\ A ,3!-5Rc‘$Ol'u8d, Tllirtno public exiggijcj. , or contemplatioii of this house, 01011,, warrant the adoption which Shall-gviolate those rig QAur.goyernmcnt,' and which‘ _ spectacle of a nation resoliitely .- Witlii u'.ft'lic ll{ll0".l-j. C5111... in their opt. ‘S which of ‘others; In order. ‘$0 enslave itself-.)» smg opt‘? $s“.”‘_ , «:}§¢apli:ed, 'I‘l1at‘-[tliese sentim‘ '‘ to tlie".‘§eiiAator9 representing the ,. ‘A {[3-Aej of:.tlie‘~,United States, with ta, 3 “ »‘s..s“.r ems be conimiinicated A}- , . \#§fl§(iI$poge.A_,fi}‘.€l'j’_p3i't of the excise bill; now» before the ‘l1~i_9p_’é: that they ifcfwhl. s. .. .- ‘W'*.s*'.**% 1"" rkiisand I ,,A V .A_'1A«$$g;,-ivas; I _AlAAg‘li-banded measure, . .isiirq,i%&runher.iiss in this bold “id Hlfillaclllg form, he. ;“'~"C » _ View iab“‘“t t0 135’; a ‘small ‘dut ' - ' §h%A..#§£wm,,‘beverage. This law. was p§ss"e'A‘1,¥hisgeY:. }’€AllI"l’Oll().VVll1Ag, Mr.lNeville, the lngpecgg; -t~ltfi‘.'l3;6V,¢.nllQ, was -often .n‘ienuo_ed. At lellg-ghiithey ;_"i‘Ag,;rgA§¢-.if-’A0.t‘i.,tA- into any-.. open insurrectioii" in ~ the - "_P§Il‘ttSl,>ll_n&n_cai:-xnapeippt in motion, what-.lian’d short of Yflfki 1148 been a sl;ave'h_oltlin state ii '1 . , ,‘ ,. _. . 8' , nti .very lately in the strictest sense of the word. The (;ove;-no;-A ’ <¥°1A'k r°¢°mme9?3¢11 ‘:0 the Legislature of tliat ~ ,diily three years * ago, to. take measures for the y of their-:slaves. Two years ago these mea_ . ’ A.£§fA¢3'e taken; 3lL.ds'lt the next session of Congress A -A"i',AAAAtl1".eir _!i€prESefifafi?’¢S and Senators caine out ,.,tAhis.itcry«-Missouri question, as/the -chajnpions of , 5 “arid that "state has given as, hop-efui signs of a temper as -either Pennsylvania‘ or. Massachu. ' -time that she has had‘ after eman"cip.ation :' ii if A‘ regress she will make in revolutions, time will A’ ' [DElIA‘l'E_'1A:9 an coirriituiiinj C ‘ '. ~ ' -4!. C -i-t,.;...;.~,’., - s ATHIEIABIRTH NIGHT BALL held 7aAt the late residence of the Spanish f f Ministers’ near 0’Neal’ Those citizens or’ ’..;trai1gerAs:§lio may not have subscribed, can obtain Tick- -'l'1j'lA'1ll3ll¢.3a‘t’ion to either of the Managers, If any la- _ _ I101 ha“? 1‘.6C.e_ived their cards of invitation, “ “ will 1f€Cl.llle_Cl‘0IA)A notice being given. ' "1" ‘ s - _ ’,Tll’Ej MANAGERS. 4.... 9, -., i. , _.i-. éi:;~*2i,i .1820. °f 3")’ -species of’ taxation are ‘_tll‘e’basis of would exhibit the Singular . State of Perinsylvania in v COl’\- A .ti’-flit." J . , c. , » , 3 Offillndly meichaiits of S -goods desti‘0ye‘cl b h-ag'itated. ‘ ,.pUnislinient of ceriai isivnsui-rection extended itself over algrpat part of ' ,recommitl,.€di_ on motion of Mr. lfilsan, to the 7 ford, referred to the committee of claims. C Vice ‘ President of the United States ; and ElllNGS. f A .lC9.NG-Rsssiosin page,- ‘as. I .i__. it-J SENAITI3. l\“)NIl;AY, FEBRUARY . tiinade a deiazidgl 'fi.'.°.m ill‘: fi‘l3l'lC€_: avaiiii9h,- who pray S which have accrued oi . , : - 1 Y the late. fire in that city-. The i and ordinal! to be, printed. "‘ “"3"“l3$io.i of dutie report Wasrea-(1 Mr. Bmiu :)l:E::1§:lhlee§.;(efita;:pSipég-Odin(‘ed a iséfui-Aglltzr to anda bill 4‘ mo Syd (lmlofthe Unmld Slams 9” . . , lie eff:ctuAally to. p,.0,,,Adc. f0,._,Ahe . A A crimes against the United not fihauy acfedron A 92$; the lastsessioii, 8: were Mr. -Stokes) ‘comma. ‘S S Othtrll-0u§.e' acts of the Le islat luMii“§d‘ to ml: b.enat,e lwo certain 0 t IS_ ure 0 orth CamAl1iia,iay1nAg . P " ‘Aul1e.5w°n V€S.