;dV and“i;iiitifiedJ ators, .1 VT TV county , decessed: june 7%-t\'3W A V. . Given under my liaxz;Tl=I~1bis .9“‘ _'i .<.,. -. be the sat; deceasea“ Vers thereof, to_tlieTsubscribcr, at_.or_beforeV_T tli¢_T6th_diiy. T 5 _ T T _ T T T T T T T , fot'JuViie xiextgithey,Vingy3§:thcrwise,V.liyTVIan’, Tmtn Wilm1figt0DrVV3BidV.g1.Vc the pi'i\’VaEecrVV}1p to» {ram all benefit of estate. “ V 6th ilay ci’FIiiVniVe,V1sVs§o,T ‘ United «S9t:itcs;~”vVv.liichV was Vdeternii-m':tlV on. Qt!‘ the bar, we were rbosrdctl by a’pil0t;¢tvl*i6 re» T iVoiiiiVTcsitisii,Vagiib'ri-.T } / Qwiib ‘them in a boa4;g_i‘VaI’1(l abandoiiedVVr:theV’R.. fully received and promptly a..ft{:iichtilV to; 23-V-V-d3tw§3_w TV V , VV # V \ = z‘_ Lg‘ V - ' 'i -1 VTT r‘ v T Laws T passed at_ tlieVFirs§_,SessVigi;iV Na-r V V VSilrt?s2¢?h 6-V V7 V VT VUS~’I‘Vl"nblisheVtl,; a‘nV&"Vfor s§lé.f€ttV;VTtiie oflicfe T.» ‘~ Vitiained on. board two days, tvlictilic leV‘ftus"an§ 4 tin‘ rial hi tc;lligVei:cTer,V the L:ii}§!,§ a i, V sicnnf the S?S§®nL1V3C03=E{iT¢$9€i‘i§5£iI'33‘?5VE:5;V V V~;f;'VV”*VV-V’ V ._,VV { ,.V 15,, ‘V V_ ; ' V. T TTTT J xyT',~2T A V V “V: »;.i_.5’«-EgoTV,TCAmg- 5"‘ - V V‘ -