This collection is comprised of images pertaining to the social and political lives of African Americans. The collection is divided into four series: Political, Lifestyle, Advertising
and Entertainment. The majority of the images are of 19th century origin and were published in major magazines at the time, such as Harpers Illustrated, Puck and Ladies Home Journal. Major artists include Nast and Sheppard.
Political cartoon illustrated by T.H. Nash. "A Government of the people, for the people, and by the people" - that can not protect the people, shall perish from the earth.
"GO ON" -- U. S. Grant
The constitution of the United States must and shall be preserved - and protected.
H. G. "Let us clasp hands over the bloody chasm." "A Great Victory has been won in Georgia..... The verdict in Georgia is certainly conclusive." - New York Tribune, October 3, 1872. Political cartoon illustrated by T. H. Nast.
British Lion (to Lord D - Unicorn). "What! give up the Fugitive Slave, and not the Criminal Fugitive!"
Political Cartoon
Wilful Slavery Makes Woful Suffering. Colored Labor to White Labor. "No sooner am I really set free than you enslave yourselves, at the expense of your families too." Political cartoon illustrated by T. H. Nast.