$els coming, into VVash- ““-30,“: 1" that Slate: for the purpose of‘ clearing :23 r’(:“Pf°"_l“g the fl'<1Vig.ationAof_, Tar I‘l.V.Q2'-, &c. _ questing the consent of -C0ll~gl‘€SS, thereto; winch wpre read and referred. » is ~ Aatl\1’lAiAA;.0I‘f.‘%iA9t Aconiniuiiicated an act of the Legis- ~. . 6013121,, t0 grant A(A:Aei‘ta1n_powAei*s to the .conim-issiorrers oftpilotagmfor the p<,i.‘i-’gii~.b}‘..i~£),,,.;,,,,.,J..‘i and to collect a tonnage duty on vcssels,‘for cer- .' tainA purposes ‘; which was read and referred. .lVll'.' Williams, of T em. from the military com- . mittce, made “ ' ‘S w ‘_ an unfavorable report onthe peti--_* doll of Edward Baker ; which was read.’ - S;evAeral.bills had asccond reading." ‘ o '1 hereport of the‘ committee ofclaimsunlavor-. able to the petitions of'=Noah Brown and’ others, and of Samuel F. Hooker, were successively tak- e“ “P; and the first _COl.’lC'llI‘I‘e(l in, and the last coininittec ufclaims. . . A lAlieA resolution offered by Mr. illlellen, on the CA 81 i inst. coupe:-ning a post route in the district t 6 Of M3133: Was taken up and agreed to. S ‘ ~ I he President communicated the report of the SAC/CI‘eAtai‘y of the .TAreasury on the petition of la- cob Barker ; and it was, onmotion of Mr. San. AM-r. Smith, from the judiciary committ'c,e, made } anunfavoralile report on the petition of .Marc. Mdfle Duplat /;- which waspiiead; »- _ . '1 he’SAenatc‘ took up the bill for ‘continuing for a limited’ time thcpresent charter of the city of Washington, and having amended the same by . extendingits continuance to M-arch 3, I821, (un- less sooner repealed,) the bill was ordered to} be engrossed fora third reading. ' i V ', l A , . Several bills were taken up in their order,‘ and further postponed. , 3 . ' V * Mr; Wilson submitted" a. motion to instruct the post office committee to enquire into;.thc ‘expedi- ency of allowing to the Presidentof the Senate pro temporc, and the ‘Speaker of the House "of Rcprcsentatives,, for the time being, they-privilege of franking, as at present by law enjoyed by the a The Senate adjourned. »»ii-iii-iiriiéiii‘ atheist . s3m=H<‘cs2i1§s- the K‘ two iufiiscisandisive-lists.c°i19.'=i2iéi‘osslioééilxiisissimlon o€.‘l.ause.,-ioaliislk :an.taiii;i:qsi i:iati0fi1. bill is ' S if C > i c _.-5. l =_ihsi+§ili5';‘;i>u€%::soi lal-'x;.’{i'/TV Mr. « Cptpcnrér Ms“ ii’-mini;-sis adiiilt ¥Bi’ainc bill’-A:‘1'i'(iiAlll‘lay§l§lilfilClt§;A§l ii.i:ssghsii;«iiie — : this§upfii7siiiin,i l3.e‘y'j woiild ‘iivesgrv a;in.i;ilo;:~gai« i. A A Mr.-f SZirg‘e'(int'-“divas against, the c<.%—f]l3.§l§\:f,‘_1j-’l§<=_li,."¥..?. '3ili-_o anieiidnijént o.ug*lit to" tAalke..tlg,3s . uf,su,aJ- fioarseg ‘ " ' ‘ ‘ i ‘ ' a‘ii(li- _. be treated‘\vith7that_;r lclffllflesv 'aiir.l-7 -rc.speo:t v'rlii‘cli the“ sou‘i"ce" or the’;"a,ir'i‘enel‘in§:h§is:’entitled” ,.tilfcin to, 8:13.; C ' ‘C J ‘ ' " ‘ C time for.-the debatie 0'11 “A16 i1‘€§5§‘l{‘iC”‘tion to be bro: t to .a‘ close, before the amendiipent.s of the"-'-Senate; " should be. taken 'mO"‘€A‘lii_:l-hiititliey ‘ iiejipost-“ : poned t:0__3l',lG3lI iVloiiday'Aw*eek ;f: w,.li_‘iAc_h niqgi-;o‘1A1 C‘-,v,A;Ais, , according to. fl9ti§3e,AaSked and ‘lost bya elapg‘, majority. - . . . AM'oiid ay ;. ‘which was ‘also “¢‘§§.3Fil’6}<3Ci .95 . ' er I i this amendment, it would appear toliave an lillf; and proper, than if taken up ii§i‘t-life House, where A A A A A ' proper end in view, éindsucli would be its effect title}; would hejust as much <‘lel.§iéilccl', Sec. Mr. Str‘otkir,*ivas againsl in iiffiiiediste deal. on the public miiid‘. Scc. sion on ‘the smenjdmen-ts,and in f2iV0r»of their com-- 7 , \ _ , miiAnjem,~ The amengl-gneiits‘containetl-new .fe;,.. iiiitment; aiid,Aas wellias liecmilcl be hc_£i_rd,A.s;;oke i tuieés, which reqirireii-;A.i‘eflectif>¥l:§ Aifihzit,prop'osingjt9'_SheWthat the‘améndiiients-were iwt_in1PWP¢T‘. i7-ot unit- 5'_t])’; in fayoy of 1119,» cl1tiins'WlAiich -AMaine ‘had to mg M.Aainc *8Fl(l.l\l1S3Ol1rl,Af0lfAl-18 was decidcclly op- admission ‘wiihoift deIay_,"‘andAA_ against a "course posed to the union, and, if he supposed the com. which ,‘,.ou1d,Aby -allowing-Athegfime to which she mitment woiild retard the admission or Maiiic, he i waslimited to pas§~by,and thus her reasonable .s A A AA expeciaiiong be defeated, AH‘e deprecated the elfect--.-it would be Adeci_d§A:d as soon as the ques- eelings of irritation‘vrhich‘isuch'an |1l'll,§lll(l3A.COl.lX‘S6 non now Aun-der consideration could be. He had ' ' opposed the union of the bills when the subject would producein liei§.‘citiz‘ens,A‘¥-tc. _ -, A A " A _ A _ A M,-, Whsgtman oA'pp9‘g'¢d the.gomm1tfl,i&nt, with was originally before the house ; he was still up- he would not agree to A-on compulsion. I of M ainli§;.5_ti;§ iv liiclfno AA;dn_e ‘S couldi connect-etiIfi siilfllt as I daddy ‘ had been aimed. by>,..t1iei 0th¢1?;b"’.<‘7““°l'! ,;i‘>f the‘ l:.'eIgisla.t'ur,c,. ..a A Mr. Smyth, of"VCa.-for the I of al.lo_iAviiig A M r'..S. theii-A movcidlthelf toAneXt or of the'i:om- , n»'-‘ . B,-Ir, - Edwards, Of"N. C. V'\"ziS.A1lI‘l‘fél hi!i3§tiint,;..21S0l] forit was, »ihatfthe bill, _§§l'i;l11, 110:0? ":!'llAllC.h ; they did not ‘belong to the.l)ill“;' ‘it..p}A'0.,§lJA_f???'-‘ '—$eno utility, as the questioni now i be- t A ant subject that he wished it to be duly weighed - fore the"co'tfimittee would beiirst"d,ccid¢d-_.,b¢f01‘¢. and :0011SideI‘8d- It 31S07¢mbl‘3C8d.t,he basis of a n A ‘,'j_.._:7'<._.;.. . " ' _ii -‘—‘__.; -' —;-'-=~' ' ‘ ‘JCT O '1- "3 y beforethe house. But the union of Missouij .3‘ audit Abill ‘pi‘0i'i.des,"l'o'i¥ .Athe§,c;,iCco A A A A AA AA“ liusv ‘mew. 0*’ s§rsrii.inssics1s>§sss-$?5‘:l?, \ ran .unfai'<>talilaEscort on-the A A A AA A ' y . A .- Smith aiid..E7,ra }i.“I$,eini§§s.;,,' " ‘ Mr. Smifli. ol N. C. vv—as«,Ai,i_i f;-.,vor of the C0111-.\,,-ed in’,1;A_y {Ai,»,_,-,hA(,A,,,,,eA_‘ " t " .Ta_ylor,,of New.-Yorl_t. L . . .- l t or ioiion to coinomuoicaiiqiis from an:-' ?_ L" . _» " ;-'.,}* . ,._-.._ A - g ;A1Ala(a:(.‘i-i’cllll§AAailfil-‘tl§l§ti'l§2t$A.‘3;lE.§iltll:§S _o "C ‘C S", ‘ ‘ ‘C " ch grossed ‘tug .l_it'il,l_?Cl~. .gjeadinig’f'go:{fié:i§;"- ’ I:’e,.s'ol:z:.'ec!,A ’I‘ii‘a1t?i¢ '1. iicsday, ;iAnd._—;.pijintins; ms6atriaé.Lbiia%stss.si. ’ “ i is . “ 1 4 ‘-4-__,‘. '\ ;.' ’€144imsi.‘i‘epoi=ied,ca--,bill.~-is Q S '. , _. As _,.*‘-“.A,< . ',.. .- - . ~.,i.z.f,-,A.‘~ ‘. °*?¥.‘?’=‘-no if W05 s . N‘ - - A ,-*3" 1 ~;. 1 : . V 3'0 — r 2 , ‘V. ‘ ‘ ‘-'q.'. l ‘ -»'-- ~ s.‘ w _.‘ «#3 .-«,.._A « . ~: 5. i-’~*'§# '*h’ , é--5.-L‘ s- «Evil '~ ' 1 .‘ ' I». hit‘; rtjh-e:.‘i‘nilitaryA _ » _ _ .. 2‘ 4. 4.‘ Mr 6 P¥‘€Pal‘¢Ai‘§iSi>%Ti7?‘i?fiiS6‘vfiaréifés’ reels‘ >- § . - . e ''_P to "execute u ‘ '/. 3.1:?-S’ 1 , “ o A’ I 7,5-. ‘\'A . "ally,..*t§e; e all'Cfl(lj', in-a recent case, -6’,:,..,3_-‘.4 _. --.5 ;~< . pinion. nip’-,:;_ ouglil‘_éQ,-spc<,ilically,. i lr. Saniwjn 's;ugg»cstcdA_-ghat,A it mighg ncc‘cs_Asa_ry to alidlish ihis,i‘A’cade;i‘ny-4-ilie §ciii‘gA‘.oi:* that opinion; anrlghe .d.Aesii-eAd thercf;;i:e.2il'partici_i-A lar. enquiry and report ‘upon theAv=seulvf§’;ec£:_‘ coiiiiniitee Ao,f‘*tli»is li9u.<§cA;.. lVfr.-Little ‘opposed the i'econAi,iiiirnient". _, piAoposcd‘;' but wislicd to ‘ mod_'ify the giropbsifion so as to call on the Secretary of Wafiliii‘steod of the President, to‘: eportupon the siibjcct. ;Mr'. Fouiwas iii;favorA of recom niiimcnt,» and s cxpngpsed atiis wish for» further informati_opA and'cni:§ui;I'3t‘-on tliisgubjcct. A - r l‘AliAe_ result was-7 t_li,'aft, on mo £i‘o_nAf.6f iihc pro p0_Slll0Il‘.'Wa3 recon: to.-the .'(.‘.5,mh1lT.vf* ice on military afiiiirs, with ‘(oi-vA;>port— to this housea "systcm=:of regulaiin‘ , exit of the Academy: ‘ -’ S ' nun .irr.i.iiis7wi'm --SPAIN. -a . M r. Reid: of (."rc:or';i§-5'3. -submi1tcdl~*£or”c”o " " " Y‘ ation ‘the following’ iiesoliietionii ‘ ' A . , Resolved, That the President. oftbe United States quested ‘to. impart to this House any communications- touching the Florida 'I'reaty,.u?"liich ‘inay_lia\je, been re.-. eived from‘ ‘«‘iili- AMli"iiSt.él; Pilenifiotenfiaiiy at the can rt of Spain, which have iiiit'beleti‘ ‘_ {mid =vh.icI».in,'hi*li'iP"*5°"i‘* my the Be~*é:i‘cezis£ie¢;u, '- s éheiiilercot Io__eoq_ All£'dl¢.3j.,: " ‘l ‘ S ‘ Tl_ie" concluding ll"-.‘£.’« “T38 7 oiiseiii of the 111018?’ 0l'l..thAgAguAgg§§fion+.,bfAA"”y,:. -Mr Go-clce fl1QY€Ad'~,I0_ extend ilie A MRSA.AFR,EANACH . A A HAQAUSEA AbF REPRESm»vTATWESAA the i_Iidm‘AA'e:nA‘:lments_w0iAild'be t:(lir.f)I;tlAAt};A—; &A,th¢9 slflagllhet-ASA‘:[a: cc_1A,A“t1,A,A,;,,AA:,-1,. 1;,)y,,AusA,e,., mAASpaAi:nA. . . A A .,AA ATA . ~ ; 2 :;. 1 .. -’ - T: ’ 5 ' i l ‘ s . -— “ - ._ . i won ac. 3!‘CVlOlJ§ .- , gs . -i : c. same - ,9‘ .- -' . ~_ . - Q . r. er 0 cctin tot e i ~ A. ' A A A._A ~ ?- ‘ 2-I ' _' _' V 3A A‘; ‘,.— _ .. ..».... T», _.'';.r. -' " j l’ -' _ _ l A” 4 ,. - A ‘ _ S _ -‘ 53". " fer A’ 7‘ ‘_ _ _‘ ' ' . ’A ' A en A‘ ‘ " n l. ’ .A..Av,AAA A $ £.».iAA_A A V. ,_; -pig. ‘A A5 ' l , ' A _ A‘ E .x ... A. A>-- A.A-. __ . _. A’ A .AA AA AA AA A ‘A A_ A AA A A. . _ ‘AA._ A_., A A _‘ , A~ .A ;_ ‘ O . A ‘ ,_ .. A, (em;-' wars”;-o?3énéii§5.ii§%t’5iiiié§RT‘31n°iiii ‘ 11:1 iii? 'il~i'f.liiiil3 gléiiiiaii 6:? liir‘.l.’"i.ge'§s5§§i.‘§§li°'§; .01:-e;= he .,dm,,,e¢,Amt the O . qt‘ ,,,, ,.,,,,,..c:ion- °*'.c°***I?”°"*“‘°’ l’° 1’-°-P all 1-iliiiiiould I-)6 aflbrdgd M" We ”’° ‘mt C i i ‘ - the 25th‘ inst. wheii"éAlie' will egg the foll'_o'wing!se- lay fizfore-11,33 Housé ‘a émemént bf the “‘,hg'1é'n’umbe,.’ ‘we; to coerce this_AHouse, bylioperating on those to test. 1iS- Dfacilcabllfii - '33°1"‘1. Should '36 table : ’ 1* ..«.- ‘l°“'§°ll8'9" -- .5aug.~I-org’:-WoutipDream. _ " t1ArisliAir. , .‘WilAlianAi‘l‘cl A A 'ABA__raliam. i Song,-.Hope Atolda'flatteri_ng-tale," ' C ' ' . r Song, Be ininc t_cnde,r“passio’n'. Storace. it ' ‘rm? 2d. , . Song, So warmly we ‘met, ¥ Mooi:c’s.Nati.onal i « i t l .' Melodies. Paesiello. ‘ ' Scotch Air.‘. f Bishop} AA sag, wmiiier Amy iove_.?~ A So;Aig,_l£oy’s wife, 1 A 1“ ‘ ~~.. - Song, A'l‘he celebrated echo song, i ' ‘ th_e'__echo perfori‘ned by herself, Store, and at the bar. - _ ’ ’ Concert will commence at lhalfpast 7 t 0 clock,- ? - ;fAeb;i9-..-it ~ ; . s A“ w A A A A ‘,i«jniisi_i iiiiucs pa MEDICINE, A A OHN DUCKWORTH respecttiilly informs liis.i'riendS. f ,..i_iod the public generally that lie Ahas‘rcmo.ved his lg; . store from the Capitol liill to the one tqrmeriy occupiefl A. l by l")xA'.,J. A. Brereton. 0PpQfir1§‘"il1aVl3 S l3V€fA!la ‘V’.-‘11""¢ ,;can be bad fresh Al):-ugs and Medicines, and vario,usoAAAt_ 161' ,j' articles, which will be sold its cheap 3.8 0311 be_ I?“l'°h**5ed~ .‘\' A in-‘the district, and warranted of tliebest quality. A A A 7-1’,llySiCl2llS.9.l:l‘d families are assutedjtllat f,l1A6!1‘,01€l¢“,’3f AA .:A,AA,A. A Am,Ame,AAnc_ine will meet the_constant~pAersonal attention 0 ._Ai. IA), ginil every article will be delivered stricg Y‘ °°“’ fqrmable to. order. _ . . . Medwme. ghegts put up or replenished at sAhorinAotice.A AA1-“gr 5313, as above, best winter strained Lamp 0.1 ~ ~ .’ » ’ I fllso,‘ for Rent, _A A A an-ee story brick house, forinerly 00601393 b)’ ‘W95 xgalculated fora store and dwelling. A . A ieb 22-««2aw3w _ , , , ' 1" A 99011 &. CHEAPAAWINES. A . s I '- _b tl fillstdrl’ 0* April “cam the star? he Occulldilrspiflcet all his stock of '‘i'.'. 9 iii-Tat, o'Aifers‘tor sale, at very " ' ~ mesan ~ i -2» . W ‘ — ~ . r th b c .?tlie'+:fualit_ Qfwhlch 113-5» 566'‘; “Pl”'l’Ved 9f by A 4? ,es ‘CSYBHOAI 1 l isse%rsA. _.~It’.-consists of gerulaiie 0giliMP3f3r‘:"';;b?: graiifilit and in b0ltl8S- Old D1‘? l-‘15b°“’ . Ch -m’a ne imdlbest Claret Muscat dc Lu“-til. 5P3‘'klmg 2?‘ '- P 3 i ' is Qlivefii Cdfiliiac Br§I.1dl’s. 3"“ drama-‘ca Slum’ very ,. ppeperves, Citron, Mustard, and other ‘tile satnl)clC1ll;:é1’TflbbC‘l's8l?)?'$8l)fl gross. and the public .. _;ia Eenersliflre rcspectfull)’ lnVlte(‘lBL(:AI8yX:A:I;lvln:t tat; swine A 31A-Am-,A},eA,,wtiieh. will besold uncora ,A A P. A{lAUR0AAA ,. Aging :1 poreggfre of penngylvania avenue. —-j c,‘ 5200 --REWARD. go" A .4 ‘ ‘b r on the 20thAult with- i‘:.Ai.‘;*i§.£:°;2.;*;:,‘?*§’:;:of s--a 18 A .0 g~._~ -_ ‘. . 6- h 1‘ i'aioer- sgit 9;y¢ans_of ‘E9. about 5 A§e‘AeA:A,te pA (sad (:nbcAA:3i:A01All’;"ctAv,eA HA8 Int} 3 3. . . A‘ . fro“) ‘ . lllcey “"91. ‘lVhef‘".‘5l?°:::nt:r_u on when §:’“’t£J‘al1§l?m§;;;m§lose bodied coat ‘ with ‘3eVeI'}:l .. 05.1‘ z’. ‘ S ta] Ts coarse SW‘ ‘ “lies. in the _sleew=is» ks”-‘3Y Pa" °"“ AA A _. . _ A h. Wm-n.‘ Charles will , « .. ‘ h Eastern" 7 lghably endcavorllosgclt Sr to Charles city, where .d.wi<="*“’“"° 3 ...i is. is taken onto‘ llgghiis. recently ‘$3; $§,00,,Aif taken in Baltimore tlwotsie of MW . . s .- I’ 30 and arm ifliiftlie city of ‘”“’“‘"gt-°"-.i"a‘ii.".‘ali.° éifirea in -jail so l¥l®lllGeoI‘£‘¢-,3 $.90’ pm“ '8 if accustomed '10 $100. . ‘ ii lhM,jgge,t, l'i'im_again., (.harle9;AlA3C‘fist,:,:?.,. ,n‘~tfiil. _ ‘ flflltrfiil ni-as a body 9“"‘“"t’ i3i:N.i.{i.ii<2‘ Y‘-‘U3“’G‘ ‘ “'-_ Vs-.. . . , . '2,‘ ---ti. ' Gears? 3 C°- W’ “E t 2 i [ editor (.:f¥l1€33l"‘l‘m' 1.5 it ‘ “org °€u'e5AnnapOhS pap: ‘nil their . _ .‘50Vé‘ until coilfltt’-“m3"d‘ed’ intxle 7 B. Young. 'l’:~';nce <%eorsf=$- ‘~’-"*~"l . that have been educated at the military~-acadeiny since _ . A its firstA‘establisl_1mcnt, from -the District of Columbia, also of Mame mm the Umgnf S . was disapproved by the AHoAuse, and the proper» - i;- te and territor - and the number that are now {in the Wax ‘to shew It was by a’pm-m‘pt-’ a very ipmmpt’ :1-thy or navy of {lie United States, that have been edu. Te,lCCtl0n Ofthe 3-m3ndmem5- S“-ch Wasithe. ¢°‘."‘5° . Tickets’ 551; to be had at Mr. _Cooper’s Music andBook . ‘ the inforination called for byA.thc resoléiitioii, hadA - already been called for by resolutions of -the from each state and .territor'y the ..Union; the number now at said academy, from the d'istrict,’and from each cated at said academy, and the place or appoiiithient'egcli t academy that are orphans of those who have fallen. in de- fence of their country, or died in its service during the late war ; and the district,‘state or ten-itAory’A(il' there are gny) they are rum. Also, to state thewliole amount'in- cluding‘ pay, subsistence and every other ‘expend, made by the general government, on accountof said.iAnsti- tution, from its first establishment up to the present :time. Mr. Rich-suggested that a part it not most, of House’, of the last and present sessions, and was in part i'endercd ; that a, further Arepoift might be expected in a few days from the War departnient required by the present ‘motion should not be re- . ‘cried it had better lie on the table, which he moved. , _. . . ' . C Mr. Cannon and Mr. Stevens opposed the mo- , tion to lay the resolution on the table, because should the resolution repeat any calll heretofore made, the secretary would report such informa- tion only asshould not have been previously requi- red and rendered, 81c. - S A A A i v _i The question to lay the resolution Otkithe table was agl‘C6(l I0 67 t0 ‘ ‘ A NEW STATES BILL; . « - The House took up the amendments of th Senate to the bill for the admission of Maine-.-y which amcn _ . same bill, the people of Missouri to. form a state ' ' lause to exclude_.v._§1a‘V.el;Y from all north of 36:} degress, of north latitudeexcept the ‘proposed state of Missouri.) ‘ C ’ M,-, Taylariiiovcd that the amendments of the S t be disgreed to by tAheAl-louse. 7 ‘(Azgflf scat: of Missouri moved that they be Shore of M37)" A . . ~ " xand will please in A. q;‘(‘.(}U.!l2$ W imitted to the committee of the i“’h°le> which :(t”I‘n.esent has iu;qder consideration the Missouri‘ 1‘ billof this House ; (Which m°“°“ h3dPr‘?°°d°“°° if t" nto disa rce) . of‘t?)eIllf;:3€;(:3.fn0tiOflSg, and those that are subsc- - -‘ . ndl-animated discus- q.“en,:1y :1-ej1:;(gn€i:)Cl1"~v?lliilc()llugfii‘om the want of room l"(1)(l)‘na’l$1(lle1P repdrli findltlle difllculty °f ’he?.““‘5 r ral of the speakers from the R.3P9".°.‘.l’s .583‘). S—m~ "3' ‘ ' is scarcely more, than -an enumera- lflc ‘°P",“,;‘"§,,,i;.me.i who spoke,and. an indication U9“ 0‘ E21 rgthe rcspectilIBlY~l0Cl{. ' A’ _ of the 5‘ ea; 5y ho ed -the amendments would‘ H0 ilfietted l)f they were it. \V0l-lld be 5°“)? go‘: be’ Cfom the cbuld be acted 1011. 35 tl\.e1‘° W9“: “me b.e ‘org Atjreast ;ifi;~iy- speeches yet to ‘be d!-’-- S h.e bcheve ,-‘:11 'Rcstricti‘ve prlopéléitl-0.£l flow-it 19¢‘ hvemd on gm -‘t-tee i and until T11»?-if P3'°lW-lsitip“ fore iliat_Acom1AIl1 Ongmittce of’ the “,i,o1e,woirld ‘was decided, Q1: Gamm-dmemrs of-.sth,é Senate in not take 1 tih .e'i‘io(liall0We(l tile” law. of ti-,e_mean TJIIIC9 lb: March.) the consent ';~f1’l§Sadi~::: tit: flie iidriiission of Mlai-tic, Wo'uld’ar- om; . .. . P ..giving_ _a ‘distinct and unshackled vote.‘for~Athe ad- mission of ‘Ma’in:e. ’ ‘ " ly ‘wrong not to allow some time to refiect on this subject. The ‘amendmentsif~ii,gr§. l0.Ylf§. and 003‘. l tained':num’e_r‘ous, pfroA\_zisioiis,AA.somc of them of the highest iniport,an"cA.c.,; lhowpwcre.-they to be an opportunity - of- stating, in his place, what he dments propose to authorise, by the [thought of the, conduct of ,the;iS,cnate in this af» ‘fair; ‘and proceeded to retina-rk that he thought it government (without the slave restriction, but Adid'n0t.€lCS‘¢l‘V¢ th*3'.l'¢$P‘€<‘-t Of-lh_-‘13.l‘°“53i bu‘ W35 in favor of -commitment, whichwcre n_0t. at all iinpropcr ones to‘ that body. T he course adopt- fills in said army‘ or navy; also the iiuiuber now at said an amendment was insei-tedA man appropriation b A bill by the Senate, providing for breve-t pay, promise, Whltlrtlle House had _pr.c.viousl.y stricken out. h0P.6dath€1‘¢ Mr. S. rcp.cAaAted that -he was in favor oAfthc com- I iiure promisc,biit he would not give up the; right of S Mr. SiinIcins'conccived itwould be extreme- 0 A He: was in fav,orC,of.th.ecommitment. _ a Mr. Gross, of New York, said,he was glad of Mr. Walker, of N. C. made a few remarks heard. A _ .. .. ~ . Mr. Mercer supported the right ofthc Senate to annex’ anyamcndmcnt to a bill from this House, and that the House had no riight to know the »mfi. tives of the Senate, merely from theprima facie evidence of the amendimcnts ;A ii was not ’ proper to *allude— to them in debate, ijnuchless to‘ irnputef ed by the Senate in this iii$tancAe wasjustilied by the practice of the “lA3_rit‘isAh Parliainent, from which_ our rules of proceeding are drawn; in- Astancc'sA ofwhich Ml‘.,.M. mentioned. ‘He. could ’imagin_c»very strong~‘rcasons,.0f_ the most honor-_ -alfilc Ch3l“2!¢t°?a foriitfie am <=nd.'m 9"“ 9f tlssifienate; but it w‘bs.ln'ot' right that he Should ad-¥f¢;l't}€O them;8t i he co,ii,l‘*clA mi,¢nisi into the examination of views ,s»uch as had been imputed byotherss, ’1;f‘thespro- position from the Schiatc bei,‘aSWaS[Al>€1i6Yed, the olive branch of peace‘ oil thfi most momentous qucsfioti that li:adA‘cver “agitated-tl1e..C0uncils of this nat'io'n‘since tIie,'foundationA;-of the govci:n- jneiit, was it zpropcr thus to treat it"? As to thecasc .stAa'te’d.by' Mr.fStorr’s, the present one This course he thought d ed. a . The qnestionwas then taken on committing the joriiy. bill and ’amendments‘. and decided in the nega- tive, by yeas and nays,AasA follows i: . YEAS—l\iessi-s. Abbot, ‘Alexander, Allen, of Tenn. ‘ Anderson, Archer, ofbid. Archer, of -Va. Barbour,iBay- y, Bl0Ul'Bl¥€l(l,‘BlA'eVal‘(l, Brown, Bryan, Bui-well, Butler f Lou. Cannon, Cobb, Cocke,’Crawford, Crowell, Cul- breth, Culpepper, Cllllll)€l.‘t,, Earle, Edwards, of N (C. Er- _ _ viii, Floyd, Garnett,'I-Iall, of N. C. Hardin, Hooks, Joini- , _ _ \ A» i . . yundlerstood» fromthe single ‘heading of them by son, Jones, of Va. Jones, of Tenn. Keiit,‘Kiii9€.Ys Little, and “mil “ was seen what pan of the lmormauon the Clerk? He wished them to; printed, Ialnd tiine Lowndes, M’Coy, M’ allowed to examine and considgr them‘, a AA c trust- ed that the majority, because" they hail th€A1)0w.*.’ ‘er, would not force members — ‘at, once to AdecAid.6 on so important a matter without. {knowing scarcely g on what it was they were to vote. - The Seflatfi had deemed the two/subjects compatible, _31?d had thought pro.pAerAto joinfthem ;. it was not proper by anypmeaiisto ascribe imprdpcr«inoiivc_s to the Senate, for -so doing.‘ . Respect‘ for the Senate re- quired that t-heir am endinents shoulcl not be treat.- ed with so much pliecipitationsj and so little dfiff‘-I“ cncc. W p thirty years. ' . The, moti W; ;. and an that A had been done. would ‘it . 1°‘-’*‘n _ hoped tll;f.‘«lA‘Cf01'C rim «.1-.‘.:. imlfd act l bf°1‘¢' so 803* °fiii=i1vss* to its that We a i’ii%i-12.-sioii members‘, pnrlicularly interested in the admission stickeii from the Abill; li.5iS_a.A111f§¥_l%fi.'p:‘°!l]'-iel u 7 s.-inf Messrs. W7iitin'nAn,_ I.f£«i~erAiiit;rcA,A;;andA . closes, cause they were opposed tq any delay, as it might endanger the‘ fate of the-3/laine bill. th€Y- desirediio, have-.scp'aratAed Affom the other suAh3c;¢;t. iniHt€'dlhfeljV,A and d‘ispo‘scd‘~ of as p.isiiceA aii:iA1:l‘a’ir"’-- y-nessrcgiiired. - 2 ' ' . " ' C U! C v ti . Whic.h morass caiiaica, is iiig-.;il;i7.,;,j.,l Col. ClarlAi_c’As reginie_iit,iii-..tlie rcuolufonfifjr-‘lfir His " spoke more than two hours" irictipn.‘ ' ' same side, and spoke about hal _X’ win he sold, on Tuesday next, the Qldlinsff; Wm. F. lloltzniap, ‘consisting of beds,bedsteads;_A AA hairs, tables, one ten plate’ stove,a_iiAd many7_o,qiep %. cles too numerous to ipeptioii.‘_‘ ‘Sale to epni ' nee . o’c'iock. a. m. on the“ pl:’e"'xni.s_e§, in I8ftli_s'i the Centre Malrket. _'_ . '1 ‘ . - 11 ‘*'‘‘‘ ,A\~‘”_.‘ A . . -5);. .3- -.'fz*i:i . 'I‘lie bil1'fro‘m_thc Senate confirming‘. A A A, l f land,‘ was ifcad the third, time. ind: 9 A ‘ \ Mr .M‘Coy moved .tlie.,._cons‘ider . .. 9' i-.. t .' * 1- . inotioii to consider was lost‘ by.;a. _i~.igs,ma, The house then l‘€_.S.tlHl:§A3(Al,,' ' pot? the liolé. Mr. Baldwin in the ..cliair, ,.tl1c considers-. on of this bill,Aa.:id the proposed ';.,. Mr. .1’lume=t;, of New I_i3,inpAshi§e,- . . . . . ‘ . -1 f i‘.‘'’‘* ‘-"(:4/’. in ii»; Edwiirds, of Cont‘i§;';l.I_t‘.iit_ ofollpwcdton thg. ; so The coininittee.rosc;_. and_ A the House adjourned, ,, ‘A '. ,, s , , C()NS1‘AlliZl§’.S slice. ‘ ' 11‘: _~ Ar}! iii . cash, all the household and? kitciien-furniture-of. A v u. . AJ‘ ’ ;." I feb 1:9-+31»: 0 t A ' ,. i .. lei! ‘ 1. ON 'l‘iiesday the 22d, insti. ,a'1’If2To‘clo¢lc, i>.ua1Lie‘S1.iLiii.,‘. if , ‘ as p-.- ‘b. X . 3, near the Geiiera{».Ep.sg_O »._.,,*Ai§:,,;o,o-mi , N o. 5, with ,a congAeni_en_t iijrain h_%:“aiid fkiytcheh; the,r‘éon.': Likewise, all the house ti} he _&c'.§ 'I'erms.casli. W s '- " i . ‘inn. ma. ii1ifi'r:s,a;im’i~., S l 3.? G"-‘,2...-..."4:,_,«.‘Z saith-.w-sin arm . zors, sports-men's knives, pen l!!llAVA83sAh‘t_ A horsewhips, mock shell high i'opf and A, English -.—si’lver watches, French gold inst‘. std o’<‘:lor:.k- preci'se‘.ly,' V‘Z~ " V, ii;aisho.ii’e..- Washington? .-5-ésr on onT’Ci’3'n; . _ S h , Patterson. Phelps, Philsoir, Pitcher, li_inier,.R.ich, Ricli- fab 1.5- - - ~ - 9:‘: " “Kg” sto ‘ed. la -thew eakerl as we expressions ;~ds_ Richmond Rogers, Ross, Russ, Sanipson Ser-A » . -* 1. r '=’.“- ~“ .-. lied: applilad tothepother bi-ancli of the Legisla-J geaiit, Segtgeafiilssofefia S10*St'ti(»)*A_:fl13§:lA:=en5'l“l(§tl3sV‘:f - AA pUBL.l.(.3...9AA_L,ES._..A s’ tune‘ were out of order. A Mitt, then remarked, t §A.YA _§:AeAi:s,TayleAAA. T0u.ArAA;s0nAA T%’;npkAAAs;A This Day’ at U -0A.dAoAckA’ Ag” mg. A that, come from‘where it might, the amendment T1._aCyA’Upham, van Rensselaer, Wallace, Wendoi'er,’ C By Joltn Peabody, '3ductionceAr.A. ;_ ~,A_A was an sttempts to _coerce _,t_h¢;InembCI‘S 95 Ihls Whitman, Woo,d—-107. A - ' A ATthe Bridge so-eet Auction Rooms ‘willrbe sold sign H0\lS§i»3“d. h9d°C1dedly disapproved Of 119 316- Mr. Smyth, of Va. then moved to lay the 3- ._extensive variety of .seas_oiiab:e ‘goods, viz, 5 Blue, brown aiidf n'iix_t Cloths, _Mars.*ilacs,Y ’_ ' Cambrics, Cravatin s, Handkerchiefs,_Sliawls. Ii'i,sh l,l'£—i,Aii‘-7’ ens, Cassimerés, A A _ A ‘ Musli'n‘s, Dlmities, i bale iiidla cisttonsgwlsck flgilh vets, Sarcenets, Battinet l’,.ace,‘ABilk’